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A Finite Element Simulation of the Electroplating Process

E. S. Masuku', A. R. Mileham', H. Hardisv, A.N. Bramley' (I), C. Joha13 and P. Detassis3

Department of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Bath, BA27AY, England
'Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, BA27AY, England
Glacier Vandervell Bearings Ltd

This paper describes the development, comparison and validation of both 2-D and 3-D models of the
electroplating process in which the current density distribution, generated using the Finite Element Method
(FEM), is used together with Faraday's law of electrolysis to determine the local plating depth. Prior to work
on industrial components, a preliminary investigation was undertaken on the electroplating of a square
copper cathode (work piece) with a parallel lead anode of identical shape. The results described here show
good agreement, particularly in 3-D and are considered to validate the model sufficiently for it to be used for
electroplating tooling design.

Electroplating, FEM, modelling

1 INTRODUCTION been involved in modelling the Electrochemical Machining

Electroplating is a process that is used widely in the (ECM) [8-101, Forging and Welding processes. ECM can
automotive, aerospace, electronics and general be considered as the reverse of the electroplating process
engineering industries. In these industries, electroplating and is used for example by aero engine manufactures to
is used for corrosion prevention, aesthetic finishes and to machine compressor blades. Although the process is
apply wear coatings to various components. It also has efficient the tooling development time can be excessively
possibilities in rapid prototyping. This paper reports on long and is thus a considerable constraint. In an attempt
preliminary research that is involved with the plating of to improve the tool design, an automated 2-D Finite
wear surfaces in the automotive industry. Here Element (FE) simulation of the ECM process was
electroplating is still largely approached as an art and little successfully conceived and developed.
research in this area has been published in the last
decade. What research that has been conducted has 2 ELECTROPLATING THEORY
concentrated on the physical process and the underlying When a current is passed through an electrolyte between
chemical reactions. For example Budman [ I ] looks at the an anode electrode and a cathode work surface, the
use of zinc alloys to provide superior corrosion protection quantity of material deposited or plated on to the work
while Snyder [2] reports on methods that improve both the surface is given by Faraday's Law: -
appearance and performance of nickel chromium finishes.
There has also been interesting work on the plating of Q = A l t
composite coatings such as Ni-Sic [3] and general Ni- q p 96500
ceramic [4] which are seen as having great potential in Where Q = Volume of material deposited, mm3
reducing friction in aluminium internal combustion A = Atomic Weight of deposited material
engines. q = Valency of deposited material
Some work has been carried out to improve the process p = Density of the deposited material, g/mm3
through process modelling. Hammam [5] produced a I = Current, amp
physical model to investigate the wear performance of a t =Time, s
tin plated layer on copper based alloys. Mathematical 96500 = Faraday's constant, coulomb/g
modelling has been used to describe the plating of At any instant, when the anode and work piece are
molybdenum so that hydrogen cracking can be avoided separated by a distance y, and the constant voltage
[6] and for the electrodeposition of zinc-nickel alloys between them is V, the current density J, is given by
taking into account plating chemistry and surface Ohm's Law: -
reactions. Lee [7] used CFD to optimise the fountain
plating process in the bump plating of semiconductor J = N
wafers. However no recently published work into the use Y
of numerical techniques to model the electroplating
deposition process, as used in the automotive industry, k = Electrolyte's electrical conductivity, seimens/mm.
could be found. Equations (1) and (2) can be combined to yield the rate E
The use of modelling to gain insight into manufacturing at which the anode material is deposited on to the work:-
processes is not new. It has been the subject of much
research and has resulted in many processes being E = A J (3)
significantly improved. The authors of this paper have p 96500
