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Impacts of using Social Media

In academic excellence of the students

of Stella Maris School

A Baby Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of Stella Maris School

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for English 10

Aguilar, Samantha Bianca S.
Lim, Chasey Austin
Tamayosa, Mary Jean T.

Chapter 1


The purpose of this study was to examine the impacts of using Social Media in the academic
excellence to the students of Stella Maris School, year 2020. In this case study, it depends on
how a student has affected their study time, poor grammar and wrong spellings. It focused on
student’s academic performance .It’s like a parental failure to provide attention for a child.
Using social media means seeking attention. The student of Stella Maris School discovered
that using social media can be used to connect with other people to make friends and to
communicate with others. The result of this study found that the students of our campus have
beware from the impacts of using social media.
1.1 Objectives of the Study

 To determine the different impacts of using social media in the academic excellence to
the students of Stella Maris School.
 To ascertain how to use of social media has influence the academic performance of the
students of Stella Maris School.
 To stop and prevent to the students Stella Maris School of addictiveness of social media
and the influence on their excellence.

1.2 Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will examine the students of Stella Maris School who use social media like
Facebook, Twitter, Youtube , Instagram and etc.

1.3 Significance of the Study

Through this research study the readers will obtain new knowledge and find possible solution
and the importance of the impacts of using Social Media to the academic excellence of
students in Stella Maris School.

1.4 Definition of Terms

 Obtain- To gain or attain usually by planned action or effort.

 Ascertain-To find out or learn with certainty.
 Partial-Tending to treat one person, group or thing

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