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Short Answer Questions

1. What is the relationship (difference) between management information systems (MIS) and
information technology (IT)?
A management information system (MIS) is a computer system consisting of hardware and
software that serves as the backbone of an organization's operations. An MIS gathers data from
multiple online systems, analyzes the information, and reports data to aid
in management decision-making. Information technology (IT) is the use of computers to store,
retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data or information. IT is typically used within the context of
business operations as opposed to personal or entertainment technologies. These 2 works
together, without either of them there is no completion of anything that can be achieved. So,
therefor MIS & IT generate perfectly together.
2. What four steps should an organization follow in determining which technologies to use?
 Timeliness
 Location( no matter where you are)
 Form(audio, text, animation)
 Validity(credibility)
3. What is the relationship between data, information, business intelligence (BI), and knowledge?
These are information resources:
 Data : are facts that describes a particular phenomenon
 Information: data that have a particular meaning within a specific context
 Business intelligence: are collective information about customers, competitors, business
partners and competitive environment.
 Knowledge: broad term that can describe many things.
4. How does the granularity of information change as it moves from lower to upper organizational
Granularity of information change as it move from lower level where information is revealed
into detailed to upper level where coarse granularity describes the state of organization based
on transactions.
5. What is the difference between a technology-literate knowledge worker and an information
literate knowledge worker?
Difference between Technology literate knowledge and Information:
Technology-literate knowledge workers know how and when to apply technology 
Information-literate knowledge workers can define information needs, know how and where to
obtain information, understand information, and acts appropriately based on information.
6. Discuss a scenario when an activity is legal and unethical.
When a FNU student is attending to a class which he or she is not enrolled in that particular class
but is just there to tag along with a friend.
7. What role does the Five Forces Model play?

8. Why are competitive advantages never permanent?

Rise of different types of competition

Competition never gives up
9. What are the three generic strategies according to Michael Porter?
Overall cost leadership:
Focus: selecting meaning products. Company focusing on a particular product
Differentiation: one is unique than the other.
10. How are Porter’s three generic strategies, an above-the-line versus a below-the-line approach,
and the RGT framework similar?
 Above the line: business looks at making profits and increase in revenue.
 Below the line: reduce expenses
11. What is the role of value-chain analysis?
Activities that are set and followed by a business to create value.

Long Answer questions

1. The three key resources in management information systems (MIS) are information, information
technology, and people. Which of these three resources is the most important? Why? The least
important? Why?


People are main assets to any company. Without people there are no complying of these resources.

2. We often say that hardware is the physical interface to a technology system while software is
the intellectual interface. How is your hardware your physical interface to your computer?

Hardware are the physical devices which make up the computer. It is via various hardware only that we

input information into the computer and obtain output from it. Thus, hardware is the medium via
which we physically interact with the computer.

How is your software your intellectual interface to your computer?

Software forms the interface between computer users and the machines those users operate, thus

allowing the users to accomplish their tasks. 

3. Do you see technology progressing to the point that we may no longer distinguish between
hardware and software and thus no longer perceive differing physical and intellectual

This is known as technology advances. As year comes about technology is being upgraded and

4. In this chapter, we discussed the use of loyalty programs in the travel industry as a mechanism
for reducing buyer power. What is another industry that also uses loyalty programs to reduce
buyer power?

How does that industry use loyalty programs to do so?

They give out Voda Star in every month for its longer customer.

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