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Language development

In the development of this section we learn about the way to support an argument,
the first part of this section we learn about the language to support our opinion or
our point of view, but for made a good sentence it's necessary using a reference
that be the truth, this due to the big quantity of false information in the internet,
magazines and newspaper. Due this, the information that we should to use is from
official source like reports, studies or research of scientists with a specialization in
the topic that we talk about.
And too in this section, we learn about the importance of "should and should not"
and "it's important to", this words are used to start a sentence or describe an
opinion with the relevance that we want to put in the talk. This means that we know
about the topic and we have the necessary information to describe an opinion with
scientific bases.

Critical Thinking
Following the development of the previous section we learn about the importance
to develop a good sentence to support an idea or an opinion, and now in this new
section, the book put us an example to describe the difference in the way to see a
situation like be against or favor about the topic.
And too in this section we have the develop of a situation between two points of
view, about the space programmes and how the people think that it's a waste of
money and other ones think that's the way that the government should to spend
our money.
With this difference of opinion, we can watch the difference in the develop of an
sentence to describe our opinion or the way that we think about the topic, but
sometimes this sentences are unnecessary or don’t have the necessary
information for describe the reality or the truth behind the point of view of the each
person, for this is important know about the official information behind and know
the way to put this information in a sentence with sense.
A) Space exploration is very expensive. Between 1981 and 2011, the US
government spent $192 billion on their space programme. Many people
believe that the space exploration is a waste of money. However, other
people think that it is an important and exciting project and that we should
spend money on it. This essay will discuss the arguments for and against
spending money on space programmes.
B) On the one hand, space exploration is important in many ways, due to this
programmes we can learn about a lot of things of the space like the
conditions that other planets have and the way that the stars and comets
travel across the universe, and with the support of the technology we can
learn much more like the composition of the territory of Mars with the help of
robots, or see other galaxy with the support of advanced telescopes, and
with this develop in technology more programmes with different objectives
are open to find new information about the space.
C) On the other hand, space exploration is very expensive and some people
think it is not a useful way to spend money. It's true that the advance in the
exploration and information of space it's important for our future, but it's
more important know all the aspect about our planet, like know all about the
oceans, animals and plants that we have, we need know first all about our
planet for after know about other planets or the space, and the way to spend
money it's in investigation about our planets and their mysteries.
D) In conclusion, I think that we should not spend money on space exploration.
Because we need to know our planet to have the necessary knowledge for
see and investigate other planets and with the information about our planet
decide that if it's possible the life in other planets like the Earth.
Sciencie Assignament
Author: César Fabián Escareño Ramírez
Absolute configuration of molecules
For determine the configuration absolute of a molecule it's necessary talk about to
two types of molecules: Isomers and Enantiomers
The first ones are different molecules with the same formula condensed and the
second ones are compounds that be mirror images that can't overlap, like our
hands that look like a mirror image one of the other
This kind of molecules are possible to see at the moment when we can work with
molecules with a chiral center and for these molecules it's necessary use a kind of
rules specific, the rules of Cahn-Ingold-Prelog.
This rules give us a way to know the absolute configuration of any molecule, with
points to check all the aspects that compound the molecule
The steps are:
1) Identify the four different atoms linked to the chiral center. And for these
atoms assign priority, take of reference the atomic weight, to the atom with
the bigger weight give the priority of 1 and the atom with the smaller weight
with the priority of 4.
2) If in the first inspection we can't assign priorities, we need continue
analyzing all the atoms of the chain to find the difference.
3) In a simple molecule we can ignore the atoms with a double bond and
others kind of no-chiral atoms.
4) With all the priorities assigning, we should guide the molecule in the way
that the group of less priority be oriented to behind according to the viewer,
with this made, we need see the sense of the priority decrease of the others
If the sense decrease like the clock hands the absolute configuration is R, of
Of the sense decrease in the other sense, contrary of the clock hands, the absolute
configuration of the molecule is S, that comes of the latin "sinister" that means left.
Other aspect important to the moment to analyze the molecule is the connectivity,
if we take every atom of the chiral center for separete and analyzing their linked
atoms, later, comparing the linked atoms of every atom linked to the chiral center,
we should select the atoms with the atoms with the biggest weight, this case for
two atoms with the same weight in a chiral center.
Other aspect of take in account is the atoms linked to the chiral centers with the
same weight, if this kind of atoms have a atom with a double bond and this is
necessary for know the absolute configuration of the molecule, the way to work
with this atoms is made a transformation, this transformation consists in add an
ghost atom accord to the other atom in the double bond.

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