Institute of Business Administration (SALU) : Name

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Institute Of Business Administration(SALU)

Aftab Ahmed Gambhir
BBA 17-06
Sales & Retailing
Sir Ismail Soomro
CASE1.1 What They Didn’t Teach Us in Sales Class
Solutions to Questions
Q1. Should Rick Lester “turn in his keys?
Rick Lester Should not lose hope initially In his starting phase .
Sales person job is very much challenging job
No any Job is as much as easy we think there are so many conflicts & ups and downs in every
He should have given more efforts to his job and increase his capabilities& efforts to face the
situations .
Rick Lester should have to learn from these type of tough & difficult situations and try to solve
them not to Avoid the and give up from his job.

Q2.How should Mr. Brown handle this situation? What should he say to Rick?
Mr. Brown was the senior And as well as Mentor of Rick He should have reply to Rick politely
and try to courage Rick in that situation and tell him how to face that situation.
Mr. Brown should give inspirational and motivation work to Rick that ,this type of situations
come in front of us on daily basis we should have face them.
Mr. Brown should have tried to tell his experience from his job life that how he start his career
and how many difficulties he face and how he (Mr. Brown) comes out from that situations.
Mr. Brown try to boost up the skills and Remind the abilities of Rick that on what bases you
would hire for this salesperson job so try to utilize them.

Q3 How can firms reduce high turnover among new sales personnel?
Firms should have give more efforts and time to sales person in their first phase . firm use more
testing options for hiring best and skillful employees so they can understand the instructions
easy and face & accept the challenging job of salesman.
Employees need more clear and exact guideline so that they can perform their job easy and
mannered way according to that guidelines.
New employee in any of the job want a good mentor and leader who would guide them if they
face any of difficult situation.
Firms provide them good monetary benefits so that employee fulfil their needs with the
monetary benefits also provides customers non-monetary benefits like(compensation , Reward
appreciation etc.)

Q4. What can firms do to increase salesperson status?

The firm should increase their brand name their brand must be known in the market and
produce good positive image of product so that customer easily sell their product and they don’t
fell more difficulty to give opinions/time to create positive image of product in the mind of
Try to set affordable price so that customers don’t face more bargaining
Learn new sales person about the “Golden Rules “ so with the help of that the status and
image of salesperson increase in the minds of the customers.
Firm should provide more and non-monetary benefits to the salesperson so thy can easily
manage their work & Life balance like (tours , bonuses , gifts etc.)

Q5. What can professors do to better prepare students in sales classes?

The professors can help students by telling stories, real life experiences are much better.

Students can learn from the mistakes and the successes of the professors in that story
Moreover, there should be a lot of practice about selling in class.

The professor can give students real things to sell and he can pretend to be a customer.
The professor can also be the judge and give the students advice about how this item should
be selling. This will be more practical than just learning theory in the books.

CASE 2.1 Reynolds & Reynolds

Solutions to Questions:
Q1. How is the effectiveness of team selling demonstrated by the Reynolds team, and
what are some of the disadvantages to this method in this particular case?
The effectiveness of team selling was demonstrated by the Reynolds team through their attempt
to sell an outsourced marketing plan to Ben Frothing ham’s American Ford Dealership. Each
member of the group was capable of bringing different information to the table and together acted
as a sales team.
Reynolds helps dealerships become more effective at retaining new car buyers as service
customers and building loyalty among the customers to keep them coming back.
They help dealers to better understand their customer base, figure out who their most profitable
customers are, and then target them with focused incentives to get the customers back into the
dealerships when service is needed.
The effectiveness of team selling was demonstrated by the Reynolds team through their attempt
to sell an outsourced marketing plan to Ben Frothing ham’s American Ford Dealership. Each
member of the group was capable of bringing different information to the table and together acted
as a sales team.
A second disadvantage of team selling is the lack of psychic income for individuals as recognition
and awards will be given to the team rather than specific individuals. As you can imagine, this can
cause individuals to loose motivation and personal satisfaction.

Q2. How did the Reynolds team successfully execute the following critical roles in
sales: client access, client education/persuasion, and fulfilment
Client access:
implement a “Preferred Customer Card” program. Sherman explained that in other
dealerships with the program, they generally have the service advisors ask the customers up
front if they have the card. If they do, the advisor knows that the customer is already in the
database and does not need to be added to the list. Reynolds calls this “data hygiene,” meaning
they are helping companies cleanse their databases so that their service reminder program
really hits the mark.
Client Education/ persuasion:
Sherman then shared the database information with Bemis and Greenberg. He discussed with
them the number of customers they have on the database that were considered active, meaning
that they had been in for service in the previous six months. The report also divided the
customers into where they come from, broken down into area codes and the top nine nearby zip
The team then presented Bemis and Greenberg with Reynolds’s “Direct Drive” program. This
program allows the dealership to customize its mailings for the customers who are active and
those who are inactive. It also sorts customers by vehicle so that each customer will receive a
mailing that is specifically designed for his or her needs.

B nbjb

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