DAY 3 Session 2 Quiz Questions

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DAY 3 Session 2 Quiz Questions

Fundamentals of Sensors

1. A sensor converts a simple electric circuit into a ……….. Electric circuit.


2. The sensor is used for …………… any specific physical quantity.

Only detecting
Only Controlling
Both detecting as well as Controlling

3. What is the operating voltage of an Infrared (IR) sensor?

4.5V to 5.5 V
0V to 5 V
0V or 5 V

4. Using Infrared (IR) sensor, it is possible to …….

Detect any obstacle
Find the distance between sensor and obstacle
Control the obstacle
All the above

5. Using Ultrasonic sensor, it is possible to …….

Detect any obstacle
Find the distance between sensor and obstacle
Control the obstacle
All the above
6. Which type of sensor is the best suitable for line follower robot?
Infrared (IR) Sensor
Ultrasonic sensor
Flame sensor
Temperature sensor

7. Which sensor is the best suitable for vehicle/car parking and robotic arm
movement applications?
Infrared (IR) Sensor
Ultrasonic sensor
Flame sensor
Temperature sensor

8. The sensor which can produce both digital as well as analog output is ……..
Infrared (IR) Sensor
Ultrasonic sensor
Flame sensor
Temperature sensor

9. To find the presence of living things (Human beings, dogs and birds), which
sensor can be used?
Passive Infrared Sensor
Ultrasonic sensor
Pulse Sensor
Moisture sensor

10. The number of pins in different sensors modules such as IR Sensor and
Ultrasonic Sensors are ………. respectively.
Three and Three
Four and Four
Three and Four
Four and Three

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