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Name : Arun Kumar A

edx Username : arunatEDX

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ENGY0x Energy Principles and Renewable Energy


The city Delhi is the capital of India. Delhi is the leading state in the India to formulate Islanding

structure to encounter the crucial and critical load in case of emergencies due to Grid collapse. It

has also introduced structural reforms which results in reduction of percentage of load shedding

to lower than 0.1 % and saved 17 % of the total budget amount per annum. The city has the

following objectives:

Improvement in Environmental Impact: The Air Quality Index is poor for Delhi in recent years.

This is due to industries, conventional types of power plants and others. The predominant

objective for the city is to limit the emission from various sources especially from pollution less

power generation plants.

Reducing the cost of electricity: The fuel cost for coal based power plants is higher than

renewable energy sources like solar and wind. The city has been receiving power from several

power stations such as Gas, Naptha and Diesel based power stations. There is a necessity to shift

from higher cost power generation technique to lower cost power generation technique

Development of Infrastructure: The green power generation technology plays a vital role in

addressing many problems. The development of infrastructure facilities for employing Solar PV

system at ground mounted and rooftop panels is required for to address technical issues.
The city has the installed capacity of 2212 MW from coal based Gas bases Power stations, 52

MW from Biomass, only 2 MW from solar and no power generation from Wind. Altogether the

total installed capacity is 2266 MW. The city Delhi has the maximum demand of 4,655 MW in a

day. It is the largest city which has more than 28.5 million people. Towards energy efficient

measure, the Delhi is the leading state, since this is the first state in India which has energy

efficient secretariat with the help of Solar Energy. Similarly, by Street Light National Progaram

(SLNP), the state especially in South Delhi the older high power consuming lights have been

replaced by less power consuming energy efficient LED lights. Delhi faces frequent power

quality issues like voltage variation in LT consumers from -6% to 6% and in HT consumers

from -9% to 6%, voltage unbalance limit and harmonics at 66 kV lines. To implement effective

control and to improve the competition, the Delhi state power system has reformed into six

different monitoring bodies in 2003. Theses bodies will be monitor and control generation,

transmission and distribution of Delhi state. A survey has reported that, the tariff for all the

customers need to be reduced. Apart from these Delhi is also facing the issue of Air Pollution.

Recently the government introduced “Odd-Even Scheme” to control air pollution in the city. As

per the scheme, odd numbered vehicle and even numbered vehicle can travel on the road on

alternate days. So, the power stations which cause air pollution is to be controlled quickly.

The Delhi Power system can be supported more by Solar power generation stations. The Solar

PV system is advantageous for the city in several aspects such as reduction in electricity

generation cost, produces lesser pollution and also the power station can be built in short time.

Also the wind flow in Delhi state is reasonable to build wind farm in the outer area of the city.

Solar PV system can also be installed along with Battery Energy Storage System (BESS).

Worldwide the Electric Vehicle (EV) is going to be popularized and the country like India has
framed many policy decisions to promote EVs. So to build charging stations through the city, the

solar PV system along with battery storage system will greatly help the city.

When the power system expansion takes place the contribution from conventional power plants

would be reduced. There is no possibility to stop construction the new power station from

conventional type. The predominant factors like process efficiency, ability of bulk power

production and reliability are good for conventional plants. So the optimum value of contribution

from Solar PV system and conventional power stations is calculated. Certainly, the capital cost

will be increased for Solar PV system along with battery sources; however the emission of

harmful pollutant is negligible. Thus the environment will be greatly supported to prevent from

pollution. In India, one of the state Rajasthan has reported the lowest cost (Rupees. 2.44/Unit,

Rupees is an Indian Cost) for power production using solar PV system. And another state in

India namely Tamilnadu where they implememnted Solar PV system effective at the place

Kamuthi with the rating of 648 MW. Through that they achieved the energy cost from Rupees

7.01/unit to Rupees 4/unit. The above suitable technology can be implemented in Delhi to reduce

the cost of electricity compared with current status. It is clear that, the solar PV system can

reduce cost of energy as well as emission. During the evening peak time Battery Energy storage

system can greatly help the Grid by getting stored in the day time. Nowadays, Grid scale battery

is installed at many places. So, the implementation of Solar PV system along with Grid scale

battery will greatly support the grid in several technical aspects. More importantly the

penetration of solar PV system must be calculated with a robust technique. To achieve the

optimum allocation and planning of establishing power system suitable software such as LEAP

and energyplan can be used.

In India, the Grid scale battery has been been installed in Delhi at first with a rating of 10 MW.

The BESS can help the system to overcome from several power quality issues. Mainly, the

voltage fluctuation and the problems associated with voltage will be controlled by BESS along

with power electronic controllers. Since, BESS is charged/stored in day time and the usage of

stored power during the peak hours will support the Grid in peak hour load management. The

report of many studies is clearly shows that, majorly, BESS can help the Delhi power system in

power management, operational flexibilities and integration of renewable energy sources to the

grid. The BESS is manufactured as modular form. So the capacity addition and reduction is

possible. This feature is increased the adoptability of BESS throughout the Delhi power system.

Apart from the technical aspects BESS produces lesser pollution than in Delhi than other

conventional power plants. The sufficient infrastructure facility must be created to manufacture

the BESS in the city, similarly a policy is designed in such a manner that the consumer gets

incentives for usage of BESS in large industries. The subsidy for EVs can largely support

consumers to change from conventional vehicles. On following the subsidy policy in Delhi

consistently for a period of more than five years, the load factor will get improved and the

environment will be polluted in lesser manner.

The capital of the country India is witnessed the challenges in power system and environment

aspects. The detailed analysis of Delhi power system is presented. The contribution all the

different types of power station is analyzed for meeting the demand. The causes for pollution in

Delhi were addressed. The possible solutions were given to reduce the cost generation, to reduce

the pollution in environment and also to eliminate the currently experiencing the power quality

issues. The impact of installing the Solar PV system at many places is presented. The impacts on

cost and environment are analyzed. The importance of BESS is emphasized. The area in which

BESS can support the system is presented. The optimal implementation and expansion plan of
Solar PV system along with BESS will help the system to address most of the problems not

limited with cost, environment and power quality issue in Delhi power system.


1. Bhuvanesh, A., Christa, S. J., Kannan, S., & Pandiyan, M. K. (2018). Aiming towards
pollution free future by high penetration of renewable energy sources in electricity generation
expansion planning. Futures, 104, 25-36. doi:10.1016/j.futures.2018.07.002

2.Achievements of Delhi state:
3. A report of Energy policy review:

4. A report on Power Quality of Electricity Supply to the Consumers.
5.Daily operation report on Northern region
6.Webiste of Government of India.

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