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a7 Me BMT Defence Services “Where will our knowledge take you?” Venator®-110 General Purpose Light Frigate Technical Brief Venator®-110 General Purpose Light Frigate A Technical Brief + Flexible and affordable * Globally deployable + Futfils comprehensive range of roles + Designed for optimum balance between ‘capability, survivability and cost, VENATOR-110 - GENERAL PURPOSE LIGHT FRIGATE ATECHNICAL BRIEF 1. INTRODUCTION Venator®-110 is a globally deployable, flexible and affordable general Purpose Light Frigate. Designed to achieve the optimum balance between capability, survivability and cost; the platform is able to fulfil a comprehensive range of roles from maritime security and boarding operations to providing credible warfighting offensive and defensive capabilities. The overriding design intent behind Venator®-110 is to blend @ lean- manned and adaptable capability with an affordable procurement cost, within the dimensions of a Light Frigate. This intent, facilitated by a ‘Middle Out’ design philosophy, is essential to avoid the spiral of escalating platform requirements that can result in ever larger and more expensive warships. Venator®-110: globally deployable, flexible and affordable general, purpose Light Frigate amr Defence Services Venator®-110 General Purpose Light Frigate A Technical Brief + Maritime Security + International Engagement + Warfighting 2. ROLES At the core of the Venator®-110 design is a huliform thet has been developed to enable genuine worldwide operations, able to operate ina wide spectrum of sea states and environmental conditions. With a range in excess of 7,000Nm, augmented with dedicated Replenishment at Sea Positions able to handle both liquid and solid stores, means the ship can reach and subsequently maintain a presence in an area of operations anywhere around the globe. The capability of Venator®-1 10 has been deliberately configured to carry out Maritime Security and International Engagement tasks, whilst remaining flexible to expand to dedicated Warfighting roles. This is accomplished through both integrated systems and the intelligent use of modularity, with spaces that can be reconfigured to meet a specific task or role, whilst avoiding the negative design and cost implications that a more: substantial level of modularity has been shown to attract. The roles and tasks can be categorised into the following areas: MARITIME SECURITY The Venator®-110 design includes the provision of two large davit- launched RHIBs, with a third large RHIB within a stem ramp facility. This can be augmented by a fourth davitlaunched RHIB, or an unmanned surveillance vehicle, stowed within the separate flexible mission hangar. The comprehensive aviation capability includes a fight deck and hangar with maintenance and support facilities for up to a medium-sized helicopter. This, together with the comprehensive sensor suite, will allow the vessel to conduct maritime security tasks such as boarding operations and maritime interdiction to a very high standard anywhere in the world INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENT The inherent flexibility within the design enables the platform to embark a range of surface, sub-surface or air unmanned vehicles or humanitarian aid stores & equipment. Together with additional reconfigurable command and control (C2) modules the ship is able to deliver intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and disaster relief tasks. By making use of the additional accommodation provision inherent within the ship, and C2 modules to augment the existing Command facilites, information can be processed on-board in real time by specialist analysts; directing the mission as it unfolds. The convincing presence that Venator®-110 can offer will serve to provide reassurance, influence and deterrence when called upon. Gaur Defence Services Venator®-110 General Purpose Light Frigate A Technical Brief WARFIGHTING In order to contribute to a Warfighting task a ship must combine an offensive capability with comprehensive self-defence and survivability When configured in the highest specification Venator®-110 can meet all three. Adaptable space which can be used for the provision of surface-to- surface missiles, aviation facilities able to handle a range of air-launched weapons and a medium calibre gun up to 127mm will give the ship an offensive punch. A flexible Vertical Launch Silo will cater for a range of Anti-Air missiles and decoys, including the MBDA CAMM quad-packed point defence missile. Automated 30mm cannons, lightwaight missiles and heavy machine guns will provide layered defence against the surface threat; adaptive soft-kill systems defend against the air and sub-surface threat. In this specification Venator®-1 10 is able to provide a credible warfighting capability either as a single unit or as part of a Task Group. + Credible warfighting capability amr Defence Services Venator®-110 General Purpose Light Frigate A Technical Brief 3. KEY FEATURES -s040u0 josep uepuedopur xy ym seceds euOve osedos ony ‘Hy 6819 10 sopruer powweuun —se6usy voces edo lo ih bie) ue wang sejdooqey