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Unit @ © again, one more time This book is good. Let's read it again. This animal is a lion. — play time between lessons It's break now. Let's go to the playground. sada @ group of children in school We are in Class 3 cL aifficutt \F) This sum is very di ficult. |ean't dott. © easy | 10 This sum isvery easy, |B | lean do t The football game was fast and very exciting, = ca This interesting book tells you all about space. k know to have information about something Do ypu know what this plant is? | tate after the right time School starts at eight. It's quarter past eight. We are late. to understand and remember something Today we [earned a song in English and Jean sing tt. when a teacher teaches a class We learned about plants in our science Pe now: at this time Now the children are on the bus. to go and see We visited my uncle yesterday W want The little girl There are not many to help someone The fireman saved the boy from the fire. Unit @ . ahove = By The bird ts above the flower. Sam walked across the road. angry very, very cross The flowers are growing below the window. The window is broken. 7 a the sound a hen makes s The hen clucked at the duck. to come to a place again Can we go to the park? Yes, but please come back at four o'clock not pleased You are late again lam cross. down The sa looked. down, =, ducklings walked ee behind. the mother duck. very, very big A whale is an enormous animal. in all places There are animals everywhere on this farm. | Gingide) in something We opened the box and. we saw a. crown inside. The children had a It rained and we went inside our house. fun at the farm. 9 iat ms Ree a very big person The giant jumped over the house. nN Ge eS Gin P pick up very good Please pick uy We had a oven day at the beach. ie at P What happened? | Fell. down. 2 to be happy about something We gave flowers to Mum and she was pleased. = Look at the licle in my sock! not having a lot of money Me Brown cannot buy a new coat. a a ETE pee where you live in “roar” We all go home after school. ahead lion makes The huge lion soared and. we were scared. S Gell) to get money take: to have something with you for something a! and go Mrs Green sells cakes in her shop Take your books home today, very bad This work is terible, Please do it again. to let someone “time” see something hours and minutes Ben showed his book to Grandma. Thelma ws twWeidelock: Mr Brown. has two sons. the top of the hill. to make a noise Thunder sometimes sounds very loud. different and exciting ah Our science lesson was special. It was on @ farm! = Bi di aS two days in the week when "surprised many people do not work Anna. opened the box Dad plays football at the weekend. and she was very surprised, Unit © b pete) SS fires is eS, ra ee. doing a lot of things Mum was busy in the kitchen today, C =D fest Van hear thundes — $4 “centimetre cd. different) not the same These birds are dif ferent. tall The wall is high. We can't climb over tt ia work aS My father is a. doctor and Please put everything his job Is interesting, in the box. — iy 7. metre” 100 centimetres ~ a ol =r give money for something The carpenter mended the gate today. Now | ean pay him “ ¢ a long tube Pipes bring water into our houses -_ eo say ee This parrot can say hello. = Protect your head. dil this hat. having a lot of money Mr Brown is rich. He can pay for anew car. to talk Mr Brown speaks quietly, to be in a place for a time | stey with my grandmother in the summer. an object There were lots of liseli [pL the table, 7 clothes worn by a group of people These firemen wear trousers, jackets and yellow helmets tis thetr uni form, This dlock is upside-down. for using often “<5 A rubber is useful when you are drawing there isn't a bridge here > —é Mum works in a hospital. She likes her work. Mr Brown is worried about his window. Unit @ ©. go) in the past ‘The carpenter mended the gate two weeks ago. Be care ul when you cross the road. a way of putting on TV programmes Which channel do you watch? Jalways watch the sports channel. to take something and not other things You can choose a cake from the plate. a test or game to find the winner at something Ben came first in the sports competition, @ person who does something first This astronaut is a pioneer in space. strong material ‘The plumber fixed the water. He used. plastic. something you watch on TV Yesterday we watched. 