Taller Tipo Icfes Parte: 4-7 Competencia: Pragmática y Sociolinguistica Health Problems

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CIUDAD ESCOLAR Taller tipo Icfes parte: 4-7 Competencia: Pragmática

y sociolinguistica
Health problems

These days there are _1_ for just about everything. If you can't sleep, take a pill. If
you're sad, take a pill. If you're in pain, take a pill. But what about people who
are _2_or lack fitness? The best solution for these people is to exercise, but many
people don't want to exercise or are unable to exercise. Drug companies are always
looking for new pills to sell, and many have spent lots of money on developing a pill for
these people too. In the 1990s, scientists working for one of these companies found a
new drug that gave mice some of the same _3_ as exercise. Newspapers began
reporting on this new drug, calling it the "fitness pill" or "exercise pill". They said it
could build__4 _, increase stamina, and even burn _5_.”
Choose the correct option in each case.
1. a) tablets b) pills c) pastas d) drug
2. a) overweight b) thin c) fat d) chubby
3. a) disadvantage b) benefits c) problem d) good.
4. a) dough b) power c)muscled d) muscle
5. a ) fat b) oil c) grease d) Fatness
The Human Dustbin – You are what you eat.
Have you ever _1_so full that you thought you might pop? Maybe you have gorged on
your favorite sweets or devoured a whole family bag of crisps. Your body is NOT a
dustbin. It 2 a finely turned machine and you are the only person _3_ can look after it.
The diagram is a guide to know how you can have a balanced diet to keep _4 _ body
healthy and working properly
Choose the correct option in each case.
6. a) feeling b) felt c) fell d) fall
7. a) is b) are c) am d) it´s
8. a) where b) whose c) who d) what
9. a) your b) our c) my d) its
10. a ) work b) worked c) works d) working

TALLER - Periodo 1
ÁREA : INGLÉS - Asignatura: INGLÉS – PROYECTO – Grado: 8°

NAME: ______________________ GROUP: _____ DATE: ___________

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