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Name: Veltri/ELA

Book Talk Brainstorm
Take notes and brainstorm ideas

Grab your listener’s attention with an enthusiastic opener, like a question or fun fact. Then, share
your name, the book title, author, genre, & why you choose this book to read.

Write at least 5 sentences that tell about the main character, setting, main conflict (problem),
minor characters, & big events. No spoilers!

Tell your favorite part of the book and why. Then, explain what types of reader would enjoy this
book. Finally, end with a catchy or enticing cliffhanger, like a question.

Book Talk Draft

Turn your brainstorm into a draft. Take your notes and turn them into complete and
thoughtful sentences. Add transitions and details.




Book Talk Self-Assessment

Reflect on your effort & success. How do you think you did with this activity?

Before starting:
1. What is the purpose of participating in a book talk with peers?
After completing the brainstorm:
2. How did the Book Talk Brainstorm notes help you to write your Book Talk Draft?

After completing the draft:

3. What revisions did I make as I wrote the Book Talk Draft? How did I add to or change my
ideas when writing?

After doing my book talk:

4. What skills did I learn or improve on from doing this activity?

5. What did I discover about myself as a reader or writer, or both?

6. What could I work on to improve?

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