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1. What is your full name?

2. Precisely who is your employer? (Answer should be the “Australian Taxation Office”).
INDEX print out of all the AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE’s but do not show it until he/she
does not know what you are talking about). Go to ASIC NATIONAL NAMES INDEX type in
AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFICE, click on ALL NAMES at the bottom of the list of searches,
then click on SEARCH.
4. When you determine exactly which ATO, please tell me which ATO I am liable to & is that different
to the one you are employed by?? How do you decide which one I am liable to? e.g. – toss a coin??
5. Has there been a name change for the AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE?? (EXPLANATION:
In the ASIC name search, you will notice an * against AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE, NRGD
050 6000 32, this indicates the ‘former name’ of the “AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE” which
has now changed its ‘name’ to the AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE’s NRGD’s – 067936672;
051335347; 051700513; 052340682; 067955962; 097004512; 053893299; 050644614; 053303898;
05331616439; 050799258; 077463793; 077469464; 051778897; 097577878; 050655046; 056197810;
TAXATION OFICE” are the words – AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT, precisely what does that
mean, or factually & statutorily what does that mean? (Explanation: There is no ENTITY titled
search on ASIC and the ATO business name site)
7. Is the AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE, whichever ENTITY you choose that you work for & the
one that you reckon I am contracted to, a division of the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA?
8. Which COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA?? (Explanation: The Commonwealth of Australia is
defined in the Constitution, as the people of the States of Australia!!!, but the “ASIC National Names
Index” web site has non registered entities – “COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA” NRGD
109989595; “THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA” NRGD 050075600, plus an assorted
approximately 25 other similar entities, do your own search of the ASIC web site.)
9. What is the definition of the term “INCOME” [not ‘assessable income’] in any Income Tax or
Taxation Legislation? (I wrote to my local ‘feral’ MP & asked him that question, senator Helen
Coonan wrote back & said it was not defined, in actual fact it is, something like “interest on
mortgaged property” I cant think where that is).
10. In what section of which legislation is that definition??
What is the definition of the term “TAX” or “TAXATION” in any Tax or Taxation legislation?
Explanation: in a document titled “Powers of The Parliament” (Quick & Garran) page 61, the last 2
lines say – “There is no definition of “taxation”, but its meaning is being developed gradually
through decisions of the High Court”. [I don’t mind this, but when you finally get it defined by court
decisions, let me know it is finally defined, what the definition is & I will start paying taxx, in the
meantime give me back all the illegal taxx you have ripped off me till the present + interest.]
11. In what section of which legislation is that definition??
12. When will the term “taxation” be fully defined or when was it finally defined?
13. How do I apply for a refund of all paid “undefined tax” paid on undefined “income” before the terms
were defined?
14. What is the definition of the term “TAXPAYER” in any Income Tax Legislation?
15. What is the definition of the terms:- “PERSON”; “INDIVIDUAL”; “NATURAL PERSON”;
“HUMAN BEING”;” LEGAL PERSON” in any Income Tax, Taxation Act or the “Acts
Interpretation Act 1954”?
16. Why is the term “NATURAL GAS” very precisely defined in the Queensland legislation Gas and
Pipelines Access Act, but “NATURAL PERSON” is not defined in any legislation which I can find?
(Explanation: ‘They’ leave us to join the dots & assume we are a ‘natural person’ – we are NOT).

17. What Legislation specifically says that I, as a living, breathing, volitional soul & a man or woman of
God must pay “income tax”, as against a “person” or “individual” which are entities, & plainly
described as such in all taxation legislation?
(Explanation of question 14 above – all the definitions only say that each is a “corporation” or an
“entity”, not a living, breathing man or woman. Refer to any “Income Tax” legislation & section 36 of
the “Acts Interpretation Act 1954”.)
There is no definition of the term “natural” or “natural person” & a word may not be used to define a
word, so the term “natural person” must mean a “natural corporation” or a “natural individual”.
The word “definition” means “statement of the meaning of a word or phrase” & “quality of being clear &
It is not possible to leave us to just assume that a word means what the ATO says it means, everything
must be precisely defined.
The word “include” when used to define a word, must only mean the particular words after “includes”, by
basic logic. Everything not included is excluded, it may not be left to assume that other words apply. eg. if
the definition of “Australia” - “includes the Territory of Papua”, it must only mean Australia is Papua,
not NSW, Victoria, New Zealand etc, see in 6 below.

18. What is the definition of “AUSTRALIA” in any “Income Tax” Act or Legislation? How does it include
Queensland for example?
Explanation: The “ITAA 1936” defines “AUSTRALIA” as “Includes the Territory of Papua”, no
mention of Queensland or New South Wales etc.
Clause 6 of “The Constitution” (of the Commonwealth of Australia) on page 18 says in part, at the second
paragraph – “The States shall mean such of the colonies of New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland,
Tasmania … …”
As a definition must be precise, Australia does not mean Queensland, and why would it not mean New
Zealand? OR
Is it “AUSTRALIA” as in the ASIC non registered entity - ACN 060 923 006 REGD AUSTRALIA PTY

19. The meaning of the word “VOLUNTARILY” as in the 3rd word in line 4, paragraph 4 on page 2 of the
large ATO book titled “the Taxpayers Charter YOUR RIGHTS, YOUR OBLIGATIONS, HOW TO BE
Explanation: In a report from a Senate hearing, the reference is Report # 326 “An Assessment of Tax”
November 1993, from “the Joint Committee – Public Accounts” at chapter 12, clause 12.1 says in part -
“Any system which requires the voluntary commitment of individuals to make it work will necessarily be
open to abuse … etc”
20. Is the word voluntary still in that section, or any section of the “TAXPAYERS CHARTER”
(Explanation: In the old book form it is mentioned as above in 17, but I am not able to find it in the latest
internet version of the “TAXPAYERS CHARTER”, though I did not do a word search ! !)

