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Group #: 25

Book Name: Frontline HR - A Handbook for the Emerging Manager

Student Name: Muhammad Salman, EE-126
Book Review
Authors: Jeffrey S. Hornsby and Donald F. Kuratko,
Publisher: Thomson South-Western, 2005
This book discusses that how HR managers can collaborate with front line managers and describes
some of the most crucial HR skills and responsibilities which front line managers must also possess in
all organisations, large or small.

The author describes that in order to get more qualified managers and a purpose driven HR, the line
managers should be prepared and trained to handle basic tasks which are normally handled by the
HR department.

Target audience: This book targets Line managers and HR professionals because frontline managers
paid little attention to human resources (HR). And in these ever changing times with downsizing and
cost cutting, these skills become necessary.

Theme: HR professionals helping managers master HR functions.

Thesis: HR planning, Managers working together with HR.

Presentation: The author presents the information in a very clear and concise way. HR basics are
first discussed followed by a thorough analysis of other core responsibilities which managers must
be aware of. Each major responsibility is discussed one at a time with points explaining their details.

Key summary: Front-line managers not only manage employees on a day-to-day basis but,
according to recent research, also must be a “liaison” between senior management and the HR

“If the HR planning process is to be successful, top management must view HR management as a
strategic function necessary to accomplish organizational goals.”

Until recently, managers paid no heed to HR and worked in their own universe that is keeping their
colleagues and heads satisfied. But now more and more companies wish for their HR staff to
undertake further responsibilities and play their part in the strategic game plan of the organization
and to train more qualified managers.

Some core HR duties which an HR or a front line manager can be responsible are Job analysis, HR
planning, Employee recruitment, Performance appraisal, Training and development and

Human Resources activities also include legal and health safety issues such as laws and regulations
against harassment, gender, racial discrimination and physically disabled and elderly employees and
be completely aware of the workplace health-safety regulations.

Recommendation: In my personal opinion this book is highly recommended for managers and
organizations as it brings all the concerned managers on the same page. It brings to our attention
the need for managers to have basic HR skills which may become a job requirement in the future.

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