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My short reflection about the five of the most important soft skills in the call center industry.

Listening: Make it Your Secret Communication Weapon

Listening can be particularly difficult for anyone since listening gives you access to a diversity of
ideas and potential solutions that you could not have generated on your own.

The easiest way to build trust with someone is to show interest in him or her. listening broadens
perspectives and allows an organization to proactively address potential problems rather than
simply reacting to them after they escalate so good listeners make it all about the person they are
with, not about them. The most valuable thing you can give someone is your attention.

Take Accountability: Do What You Say You’re Going to Do

When something goes wrong and you are responsible for it, it often happens that you make
excuses, ignore it or blame someone else by making it obvious that we do not take responsibility
for our actions, knowing that after a cause an effect.

What is recommended in these situations is that you take full responsibility for the role you
played in it and always try to learn from it.

Being responsible also means not making assumptions, it means holding others accountable and
following up to confirm that tasks have been completed, and it means keeping the agreements
you make.

Creative Thinking: Be Resourceful With What You’ve Got

Being creative often means finding ways to solve problems with limited resources without
making excuses, more than that it means not seeing the negative as a wall but as something to be
solved quickly and effectively.

We should ignore the rocks in the road and always solve, so instead of seeing the bad as
negative, we should see it as an opportunity to create and learn.

Emotional Awareness: Know What You’re Feeling

For human beings it is easy to act out of pure emotion, we allow ourselves to be guided by our
impulses. But this can be a deeply problematic way of making decisions since we do not analyze
the other options or we do not reason and let ourselves be guided by pure animal instinct.
It is quite appropriate to think things through before acting, to try to let off steam in some way,
whether it is by talking to a friend, listening to music, etc. There are many ways to reason better,
but above all take the time to pause, refocus and ask yourself what is most important.

Empathy: Go Outside to Connect Inside

Being part of the pile is easy and through time we have been taught to be robots to do what
others tell us and it is more noticeable in an organization. However, it is good to give your time
outside the work area by exploring new experiences that allow you to grow and build empathy
with others.

When we bring these external experiences back to the office, it can create greater empathy and
understanding of our colleagues, which ultimately allows us to feel more comfortable in our own

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