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HS 412 Professional Practices Assignment # 1

Assignment No. 01
Total Marks: 15
Semester: Fall 2020
Due Date: 14/08/2020
HS 412 – Professional Practices

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 Your assignment must be in PDF format.(Any other formats like scan images, .doc, Zip, rar, bmp,
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Rules for Marking:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

 The assignment is submitted after due date.

 The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupted.

 Your assignment is copied from internet, handouts or from any other student

 Each student must identify his/her name/roll# and give answer in his/her own wordings.

Q#1: A medical surgeon performs unnecessary actions upon a patient to get the insurance payment. Explain how professional ethics are
Violated in this scenario?

Q#2: Three persons of different professions e.g. Doctor, engineer & lawyer previously working in different organizations make an
Agreement to work together and form and organization of their own. Which type of commercial organization they are forming?
Justify with proper reasoning?

Q#3: An international company produces software products. All the decision making of the organization is made by its board of directors.
Which type organization does the company fall in? Either company is centralized or de centralized? Justify your answer?

Q#4: What is Ethics? Is it just a part of an organization or complete society comes under its rules & regulations? Justify your answer with
proper example?

Q#5: A virtual university is about to train a number of employees in a new course. The presence of each employee is mandatory but two
Employees are refusing to attend the training. Explain how professional ethics are violated in this scenario?

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