E = C' J (Where C'=Constant) (4) Two set-ups were constructed, one with the electrodes 60
mm apart and the other with the electrodes 100 mm apart.
As the distance between the electrodes is large compared to The plating conditions for both FE and actual experiments
the plating thickness, local values of J will remain were as follows: -
reasonably constant throughout the plating process. Anode = 40mm x 40mm Lead Electrode
However J will not have a single value across a surface, as Cathode = 40mm x 40mm Copper Electrode
predicted by I - D theory, but will exhibit a complicated and Inter Electrode Distance = 60mm and 100mm
varying current density distribution as described later in the Electrolyte Conductivity = 0.017 micro-seimenshnm
results. If a current density profile across a surface is Voltage = 2V
available then it could be used in conjunction with Equation Plating Time = 210 s
(4), to simulate variations in plating thickness. Current Plating Constant C' = 0.0946
density profiles in this research, for both the 2-D and 3-D
cases, have been modelled using proprietary FE software. The actual plating was carried out at 20' C. After plating
the copper workpieces were sectioned through their
centres, mounted, polished and the plating thickness
3 FINITE ELEMENT ELECTROPLATING MODEL measured using a microscope at various points across
their surfaces. The results of the FE plating simulations
A numerical model of the plating process has been and the actual plating experiments are given in section 5.
developed. It employs the Finite Element Method (FEM)
and to avoid lengthy FE development the commercially 5 COMPARISON OF RESULTS
available ANSYS (Thermal) FE analysis package has been
used [ I l l . This meant that its powerful mesh manipulation The first set of results is shown on Figure 1 and are for
tools and graphics facilities were immediately available. the two electrodes set 60mm apart. It compares the
results of the 2-D simulation, the 3-D simulation and the
Before beginning a run, a geometric model (2-D or 3-D) of actual plating depths along the centre line of the work
the electrode configuration is constructed by the user. The piece. For the actual plating depth several measurements
geometry of the model is defined by specifying the co- were taken at each position and these are represented by
ordinates of key-points. Lines connecting the key-points M I , M2, M3 and their average. All three results
serve to define areas and volumes. Each principal demonstrate the same general profile with more plate
component in the model (anode, electrolyte and cathode) is being deposited at the edges than at the centre. It can be
defined by allocating an appropriate value of electrical seen that throughout the section the simulated 3-D plating
conductivity to all FE elements within the contiguous areas thickness is consistently higher than that for 2-D and gives
or volumes making up that component. The actual a better fit with the actual profile. However although there
geometric construction of the FE model, together with is good general agreement of the plating depth in the
appropriate material specifications etc, is carried out in the central region, in both cases there is an increasing
preprocessor phase of the FE Package using the divergence with the actual as the profile moves towards
Graphical User Interface. The completely defined model is the edge.
then passed to the solution phase.
Using Ohm's Law and assuming a I - D current flow, the
Submission of the file containing the complete definition of current density ( J ) can be calculated from the physical set
the model to the solution phase of the FE package initiates up as 0.000567 A/mm2.
the plating test run. For given boundary conditions,
operation of the matrix solver yields the potential and current Then using Equation (5)
density distributions throughout the model. All solution data
is then passed to the post-processor where it becomes D = 0.000567 x 0.096 x 210 mm = 0.01 143 mm or
available for access and manipulation. In particular the D = 11.43 microns
current densities in the electrolyte elements at the work
surface (4 are extracted. This calculation, in reality, gives an average I - D depth of
plate across the whole surface. A value that is lower than
The simulated depth of plating (D) at any point on the work either the 2-D or 3-D simulation at the central position on
surface for a given time (f) may be calculated using the work piece.
Equation (5): -
D =C'Jf
A spreadsheet is used for this series of calculations