4 programme about lions. to place something Ben put his book in his bag, = OFS = © {travel to go from one place to another place In the summer we trayel to the mountains. I visited. Grandma. yesterday. There were lots of visitors, a group of letters that has a meaning There are lots of words in this dictionary 365 days Amy little brother ts one year old. Unit @ Q GER “cylinder, ID later than Maths is ater English today. horrid, not good The weather is bad and we ean' go “digital: to the beach. using numbers > a This digital camera © camera fos does not use film. oO A ® Sam's hands are dirty © expensive “cheaper costing a lot costing less money than of money That game costs £10. This game costs This car is very expensive £7.Iis cheaper : F face) “colourful Anna's gota happy having lots of face today different colours : This bird is very colourful, SS ‘These shoes cost. a lot of money. before other things It's time for lunch but first wash your hands, please. without folds faz or bumps This field ts very flat. — U Ginvent: to make something different and new Thomas Edison invented the phonograph. to ask someone lots of questions The children interviewed the farmer about his work. “a "ipod isa trademark of Apple ne ML machine something that does things or makes things for people This ts a washing machine. PL next: coming after This isn’t our bus. Our bus is next. no more than There is only one cake on the plate ™ @ modern song with a strong beat; the singer speaks the words There are some great raps on this CD. to put sound or pictures onto a disc or tape Dad recorded the TV sports programme. Let's watch the football match again. not sensible An intermew with a cow isa silly idea, words that someone sings Anna is singing a. song {together with another person or people The children went to school together Unit @ . ‘edaess) where a person lives Alfie's address ts 14, Pond Street. surprising and pleasing Our holiday in Russia. was amazing, b ‘believe: to think something is true My little brother can count to 1000. I don’t believe you! to go round in a circle The roundabout is turning very Fast V video. to record something happening My uncle videoed my birthday party. the sound when someone speaks My dad speaks with a loud voice. very bright The stars are brilliant in the sky at night a gold-coloured metal A bronze medal is for the third winner well done You are the winners. Congratulations! oe © ‘each, every person, every thing Each child in class 3 has got a new book. another person The children help each other in the lessons. something you like more than all the others Ben likes skiing and tennis but his favourite sport is judo to have Ben got anew computer game forhis bithday, to become My little brother got tired at the park so we went home. to want something to happen and believe that it can happen Jhope we win the competition. cl lots of countries doing something together This international competition has teams from forty countries J Gudo l to go without taking something You. can leave your bag in the classroom. at break, a written message or information that you send to someone Ben was ill last week and his mother sent. a letter to his teacher. good things happening Good tuck tn your new school nap 5 P prize something you get for doing well Anna. won firstprze for her Fantastic project to be able to think of something We sang a song today but! can't remember the words. “Russia {too also, as well We are going to the park. You can come, too. to make someone or something W well go somewhere aneraaid Ben often sends letter to his grandfather. Sam. was in hospital but now he is well. — to come first Fan Anna. always wins the chess competition. Would you like some juice ae e and some biscuits? unit @ © carriage f fight) aaa. to push and hit someone d. dinosaur There is only one car ee and. the boys are fighting about it © engine 9 Gp to go to a place We get to school at eight o'clock. Ben catches fish but sometimes they get away. to make the sound of an angry animal The dog growled at the thief. h. Romework school work you do at home Sam. does his homework in his bedroom. to go quickly We are late for school and we must hurry. \- (tke What does he lok like? He is tall and thin. need to You must look before you cross the road. speaking nicely He always says please and thank you. He is very polite. 0 ready The taxt is here. Are you ready? Yes, Ive got my coat and my bag, | am ready, Let's go something you must or must not do Do your homework every day, Do not come to school late. These are the rules. to go somewhere or do something quickly Don't rush into the playground. Don’t rush your homework. S$. slam to shut something with a loud noise Ben was angry and he slammed the door. to stay in one place The car stopped next to the shop. "strange the place where they sell tickets different and surprising We can buy tickets at the ticket office A graffe has a very long neck and it isa strange animal. aD = a person that WwW meee takes people’s things The thie? took some money from the house. Unit @ ©. around) all round to find and stop someone At break the children ran around. We must caich the thief. the sister of your mother or to have tears father coming from i your eyes Aunt Jemima St marae ee The film was very sad and Mona. cried, C cafe. 1¢ i the glas: onto the floor. all people ‘Everyone must do the homework’ said Miss Carey f find to look for something and see it Ben