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Oxford Street Outreach

Statements of Activities (Income Statement)

For the years ending 2018 & 2019
Public Support & Revenues
Net Service Revenues -
Contributions -
Grants -
Total Support & Revenues -

Program Services -
Management & General -
Fund Raising -
Total Expenses -

Excess of Support & Revenue & Total Revenues over Expenses -

Non-Operating Income (Expenses)

Gain/(Loss) on investments -
Total Non-Operating Income -

Excess of Support & Travel Revnue Over Expenses (Total margin) -

Net Assets, Beginning of Year -

Change in net unrealized gain & losses on investements -

Net Assets at the end of the year -

Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted 2019 2018 Percentage Change

- - - -
- - 60,352 39,070 54.5%
- - - -
- - 60,352 39,070 54.5%

- - 52,832 32,850 60.8%

- - 2,200 1,600 37.5%
- - 700 290 141.4%
- - 55,732 34,740 60.4%

- - 4,620 4,330 6.7%

- - - -
- - - -

- - 4,620 4,330 6.7%

- - 8,230 -
- - 11,470 8,230 39.4%

- - 19,700 8,230 139.4%

Oxford Street Outreach
Statements of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
At December 31, 2019 & 2018

Assets Dec-19 Dec-18

Current Assets
Cash 1,200 600
Investments-Short term - -
Total Cash & Cash Equivalents 1,200 600

Gross Accounts Recievables - -

Less: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts - -
Net patient receivables - -

Unconditional Promises to Pay - -

Inevntory - -
Othe assets 18,500 7,630
Prepaid expenses - -
Other Current Assets 18,500 7,630
Total Current Assets 19,700 8,230

Long-Term Investments- Unrestricted - -

Trusteed Investments - -
Deffered Financing Costs - -
Other Non-Current Assets - -

Property, Plant & Equipment

Land & Land Improvements - -
Buildings - -
Leaseholds improvements - -
Equipments & Fixtures - -
Construction in progress - -

Total PPE - -
Less: Accumulated Depriciation - -
Net PPE (Book Value) - -
Total Assets 19,700 8,230

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable - -
Current Retirement on L/T Debt - -
Total Current Liabilities - -
Long-Term Debt - -
Other Long-Term Liabilities - -
Total Long-Term Liabilities - -
Total Liabilities - -

Net Assets
Unrestricted 19,700 8,230
Temporarily Restricted - -
Permanently Restricted - -
Total Net Assets 19,700 8,230
Total Liabilities & Net Assets 19,700 8,230
2018 2019

Cash donations 1,720 2,520
Clothing Donations 7,350 12,112
Furniture donations 5,000 8,670
Food donations 20,500 32,050
Office Equipment Donated 4,500 5,000
Grants - -
39,070 60,352

Management & General

Storage Unit 900 900
Communication bill 300 300
Office equipment 400 1,000
1,600 2,200
Fund Raising
Meetings & Ralies 90 300
Business Documentation 200 400
290 700
Program Services
Clothes handed out 7,350 12,112
Furniture handed out 5,000 8,670
Food handed out 20,500 32,050
32,850 52,832

Cash on hand 600 1,200
Other Assets 7,630 18,500
8,230 19,700

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