If, as the ATO legal section have stated many times in writing & under oath in court, that they are not a
legal entity, does this not mean that the ATO is an illegal and criminal entity?? (Explanation: In some
letters from the ATO, they have said that – “the opposite of “legal” is not “illegal”, indeed it is, as well as
criminal.) See antonyms in COLLINS THESAURUS IN A-Z FORM, ISBN 0 00 433246-6 which says
that the antonym of legal is illegal & criminal (as well as others).
If not illegal & criminal why not??
What Act or legislation allows this situation?
If illegal or criminal, why do not various sections of the Crimes Act 1914 & the Criminal Code Act 1899
apply to many actions & threats etc by the ATO?
21. Who is the only person legally & lawfully able to appoint the COMMISSIONER OF TAXATION?
(Explanation & answer – The Governor General, under the Taxation Administration Act).
22. Which Governor General appointed the then TAXATION COMMISSIONER MR MICHAEL
CARMODY? (Answer – WILLIAM PATRICK DEANE, current FROM 2000 till 2007).
23. Do you happen to have a copy of that appointment document dated 8 December 1999, with you?
24. Would you read this appointment document aloud please? (Explanation: The document has WILLIAM
PATRICK DEANE stating that he hereby appoints Michael Joseph Carmody to be the Commissioner until
the year 2007).
25. Whose signature is on the document?? (explanation & answer – Peter Costello !?!?!? nowhere is there a
signature of WILLIAM PATRICK DEANE?!?!?!)
26. Is the signature of WILLIAM PATRICK DEANE on the document??
27. Am I able to sign your cheques, or are you able to sign mine?
28. What would those actions be called under the (QUEENSLAND) Criminal Code Act 1899, or the
(COMMONWEALTH) Crimes Act 1914??
29. Letters or notices signed by, or on behalf of the DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF TAXATION refer to
COMMISSIONER OF TAXATION are usually written in UPPER CASE, but even if not in UPPER
CASE, there are about 26 “DEPUTY COMMISSIONER’s OF TAXATION” listed on the ASIC web site,
or is it the flesh & blood Deputy Commissioner of Taxx-ation)
30. I note that on a personal income tax form, it states that the person must sign the form for it to have any
validity, please explain what legislation allows communications, demands & threats from people in the
ATO, to not be signed by a living, breathing man or woman, yet still be valid.
31. Section 115 of chapter V of The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act – “The States”, states in
toto, I quote – “A State shall not coin money, nor make anything but gold and silver coin a legal tender in
payment of debts.” On a search of the Perth Mint website I found that:
 A $50 face value gold coin [99.9% pure gold] cost $789 + $5.50 shipping, with a limited mintage
worldwide of 1,000 coins, total face value $50,000, with a total cost to purchaser of $789,000 ‘fiat
currency’ [+ unknown shipping cost].
 A $1 face value silver coin [99.9% pure silver] in the 2006 “Discover Australia Silver Series”
costs $78 [‘fiat currency’] + $5.50 shipping per coin, with a total mintage of 7,500 coins
worldwide during the years 2006 – 2008. If I was able to buy the lot, the equation would be total
face value $7,500 [‘fiat dollars’] plus unknown shipping costs.
For reasons of impecuniosity, I am not able to afford to buy these coins using ‘fiat currency’, to discharge
any alleged debt allegedly owed by the ‘strawman’ JOHN HENRY DOE.
32. I have not seen or been presented with any material fact or evidence of a referendum result demonstrating
CONSTITUTION to repeal or alter Section 115 and that no evidence exists or has been presented to
demonstrate that there exists money of substance in common circulation with which debt can be
extinguished, and I believe that none exists.

32. I have not been presented with any material evidence or fact to indicate that the High Court Case of
HCA Starke J. case of 1934.

("Now it so happened that in 1931-1932 the sovereign was in law and in fact, both in England
and Australia, the principal coin, the unit of value, and the principal money of account. The Gold
Standard Act 1925 (15 & 16 Geo. V. c. 29) was not suspended in England until September 1931 (21 & 22
Geo. V. c. 46). In Australia the provision in the Act 1920 No. 43, sec. 60, that Australian notes should
bear the promise of the Treasurer to redeem the same in gold coin was not repealed until May 1932,
by the Act 1932 No. 16, though, by the Act 1929 No. 31, any person might, upon certain conditions
being fulfilled, be required to exchange for its equivalent in Australian notes any gold coin or bullion
held by him, and power was taken to prohibit the export of gold. The former power was, I understand,
at times exercised, but the latter power was never exercised. But gold had in fact practically gone
out of circulation, and, quoted in terms of money of account, was at a premium. Exchange between
England and Australia was more or less controlled, and against Australia.
At all events, the taxpayer's credit or debt of £5,671 in England was of a value of £6,768 in Australia,
expressed in terms of the common money of account. But the credit or debt or income of the taxpayer,
expressed in terms of the common money of account, was the same, though the command over wealth or
value was not the same, in the two countries. Returns of income and assessments to tax under the
Income Tax Act are not stated in terms of money proper or currency, but in terms of the monetary unit of
account, however the assessment may be discharged. The result may be considered anomalous, but it
flows from the use of a common monetary unit of account.")
was NOT handed down in 1934 and believes that none exists.

If you wish to ask a TAXX orifice employee these questions, please email me with
your intended NOTICE / letter before posting anything to them.


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