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The video experiment was very successful.

I noticed that when I speak in English with my friends, whom

I know so well and I know are not going to judge me with my grammar or pronunciation, I feel very
comfortable. I find the right words and speak very smooth and fluent. However, my hands usually move
in all directions to express the actual action that I am talking about. My hands move in haphazard
direction but I consider body language is also a big part of impromptu speech. I believe a hand gesture in
the midst of a speech gives the audience a better picture at times. Additionally, the movement of the
speaker also help to keep all eyes on him throughout the speech.

I am worried about the topic that I will have to talk about. Sometimes, for topics I know, I don’t even
need a minute to prepare. But there are out of this world topics, that really gives me a hard time. It
seems like not even an hour of preparation time would be enough. With an unfamiliar topic, I tend to
stammer and not find the right vocabularies. For now, I think I am good at standing up in front of a
crowd bravely and try to talk in an organized manner for half a minute or so. This has to improve to 2
minutes and beyond. I really have to work on familiarizing myself rapidly with any given topic and
organize within a moment how to deliver an impromptu speech on the topic.

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