Prior to modelling the industrial components, a preliminary
investigation was undertaken on the electroplating of a
40mm square copper cathode (work piece) with a 40 mm
square lead anode located directly opposite and parallel
to each other in a relatively large tank of electrolyte. The
results of this preliminary work are presented in this
paper. The objectives were to compare the results from a
3-D FE model of the plated work piece with that of a 2-D
FE model of the plating deposited on the work piece's
central axis and to compare these against real plated
depths using as near identical conditions as possible.
Although the electric field between the electrodes is 3-D in
shape, it was considered essential to establish whether a
simple 2-D model could be used for tool design purposes.
Figure 1: 2-D and 3-D simulated plating depths (60mm).
Figure 3: 2-D orthogonal curvilinear squares.

Figure 2: 2-D and 3-D simulated plating depths (100mm).

Figure 2 shows the results for the two electrodes set 100
mm apart and again compares the results of the 2-D
simulation, the 3-D simulation and the actual plating using
the same notation. As 2V has again been used and the
distance between the electrodes increased, the current Figure 4: 3-D orthogonal curvilinear cubes (A =
density acting on the surface has reduced. However all They form a system of curvilinear orthogonal squares as
three results again show the same general profile with shown in Figure 3. Because, by definition, current must flow
more plate being deposited at the edges than at the tangentially along a flow line, a pair of adjacent flow lines
centre. At this distance apart, the simulated 3-D plating forms a 2-D flow duct, through which the current flow
thickness is approximately 16% higher than that for 2-D remains constant. In a 2-D model changes in flow tube cross
(compared with an 8% difference for 60 mm) and again sectional area (A,) are restricted to a single direction (v).
gives a better fit with the actual profile in the central
region. The limitation of a 2-D model, that changes must be
restricted to the X-Y plane only, can be removed by
For this case when assuming a I - D current flow, the changing to a 3-D model. Theory suggests that such a 3-D
current density ( J ) can be calculated from the physical set model should be analysed in terms of orthogonal curvilinear
up as 0.00034 A/mm2. cubes (see Figure 4). Because such a 3-D model allows the
Then using Equation (5) flow tubes to expand in two directions (Y and Z), their cross-
section can be greater, their resistance less, and the flow
D = 0.00034 x 0.096 x 210 mm = 0.00675 mm or through them proportionally greater.
D = 6.75 microns As shown in Table 1, preliminary FE results suggest that for
the centre of the cathode, and for the same voltage
For the set of experimental conditions used, as the difference between anode and cathode, the 3-D current
electrodes move apart, the ability of I - D theory to predict density can exceed the 2-D value by up to 20%, depending
the current density and plating thickness at the centre of on the separation distance between the electrodes. This
the electrode reduces. Table 1 gives a comparison of the bears out the above hypothesis.
plating thickness at the centre of the electrode predicted
by the various modelling strategies used in this paper. Because of their relatively high conductivity, each metal
The expected reduction in thickness predicted using I - D electrode is at an essentially uniform voltage; the anode is
theory is 40%. maintained at high voltage, the cathode at low voltage. In
agreement with the electric field theory briefly outlined
Distance Plating Thickness - microns above, within the electrolyte, surfaces of constant voltage
Apart 3-D 2-D I - D Actual together with current flow lines form an orthogonal set, i.e.
each intersection is at right-angles. The field between the
60 mm 14.0 13.0 11.3 12.5 two electrodes is shown diagrammatically in Figure 5.
100 mm 11.0 9.5 6.8 11.0
% Reduction 21% 27% 40% 12% anode cathode

Table 1: Thickness of plating at centre of electrode

A 2-D model is essentially a slice of unit thickness through
the real 3-D system. The model represented in the X-Y
plane, is assumed to have unit depth in the Z direction. It is
as if the model could be extended to infinity in both the +Z
and -2 directions without change in its shape. It follows that
for a 2-D model to be representative of the real system it is
necessary that the section of the real system does not F L > Flow line
change in the Z direction. In the X-Y plane of a 2-D model it
can be shown that the potential and current flow lines
intersect at right angles. Figure 5: The electric field between the electrodes.
Results from the FE tests showed that close to the Away from the centre of the electrode, particularly toward
electrodes the flow lines were virtually normal to the the corners, 2-D modelling accuracy reduces significantly.
electrode surfaces and consequenuy in this region flow Because of the limitations of 2-D models, further research
tubes have constant cross-sectional area (A,). Away from into industrial components is to be based on 3-D models.
the surface of the anode, the flow lines diverge, reach a
point of maximum separation at mid-distance between the 7 CONCLUSIONS
electrodes, and then converge to the cathode. Because of The 3-D nature of the current flow between the electrodes
this 3-dimensional effect, the cross-sectional area of a tube has been shown to reduce the electrical resistance and
A, will change along its length, producing a commensurate increase the current for the same applied potential in the
length wise variation in current density J (//A,). The voltage 3-D electroplating model as compared to I - D and 2-D
gradient (and therefor the current density J) is greatest at models. This results in higher 3-D current density values
the electrode surface, and least at mid-distance. These across the work surface particularly at the corners and
considerations apply even to the flow tube lying on the axis restricts the 2-D model to use in situations that are
of symmetry; consequently current flow through it cannot be towards 2-D in reality. The 3-D electroplating model that
determined from an application of the simple I - D form of has been developed shows reasonably good agreement
Ohm's Law. with the profile of the real plated surface and with the
For any arbitrary electrode separation distance L, the depth of the plate deposited and will be used, in future
voltage does not fall linearly from anode to cathode. research, to model real industrial electroplating set ups.
Because flow tubes have their smallest cross-section near
the surface, the voltage gradients and current densities are 8. AC KN0W LEDGEMENTS
greatest in this region. It should be noted that near the The authors would like to thank EPSRC for their support
surface, even if the geometry of a flow tube could be in carrying out this research.
considered to be a simple I - D cylinder, the voltage
difference across such a cylinder is unknown, being a REFERENCES
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Figure 6: Voltage and current density distribution between
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