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People in the ancient times used to practise management in different ways.

They had
techniques for business, facing disasters, during constructions and collecting taxes.
Here we can see that the presence of management practices in different aspects of
ancient civilization.All the sources of this antiquity report has taken from online.


Ancient The Roman
Egyptian Civilization The Greeks China
(AFTER 1000 Sumerians ( 3000 (BEFORE
(3000 B.C.- 1000B.C) (1000 B.C. - (1500B.C. -
B.C.– 500 A.D.) B.C. - UPTO 500A.D
UPTO 500 UPTO 2500 B.C.) -BEFORE 1500
B.C.) 1000AD)

Egyptian Civilization

We can say that project management is as old as the history of pyramids. Ancient
Egypt showed great prosperity on canal management, distribution of Nile water,
irrigation and human resource management. Documents of workers presence was
found in the ancient Egypt. Forecasting, planning, division of labour, command
hierarchy was also present in the state of ancient Egypt. Pyramids show a proper
execution of project management.
The Greeks (800 BC - 400 BC)

The Greeks played a vital role in the field of civilization. Civilization comes with
management. No doubt these two things are interrelated. Greece was famous,
populated and had a very good communication system. They constructed roads for
people which was vastly connected with other empires. This adequate road and flow
of information system promotes business among them. Great scholars Socrates,
Aristotle and Plato was born in this land. Greek government focused on the
improvement of managerial improvement based on Socrates’s theory and division of
labour was invented based on Plato’s theory. As the slave system was demolishing,
the degree of freedom of work was rising.

Ancient China

In china early managerial applications were observed between dynasties of Shang

and Zhou. The applications of cost control, centralization, employee training,
inspection, wealth distribution got attention during this period. The famous book “
ART OF WAR” by Sun Tzu was written during this period. This book is still
considered as bible of strategic management. Though it focused on war but it can be
used in marketing and management. It also focused on macro and micro planning in
the field of war. Moral, ethics and social responsibility was vastly mentioned in the
work of Confucius. Corporate social responsibility is the brain child of Confucius.

Venetian Management
Venetian management was ahead of their time. They were famous for their arsenal
management. They used to maintain their war ships, horses and inventory in such a
way that reflect transparency and accountability. The command hierarchy was based
on order, prizes and punishments. The reward system was introduced at that time.
Forecasting was vastly used in war expenses. This was the first step towards modern
accounting and management system.


The Sumerians were consisted of 4 major cities and controlled by one king. Which
indicates the centralization of power. It also helped promoting the small business. The
flow of information and good communication systems also helped the civilization to
The Roman

The Romans were vastly used the motivation theory among the soldiers. They used to
celebrate goal achievement and boosting moral among the troops. Their order
hierarchy was king Central and religious matters was not that much effective here.


Among all the civilization there is one thing in common. They were business centric,
one ruler and war among the people. Considering all these they were not fully
functional. So they used to gain speciality in different aspects. Among all them I liked
the Chinese dynasty most. The art of war and Confucianism theory is still playing a
vital role among the people. I think this will also be cultured in future as well.


1) Roser, C., 2013. Ancient Roman Management Techniques | Allaboutlean.Com. [online] Available at: <> [Accesed 7 july,

2) History Discussion - Discuss Anything About History. 2020. Sumerian Civilization And It's
Contributions. [online] Available at: <
civilization-notes-on-the-contributions-of-the-sumerian-civilisation/1899> [Accessed 17 July 2020].

3) Saatci, E., 2014. Management through the Lenses of Ancient People. International Journal of
Social Science and Humanity, 4(5), pp.349-353.

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