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Quantitave/IQ (30 questions)

1. Complete the Series.

90 09 70 07 30 03 01….? (10)
2. Which number should be added to 18:22 so that the ratio becomes 3:2. (15)
3. Add first 15 natural numbers and find the average? (8)
4. If a = 6 then a + a2 + a3 equals to? (258)
5. What comes next?
6. 1225 * 1225 =? (1500625)
7. A lady bought a laptop at Rs. 29250 with a discount of 35%. What is its original price?
8. If cost of meat per kg is 240 per kg and shopkeeper provides discount of 15% on every
3kg. What will be cost of 4 kg of meat? (852)
9. What will come next?
H-K-N–Q-? (T)
10. Distribute 5000 among three friends in ratio of 1:2:3. What will be the greatest share?
11. Price of sugar A is 60 per kg and sugar B is 50 per kg, in what ratio both these should be
mixed that price will be 56 per kg? (4:3)
12. Odd one out? 3-5-7-9 (9)
13. HCF of 54 45 24 (3)
14. 6A 10Y 4B 12X 2C 14W 0D 16V….? What comes next? (-2E)
15. 9/27, 27/9,? (81/3)
16. If 7x = 3y and 5y = 7z then X/Z? (3/5)
17. 40 students appeared in an exam and only 8 failed the exam then what % of the
students passed? (80%)
18. There are 25 workers in the first unit and there are total 8 units. If there are 4 more
workers in each unit than the previous one, then average workers in each unit will
19. Cardio: R of Amna is 15:12 and that of Baber is 17:16, whose ratio is higher? (Baber)
20. Average of 1+9+11+19+21+29+31+39+41+49 is? (25)
21. Which is not a prime number? 41 51 47 49 (51)
22. .
23. .
24. .
25. .
26. .
27. .
28. .
29. .
30. .
GK portion.
1. Guddu Barrage is located in ---------- (Sindh)
2. Last emperor of Mughal Empire …………… (Bahadur Shah Zafar)
3. Highest wicket taker in ODI --------------- (Wasim Akram)
4. K2 is also known as ------------------- (Godwin Austin)
5. “Malakhara” ------------ (Wrestling)
6. PIA aircraft -------- (ATR 42)
7. 1st capital of Pakistan ---------- (Karachi)
8. City which is called “Little Tibet” ----------------- (Skardu)
9. Olympics games are played after ------------- (4 years)
10. National Tree of Pakistan ------------- (Deodar)
11. Panama Leaks law firm name ------------ (Mosasack Fonseca)
12. TAPI gas pipeline country ---------------- (Turkmenistan)
13. Resolution of Senate to withdraw notes -------------- (5000)
14. Content banned by Pemra -------------- (Indian)
15. Pakistan Currently playing Cricket series with -------------- (Australia)
16. Which country ambassador killed in Turkey --------------- (Russian)
17. Which conference cancelled in November 2016 ------------- (SAARC)
18. Acquisition of Summit Bank ------------------ (Sindh Bank)
19. Joint exercises of Pakistan and ------------------- (Russia)
20. Largest export trade partner of Pak ------------- (EU)
21. Highest sector contributor to GDP ------------ (Service)
22. Estimate labor force of Pak ------------------ (57)
23. Pakistan has not been granted loan by -------------- (ECO)
24. Which entity offered 40% for bidding -------------- (PSX)
25. PSX set record in Dec 2016 as index reached ---------- (47000)
26. Foreign reserves of Pakistan in Dec 2016 ------------- (23 billion)
27. Which is not exported by Pak ---------------- (TEA)
28. IDEAS 2016, which country sign agreement to buy 52 Super Mushshak ------------
29. Pakistan is not a member of ---------------- (ASEAN)
30. Green color with white crescent in Pak flag represents ---------- (Muslims)

Sentence Correction (These are the correct options)

1. I need not explain anything, my behavior speaks for itself.
2. In this document lie the clauses that make us liable.
3. ................ he had to walk.
4. If he had worked hard, he would not have failed
5. You are planning a Thailand trip. Doesn't it make sense to hire a guide?
6. She is finding it difficult to cope with situation.
7. We cannot always express ourselves in simple sentences.

1. Penny for your thoughts

(When you want to know what another person is thinking)
2. Out of the blue
3. Scratch someone’s back
Do someone a favor in hopes that a favor will be returned
4. Miss the boat
To lose an opportunity
5. Fine tooth comb
Examine in great detail
6. Every cloud has a silver lining
Every bad situation has some good aspect to it
7. Read between the lines
Look for or discover a meaning that is hidden


1. Sage (Smart)
2. Candid (Truthful)
3. Amalgamate (Merge)
4. Desist (Discontinue)
5. Ascend (Climb)
6. Voracious (Greedy)
7. Correspondence (Communication)


1. Quiescent (Active)
2. Stringent (lenient)
3. Trivial (Essential)
4. Industrious (Passive)
5. Collusion (Disagreement)
6. Provocation (Pacification)
7. Captivate (Depressing)

One Word Substitutes

1. Government run by single person ----- Autocracy

2. A thing perceptible by touch ------- Tangible
3. One who acts very carefully ------ Prudent
4. Formal expression of disapproval ----- Reprimand
5. Attentive and concerned about details ----- Fastidious
6. One who studies/knows foreign languages ----- Polyglot
7. Person having more than usual skills in every field ---- Exceptional

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