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Assignments of International Relations

From: Zabeeh Ullah

To: Sir Muhammad Malham

Sir Wentson Churchill, farmer British prime minister said about diplomacy

“Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for direction”

Of course, in diplomatic dialogue, each side want to save it’s natural interacts no “and the suffix ma meaning
“an object” literally the term came to denote documents containing agreements between sovereigns.
Diplomacy later became identified with IR.

Definitions of diplomacy:
• Sally Marks, Author of the book “The illusion of piece” international relations in Europe, he defines
diplomacy as under

“Diplomacy is the established method of influencing the decisions and behaviour of foreign government, and
peoples though dialogue, negotiations and other measure short of war or violence.

• According to Harold Nicholson:

“Diplomacy is the management of International Relations by means of negotiations, the method by
which these relations are adjusted and managed by ambassadors and envoys the business or art of
the diplomates”
• Hans J. Morgenthau says:
“Diplomacy is the promotion of the national interests by peaceful means”
• Another statesman define diplomacy as:
“it is the process between actors (diplomates, usually representing the countries) who exist within a
system (IR)and engage in a public or private dialogue to pursue then objectives in a peace full
On the basis of these definitions it is clear that, diplomacy is always guided by the foreign policy of
the nation that it represents.

Nature of Diplomacy
• Securing national interests
The main purpose of diplomacy is to secure the goals of national interests as defined and specified
by the foreign policy of the nation.
• Handling all types of matters
Diplomacy handles all the type of matters from the simple issue to vital issue to that of war and
• Diplomacy as machinery for actions
Diplomacy is recognised as official machinery is conduct relations among nations.
• Break down of diplomacy
Break down of diplomacy always leads to tensions the danger of war or at least major crises
Objectives of diplomacy:
Experts of the diplomatic field explains it’s two primary objectives. Political and non-political objectives.

Political objectives of diplomacy:

Diplomacy always tends to secure its national interests according to its foreign policy. Diplomacy tend to
increase its influence of the state over other states. It uses persuasions, promise of rewards and sometime
threats for this purpose. It also seeks to promote friendship and cooperation with other nations.

Non-Political objectives of diplomacy:

Cooperation among nations is the most important fact of international living. Each nation depends upon
other for economics industrial links and trades. Diplomacy tends to promote economic, commercial and
cultural links among the nations.

Main players of Diplomacy

For the best diplomatic dialogue, diplomacy depends upon several techniques.
The chances of the success of the diplomacy are directly related to the appropriate use of tactus. Experts of
the diplomatic field explain six major techniques. A selection among these techniques depends upon the
time and circumstances of the situation. Any wrong decision is this respect can lead a failure.
• Persuasion:
Though legal and logical reasoning diplomacy seeks to convince others of the justification of the goal
which is it trying to promote.
• Rewards:
Diplomacy can offer rewards for securing acceptance of desired view of a particular international
dispute or issue or problem.
Pakistan received a lot of such rewards from America as providing them land transport air bases and
security information.
• Promise of Rewards and concessions:
Diplomacy can promise matching rewards and concessions for securing a particular change or
maintaining a particular view in the policies of other nations.
• Threat and uses of Forces:
Diplomacy cannot use force or violence while promoting the national interests.
However, it can use threat of boycott, protest walk out or even threat of war, for securing it’s goals.
For example: Tensions between America and North Korea Even threating each other using nuclear
• Non-violent punishment:
To enforce its goals nation, punish the other via non-violent ways such as writing of transport, ban of
trade and complete boycott of its products.
Saudi Arabia and Qatar tensions are its best example.
• Use of pressure:
By using pressure tactics, diplomacy can force other nations to accept the desired view, policy,
decision or goals that it represents. Likewise, these, diplomacy also uses propaganda, cultural links
for the creation of particular scene or situation. Farmer American foreign minister used the words
“we have to use stick and carrot to activate General Musharraf” stick means pressure and
punishment and carrot means rewards and concessions.
Function of diplomacy
To perform its tasks and to secure its national interests, diplomacy has to adopt a number of
functions. These functions are explained as under. Morgenthau believes that a diplomacy performs
three main functions for the nation which are functions for the nations which are symbolic, legal and
According to palmer and perkins,
There are four main functions of diplomacy
*Representation *reporting *negotiation *protection of national interests and
nationals abroad.
Major functions
• Ceremonial/ symbolic functions:
The diplomates of a nation are the symbolic representatives of the state. They represent their state
and government in all official ceremonies. Diplomates also participate in other non-official
ceremonies like social and cultural functions held in the place of their postings.
• Negotiations:
Negotiations is primarily the most important function of diplomacy. According to palmer and Perkim
diplomates are actually negotiators of the states.
It is mainly through negotiation that a diplomate seeks to secure agreements and compromises over
various conflictual issues and problems among states.
• Reporting:
A diplomate ought to be an astute reporter. Reporting involve observation of the political, economic
military and social condition of the host country. The political reporting involves a report about the
assessment of the role of various political parties in the politics of the host country.
Economic reporting involves as containing general information about the economic health and trade
potential of the host country.
• Protecting of interests:
Diplomacy is always at work for protecting and promoting the interests of nation and its people
living abroad. Protection of interest is the “bedrest of the practice of diplomacy”
A diplomate always attempts to prevent or change practice which he feels against of his country’s
interests. It is his responsibility to protect the person, property and interests of such citizens of his
country as are living in the territory of the state to which he stands posted.
Types of diplomacy
There are different types of diplomacy with respect to its situation.
Summit diplomacy:
Where the foreign ministers, heads of the states directly participate in diplomatic negotiations is
known as summit diplomacy. The summit conference of Malesia is its best example where all the
heads of Muslim states and foreign minister came together and think for the future and stability of
the state.
Shuttle diplomacy:
When the diplomates/envoys and other foreign officials frequently travel between capitals or the
spot of negotiations to hold talks on various issues to solve the issues. It is known as shuttle
Commonly the diplomates have run between venues or the spot of dialogue to reach a conclusion.
Farmer US foreign minister Henry Kissinger get involved in the shuttle diplomacy in the aftermath of
Arab Israel war. He has to travel between Arab capitals and Israel to solve the issue.
The current dialogue between Taliban and America also seems as shuttle diplomacy as Zalmi
Khalilzad is traveling in between countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan and Qatar for bring peace in
Multilateral Diplomacy:
It is the diplomatic type of diplomacy in which a number of countries engage and meat together. i.e.
In Vienna congress, a number of countries communicate and negotiate together often over the most
continuous of issues.
Personal diplomacy:
It is the usual way of diplomacy i.e. ambassadors, foreign ministers etc fouls with respect to it’s
given result due to its limited power and authority, personal diplomacy come ahead to solve the
Heads of the states use its personal agents with full charge to deal with sensitive matters in foreign
in diplomacy various/all the countries have different thoughts. But the common thinking between all
the countries is to save its national interests.

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