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Subject: English

Date: 12/5/2020

Time: 11.20am-12.20am

Class: 2 UTM

Title: Go, go Green Earth

Objective: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

1. guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words and
by context on a range of familiar topics
2. ask about and explain key information from simple texts

Success Criteria: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

1. guess the meaning of 7-10 unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words
and by context on a range of familiar topics
2. ask about and explain key information from simple texts

Activities: 1) Pupils are given instruction regarding today’s task (teacher prepares
the board)
2) Pupils need to form 2 big groups discussion. The 2 small group discussion happens in 10
minutes. Teacher gives tasks and handouts in document form.
3) After 10 minutes, teacher holds the conference and execute collection of answers activity.
4) Teacher gets pupils to write the titles of the 2 texts on the small board they can find e.g an
A4 paper and key nouns and base words for each step (e.g. How paper is recycled step 1:
Paper + take + put + recycling container).
5) Pupils retells the process by looking at the prompt showing by other friends in their board.
6) Teacher asks pupils to say one new or interesting thing they learned about recycling.
7) Teacher hand outs the completed texts on paper and glass recycling to the whole class
Learning method: Via Google Classroom/Meet.

Assessment: Speaking

Reflection: 18 out of 24 pupils submitted the task and achieved the objective.

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