can't find his English book. ‘aor wat ao top of water The leaves are floating on the pond. what you walk on in a building The floor in the mall is clean and shiny, | nto, to the inside of something They walked into the castle | deft the opposite side to the right In the mall, the shoe shop is on the left. not to be able to find something When you lose a. book, you must Look for tt M7 ‘matt a very large building with lots of shops inside not in the correct place The crown is not in the box. It is missing, © outside not in a building but near it It ts sunny. Let's play outside. “past by The swans swam at the children. P tight) the side opposite the left Look right and. you can see the river to go a long way fast The ducklings see us then they run away —— @ sound you make when you cry water that falls from My sister dropped. her ice cream. Then. your eyes when you cry we heard. a quiet sob. He cried and big tears rolled. ee = down his face to use money to buy things UW uncle Ben spends a lot on. computer games the brother of your mother or = father “suddenly Uncle Jim ts Dad's brother. happening quickly Suddenly, lightning flashed. across the sky, Unit @ Can | have another cake, please? 8 ns a the space all around us We cannot play outside because Wave your arms in the air. It is raining, annoy © enjoy to make to like very much someone cross | enjoy swimming and | swim every day, Tom was late and he annoyed his teacher. to walk behind ib another person She is following her brother. J ep a happy feeling Crandma had a lot of oy on her birthday be careful Mind outl A big lorry ts coming very fast. @ person who plays music The musician is playing the guitar. aman, a woman, a boy or a girl A tall person was standing under the tree. certain Im sure this ts my bag, It has my name init. W why for what reason Why are you laughing? Im laughing because this book is funny, Unit © b Baker ae someone who makes bread a tower in London with a big bell inside. You can see Big Ben in London, something with walls and a roof There are many different buildings in the city. The old. houses burned. quickly Anna. closed the door because she was cold. to go across Be careful when. you cross the road © every each one Every child in this school learns maths. f famous lots of people know about it Big Ben is a famous bullding. h (Reavy) weighing a lot Crandma, cannot carry her bag. It is heavy, | eave) go away from We leave the city in the summer and we go to the sea. M. (mayor) He helps the people in a town or city and tells them what to do. The mayor visited our school and. gave us some new books 0 ‘other, different | don't like this dress. | like the other dress. goes past The bus passes our house every day. to pull something until it falls down The farmer pulled down the old barn, then he put up a new one. U (rest) a break Break time is a rest from lessons. someone who lives in another person’s house and works there all day The baker had a servant and. she cleaned the kitchen. to begin You can siari your homework now. can ride on in London ee a big wheel you @ tall tower in London the old London home of English kings the third season of the year Some trees drop their leaves in autumn. b bring to take something to someone or somewhere Please bring your homework to me tomorrow; said Miss Carey 1,000 There are thousands of elephants tn Africa. all the cars, lorries, a buses, bikes, vans and taxis The traffic is always noisy when you travel for a short time We en joyed our trip on the river in a. very fast boat. to be as heavy as The bag weighs twenty kilos an old a in London Ww a a the name for a king in China The emperor was very rich and. strong. f festival a time when there are singers, dancers, musicians and artists and many people watch them There will be drummers and dancers at the festival this year. burning lights that fly up into the sky and show different colours Some fireworks are really noisy! enormous Ben drew a picture of « giant fish, “<¥ These two birds are the same. a time of the year Autumn is my favourite season. a servant who cannot leave the person he works for Rich people bought slaves in the market. the first season of the year In spring the new plants show. avery small river Lots of frogs live in this stream the hot season We go on holiday in the summer. {theatre a building where you can see a play Actors work in a theatre. W winter the cold season In winter it sometimes snows. Unit @ C dose) very near The cat is walking close to the wall, d. Bub, a big city in the United Arab Emirates F faitastie) not real, from a story or a dream There were lots of fantastic animals inthe film. to change in some way The weather gets warmer in spring, shining brightly The glittering stars make the sky beautiful MM. (Moscow > a very big city in Russia n a very big city in America a a very big city in France a very big city in China wn u

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