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au, Maiva Corporation Pty Ltd and our practice material is not connected with, affiliated with or endorsed
by Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment, Cambridge English Language Assessment or Box Hill Institute. Our practice
material has been prepared by our expert teachers to assist candidates in preparing for the OET exam.
Listening Test 1


This test has two parts

Time allowed: 20 minutes

PART A, In this part of the test, you will hear a general practitioner talking to Mark,

a man suffering from a throat problem. You will hear the consultation ONCE ONLY,

in sections. As you listen, you must make notes about the consultation under the
headings given on the answer paper.

Turn over now and look quickly through Part A. You have ONE MINUTE to do this.

You must give as much relevant information as you can under each of the headings
provided. You may write as you listen, and there will be pauses during the consultation
for you to complete your notes under the relevant heading, and to read the following

There will also be two minutes at the end of the test for you to check your answers.

Give your answers in NOTE FORM. Don’t waste time writing full sentences.

Remember you will hear the consultation ONCE ONLY, and you should write as you
Listening Test 1

Now look at Question 1. Question 1 has been done for you.

Name of the patient – Mark

Problem - Sore throat

2 Notes on Mark’s condition

Faced the same problem …………..

Has been facing this ………………..

………….and unable ……………..

3 Notes on personal information from Mark

Age: ………………………

Smokes but only sometimes, once in ………………

Profession: ……………………..

4 Notes on examination by the doctor

Condition of the throat:


Listening Test 1

5 Notes on examination by doctor again

Temperature ………………

Coughing ……………………

Problem ……………………..

The patient informed the doctor about …………………………….


Change in …………………

Notes on Mark’s history of this medical problem

Same problem occurred ………………….ago

…………times in ……………. months

Mark’s explanation of the problem





6 Notes on explanation by the doctor on tonsillitis


……………….. children…

Can be related to ………………

What acts as filters?

Answer: ………………..
Listening Test 1





7 Notes on explanation on examination by the doctor again

Sample detection - may have to perform a ……………………..

What it may involve?

Answer: It may involve ………………..throat, close to the tonsils with a cotton swab.

What will it help with?

Answer: ……………………..……………………..

8 Notes on explanation by the doctor after examination

Mark was allergic to penicillin – yes or no

List out the name of drugs mentioned here by the doctor




9 Notes on questions by the patient again

Listening Test 1

Complete the given dialogue

But I am a bit…………now.. Because, a friend of mine,………………, too was suffering

from …………… and he had ………………. Tonsillitis in him was just ………….., you know.

10 Notes on suggestion by the doctor

Asked the patient to ……………………..

Advised to ……………………..

Advised not to ……………………..……………………..

Do not teach loudly


Speak a bit slowly

Listening Test 1

PART B, In this part of the test you will hear a talk on Osteoarthritis disease.

You will hear the talk once only, in sections. As you listen, you must answer the
questions in the spaces provided on the answer paper.

Turn over now and look quickly through Part B. You have one minute to do this.

You may write as you listen and there will be pauses during the talk for you to complete
your answers and to read the following question. Remember, you will hear the tape once
only and you should write as you listen.

Now read Question 1. Question 1 has been done for you.


1a Name of the doctor: Neil Johnson

1b osteoarthritis specialist

2 (i) complete the sentences given

2a also called osteoarthroses or …………………

2b common type of …………….

(ii) Complete your answer from the information given here

Listening Test 1

2c the breakdown of cartilage causes

the bones to ……………….


pain and

loss of movement ……….

3 Answer the following questions:

3a what does osteoarthritis mostly affect?


3b what does healthy cartilage also help with?


3c the rubbing causes



loss of motion of the joint

3d Bits of bone or cartilage can …………..

Listening Test 1

4 (i) Answer the following question:

4a What do people with osteoarthritis often have?

Answer: People with osteoarthritis often have (i)………… and (ii) ………..

4 (ii) Complete the information given:

4b doesn’t affect …………

4c ……………… is the second most common form of arthritis

5 Complete the following table

5a affects nearly ……………..

5b OA typically affects only certain joints, such as

(i) hips (ii) ……….. (iii) knees, (iv) ………..

5c occurs mostly in …………..

5d Younger people sometimes get ……………, primarily from ………….

Listening Test 1

6 Some risk factors that might lead to it include:


Getting older


Joints that are …………

A genetic defect …………….

7a Warning signs of osteoarthritis are:

Stiffness in a joint ………… or sitting for a long time

Swelling or tenderness in one or more joints

A crunching feeling or ……………

7b Tests include:


Physical exam


8a Osteoarthritis treatment has four main goals:




Listening Test 1

8b Osteoarthritis treatment plans can involve:



Rest and joint care

Non drug pain relief techniques ……………..


Complementary and alternative therapies


9 Answer the following questions

9a What are the three kinds of programs talked about here?



Arthritis …………..


9b What do people in these programs learn?



Talk with their doctor or other health care providers.

Listening Test 1


9c What do self-management programs help them with?




Have more control over the disease.


9d People with a good-health attitude:

Focus on what they can do, not ……………….

Focus on their ……………………

Build fitness and healthy eating into their daily routines

10 What are researchers studying?


10a Tools to detect ……………..

Listening Test 1

10b A wide range of ……………………

10c Medicines …………………



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