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Durham Cathedral – some questions to help you look at it.

This worksheet is anti-clockwise!

Write your answers on the back if you need more space.

1. Just inside the Cathedral, near the South Door, is a memorial. Whom does it

2. How many steps are there to the top of the tower?.................................................................

3. What is “different” about the Apprentices’ Pillar?....................................................................

4. Who are commemorated in the Durham Light Infantry Chapel?............................................

Why are there flags in this Chapel?...............................................................................................

 Look at the Millennium Window. Write down some words to describe it.

5. Whose head is buried with St. Cuthbert?...................................................................................

Why only his head?............................................................................................................................

 Look at the Rose Window. Write down some words to describe it.

6. How many altars are there today in the Chapel Of The Nine Altars?.................................

7. ‘CCCC’, ‘DDDD’, ‘EEEE’, ‘FFFF’ etc…..What are they?.................................................................

8. Why is there a black line of marble across the nave?.............................................................

What is the name of this type of marble?.......................................................................................
What are the white pieces in it?........................................................................................................

 Look at the Daily Bread Window and at the War Memorial Window. Write
down some words to describe them.

9. Which saint is buried in the Galilee Chapel?...............................................................................

What is the name of his most famous book?...............................................................................

 Look at the little windows in the Galilee Chapel. Write down some words to
describe them.

 Decide which window you like the best and which the least. Explain why.

Stand by the font and look down the cathedral nave towards the choir
and the Rose Window.

10. Is there anything missing?.........................................................................................................

Go outside, through the North Door.

11. Where is the Sanctuary Knocker?................................................................................................

What was it for?......................................................................................................................................

12. What do these words mean :

(a) cloister…………………………… (b) choir……………………………………….. (c) pulpit………………………………
(d) buttress………………………… (e) font………………………………………… (f) pew…………………………………
(g) nave……………………………… (h) altar………………………………………. (i) chevron…………………………

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