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Transcription of 1982.031.

006 Doc-033
Transcribed with assistance from user Tom York

THIS AGREEMENT, Made this the 23rd day of October,

1931, by and between Florence W. Harriss, widow, and J. Welch
Harriss, single, parties of the first part, and D. A. Stanton
and wife, Susan C. Stanton and C. S. Grayson and wife, Bertie
Grayson, parties of the second part, all of the County and
State aforesaid,


That the parties of the first part own a tract of land

26 x 220 feet, lying on the East side of North Main Street in
the City of High Point, North Carolina, known and numbered as
#110 North Main Street, which said tract of land runs through
to North Wrenn Street and is known and numbered as #111 North
Wrenn Street, and is hereinafter referred to as Tract #1; and,

That D. A. Stanton owns a tract of land 25 x 125 feet,

lying on the East side of North Main Street, in the City of
High Point, North Carolina, known and numbered as #112 North
Main Street, which said tract of land adjoins the tract owned
by the parties of the first part on the North, and is hereafter
referred to as Tract #2; and,

That D. A. Stanton and C. S. Grayson, jointly, own a

tract of land 25 x 125 feet, lying on the East side of North Main
Street, in the City of High Point, North Carolina, which said
land adjoins Tract #2 on the North, and is known and numbered as
#114 North Main Street, and is hereafter referred to as Tract
#3; and,

That each of said tracts now have buildings upon

them except that part of Tract #1 facing on North Wrenn Street,
upon which a building is now being constructed by the parties
of the first part; and,

That it is more convenient for the sewer lines drain-

ing the buildings on Tracts #2 and #3 to connect with the sewer
main of the City of High Point on North Wrenn Street than it is
to connect said sewer lines with the sewer main of the City of
High Point on North Main street; and,
That the parties of the first part are willing and
have agreed for the owners of said Tracts #2 and #3 to have an
outlet to the sewer main of the City of High Point on North
Wrenn Street by crossing Tract #1, provided that in so crossing
said Tract #1 the parties of the second part shall not acquire by
the use of said outlet an easement over said Tract #1, and pro-
vided further that the parties of the second part shall cease to
use said outlet over Tract #1 promptly upon the demand of the
parties of the first part, as hereinafter provided.


1. That D. A. Stanton, the owner of Tract #2, shall

have the right to construct and use a storm sewer line leading
from the building on Tract #2 across Tract #1 owned by the
parties of the first part, and connecting with the sewer main
of the City of High Point on North Wrenn Street.

2. That D. A. Stanton, the owner of Tract $2, shall

have the right to connect the sanitary sewer line servicing the
building on Tract #2 with, and use the sanitary sewer line owned
and used by the parties of the first part in connection with
their building on Tract #1, and which said sewer line runs over
Tract #1 and connects with the sewer main of the City of High
Point on North Wrenn Street.

3. That D. A. Stanton and C. S. Grayson, the owners

of Tract #3, shall have the right to connect the storm sewer
servicing the building on Tract #3 to the storm sewer herein-
before referred to and constructed by D. A. Stanton, leading from
the building on Tract #2 and running across Tract #1 and con-
necting with the sewer main of the City of High Point on North
Wrenn Street.

4. That the use and occupancy of said sewer lines

over the lands of the parties of the first part, known as
Tract #1, shall be made and the continuance of the same here-
after shall be deemed to be with the express license and con-
sent of the said parties of the first part, but with the under-
standing that the said parties of the second part, shall not
acquire any easement or right in respect thereof.

5. That the parties of the second part or either of

them, as the owner of Tract #2 or Tract #3 shall have the right
to use said sewer lines over Tract #1 so long as the buildings
upon Tract #1 remain in their present form and condition, but
should the parties of the first part desire to change the form
or remodel the buildings upon Tracts #1 then and in that event
the said parties of the second part, or either of them, as the
owner of either Tract #2 or Tract #3 shall, upon sixty days
notice in writing, cease to use by connection or in any other
manner, either or both of the sewer lines hereinbefore referred
to leading across said Tract #1 owned by the parties of the
first part, and shall properly close, at their own expense,
any and all connections and taps with the said sewer lines.

6. That in the event the parties of the first part

notify the parties of the second part to cease using said sewer
lines, as provided above, the storm sewer line hereinbefore re-
ferred to and installed by D. A. Stanton across Tract #1 and
used in connection with the buildings upon Tract #2 and #3 shall
become the property of the parties of the first part.

7. That this agreement shall be for the benefit of

the heirs and assigns of the parties hereto, and any and all
subsequent owners of any or all of the property hereinbefore
referred to, subject to the terms and conditions herein set out,
but no owner shall be responsible except for his or her acts
or default while owner.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto

set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

D. A. Stanton (SEAL)
Susie C. Stanton (SEAL)
Florence W. Harriss (SEAL)
J. Welch Harriss (SEAL)
Bertie Grayson (SEAL)
C. S. Grayson (SEAL)


I, George H. Dobbins, a Notary Public

of said County, do hereby certify that Florence W. Harriss
and J. Welch Harriss appeared before me this day and ac-
knowledged the execution of the foregoing agreement. Let the
said agreement and this certificate be registered.

WITNESS my hand and seal, this the 31 day of

October, 1931.
George H. Dobbins
Notary Public.
My com. exp.: January 28 1933


I, J. W. Hiatt, a Notary Public

of said County, do hereby certify that D. A. Stanton and his
wife, Susan C. Stanton, personally appeared before me this day
and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing agreement, and
the said Susan C. Stanton, being by me privately examined,
separate and apart from her said husband, touching her voluntary
execution of the same, doth state that she signed the same freely
and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion of her said hus-
band or any other person and that she doth still voluntarily
assent thereto. Let the said deed and this certificate be

WITNESS my hand and seal this the 2 day of

Nov., 1931.
J. W. Hiatt
Notary Public.
My Commission Expires December 10, 1932


I, George H. Dobbins, a Notary Public

of said County, do hereby certify that C. S. Grayson and his wife,
Bertie Grayson, personally appeared before me this day and ac-
knowledged the execution of the foregoing agreement, and the
said Bertie Grayson, being by me privately examined, separate
and apart from her said husband, touching her voluntary execution
of the same, doth state that she signed the same freely and
voluntarily, without fear or compulsion of her said husband or
any other person and that she doth still voluntarily assent
thereto. Let the said deed and this certificate be registered.

WITNESS my hand and seal this the 31 day of

October, 1931.
George H. Dobbins
Notary Public.
My com. exp.:
January 28, 1933

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