wna oy yeep mB LE BUCH seis pr yos nidepy sono (sy) 995 9 weuLsMeIeN se Peypuney ep o6.e xz ‘20nd vores mnpow joeidepy 00s mnpow 29 pewoutiny Jpuvosied g-+901 0: dno} uopepoun =] 2005 ql wuzzt och ung e789 wnPOrE soyssw onus-puey ue sue 2} 80008 eexseDy (ecuere s0) sfoosp / Srsail rz 095 Uoure Poe sess enyoy pve sLOLUED WIS z es Bis fag: debe pe, bla, Gb iip ae Pde ba all eye GPa a ea! b 2 CR cc CC CC amr Defence Services Venator®-110 General Purpose Light Frigate A Technical Brief + Ready to adapt to future technologies. = Lean manned + Flexible & efficient propulsion architecture 4, WEAPONS, SYSTEMS AND MANPOWER By specifying highly capable yet proven equipment and systems within Venator®-110 the demands of space, weight and power on the host platform are known, and are incorporated into the design from the start. This serves to reduce the risk, delay and cost of integration to the entire procurement programme. Notwithstanding this, when future technologies mature the Venator®-110 design stands ready to adapt to the new capabilities that they can offer. The level of manpower required to crew Venator®-1 10 is intended to be as lean as possible whilst maintaining an appropriate level of operational capability. Even in the full Warfighting configuration the core crew consists of 85 personnel, capable of maintaining 24 hour operations. With overall accommodation for up to 106+18 personnel there remains the ability to significantly augment this crew with additional fight, boarding, intelligence, cyber or unmanned systems operators and personnel, Venator®-110 employs four diesel engines in @ CODAD configuration for propulsion. With two separate shaft lines combined with four independent prime movers and controllable pitch propellers this arrangement gives a significant level of flexibility. Fuel efficiency across the speed range can be maximised, individual engine loading can be managed to reduce unnecessary weer and the system has a high level of redundancy in the event of breakdown or damage. Together with remote monitoring this system allows for a reduced maintenance burden, both at sea and in major upkeep periods, resulting in a reduced requirement for maintenance engineers on-board Venator®-110. The level of equipment capability remains entirely flexible within the design. Smaller calibre guns, lower specification radar & sensor systems and reduced mission equipment could be included as required by cost or task. Reducing the equipment fit will also enable a reduction in crew size, ideal ifthe platform is intended for more benign tasks. Since its inception in 2007, work conducted on the Venator® family of designs has resulted in an optimum specification for a platform of this size. Whilst features such as a ‘strike length’ Vertical Launch Silo may be desirable the impact on the structural, power and space aspects of the ship inherent in such a system means this would be excessively detrimental to the overall balance of capability. The integration of systems such as this would result in a larger and significantly more expensive ‘warship, which would betray the overall design philosophy behind the Venator®-110. Gaur Defence Services Venator®-110 General Purpose Light Frigate A Technical Brief 5. SURVIVABILITY Awarship with respectable offensive punch yet hosted within a ship that has poor survivability features, such as a single engine room or lack of crew protection, will have limitations against real-world operations. This is especially true when the threat environment increases in Warfighting scenarios, and even against an unforeseen asymmetric attack in an otherwise benign area. Careful consideration of these survivability aspects is included within the affordable Venator®-110 design, to elevate the capability beyond that of an OPV or Corvette. ‘Separated main engine spaces, with two independent prime movers in each space and two independent shaft lines ensure that Venator®-110 has a good chance to maintain propulsion even following major damage from hostile action. The co-location of personnel within the ship means that this fundamentally essential component of the vessel's capability can be protected by the use of intelligent compartment arrangement and enhanced bulkheads. These are two examples; throughout the Venator®- 110 design cost effective survivability has been examined in order to provide the ship's command with confidence in their ship's ability to perform in the face of threats. amr Defence Services Es ciews et il nT sees es Creede fee Weer smut usec ea erent nat) From concept design to acquisition support, in-s Piles as seu een aa mero ea emer us each ee nee teens design and systems issues CDC a Met eRe cece nce) Cece m ometics Teese ae Rte Ueek ee ed upport experience within land and DM ara ice ree Un eure ese east sr staff. Its people include systems engineers, combat See cee uae us eet) © BMT Defence Services 2015 Al information contained within this brochure is the copyright of BMT Defence Services BMT Defence Services Bath, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1225 473600 Fax: +44 (0) 1225 448714 WPDtc-11/15

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