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Issue 44 / November 2010

Member Newsletter
2 New President

While countries talk, cities

and utilities act

It has been almost a year since work of the Water and Climate
the world’s leaders failed to reach Coalition which was formed to
Awards agreement in Copenhagen on a actively progress the water, climate
global compact that would limit and adaptation agenda within the
growth in greenhouse gas emissions. UNFCCC framework and process.
It is anybody’s guess how, when and More information on the Coalition
where an agreement will eventually and key messages can be found
take shape, but I have no doubt in the Programmes section of this
such an agreement will eventually newsletter.
be accomplished in one form or for example, how can we create
IWA is well positioned to institutions or incentives to capture
another. The stakes are too high
contribute to these efforts because of the joint water and energy efficiency
to ignore climate change and its
our ongoing work with utilities around gains at an end-user level as
already evident consequences, as
the world on both the adaptation

first seen through the prism of water these may be substantial? The UK
and mitigation dimensions of climate Environment Agency reported that
in hard hit countries like Australia.
change. One important contribution
IWA Fellows of the total energy used on water in
COP16, the successor to to these efforts was IWA’s first Water the UK, only 10% of greenhouse gas
Copenhagen and COP15, will and Energy conference, held one emissions are generated by drinking
take place in Mexico from 29 year ago in Copenhagen preceding water and wastewater utilities, while
November to 10 December 2010. COP15. The event was a catalyst 90% is generated by households.
Although expectations are low for further work around the water It has been shown that even small
for any breakthrough in Mexico, and energy nexus. A declaration
scale savings through reduced use
IWA together with several global published following the Conference
of hot water or more efficient heating
organisations including WWF, IUCN, outlined several key points,
systems can produce substantial
CPWC, SIWI, GWP is teaming including:
overall savings. The Water Services
up with the World Bank, ANEAS,
● Acknowledgement of the Association of Australia announced

the Mexican Water Association,
essential service that both water that an efficiency gain of just 15%
New Data CONAGUA and the Mexican
of hot water use would offset the
and energy play in economic
Map Ministry of Water in a multi-year
total energy requirements of all the
initiative aimed at advancing closing
water and wastewater utilities. This is
the ‘water-adaptation gap’. The aim ● The need to integrate water and
equivalent to turning down hot water
is to increase the pace of ‘on the energy policies for optimised
systems by just four degrees and to
ground’ adaptation measures related solutions.
capture these gains we need to shift
to climate change which are based
● Opportunities for joint and to thinking in an integrated manner.
on real experience and covering
substantial water and energy
aspects of knowledge, capacity, The lack of agreement at
gains through end-user gains.
policy, financing and implementation. COP15 provided a breather in
The members of the Alliance bring ● The need to focus on water and terms of mitigation targets while
together the complementary skills energy recovery in policy and it simultaneously increased the

and institutional reach needed to technology development.(see challenge of adapting to climate
close the gap through coordinated change. Whether utilities are early
Women in Water and joint actions and by catalyzing Themes/Water,_climate_and_ adopters working ‘ahead of the
others to do the same. energy/ for the full declaration). game’ or waiting for regulation, it is
clear that many different approaches
This excellent initiative seeks to It is clear that water, climate
will be needed to move towards the
find solutions to the very complex and energy need to be thought
substantial and inevitable challenge
and integrated challenges posed about in an integrated manner.
of being carbon neutral and adapting
by climate change adaptation, This complex issue will require
to climate change.
and is a positive outcome of the a variety of approaches from
COP16 process. Collaboration on institutions, regulators, technologies Addressing utility energy
practical actions complement the and operations. One question is efficiency in a ‘business as usual’
continued on page 2
continued from page 1
requires a substantial shift from our current challenges, as complex and interlinked as they
manner will not be enough to meet the challenge
approaches and is essential if we wish to evolve are, as opposed to just shifting the problem
ahead. As time goes on, I become more
and more convinced that the adaptation and to highly resilient, highly efficient systems which between sectors. IWA programme development
mitigation aspects of climate change – at least recover water, energy and nutrients and provide on these important issues will continue with our
for urban water authorities – are so interlinked the standard of living we desire. We must search members and partners. Get involved and help
that we must be thinking of them together. This for solutions that truly address the core of these shape the solutions for the future.

IWA News
New IWA President, Vice-Presidents and Board of Directors
Dr Glen Daigger helping to transform water management Vienna within IWSA.
took office as President policies and practices to see that the needs Together with Hans
of International Water of all citizens of the planet are met well into Sailer he was an active
Association during the the future. member in IWSA with
World Water Congress a special focus on the
in Montreal. Glen is Two new Vice-Presidents Standing Committee
Senior Vice President on Public Relations.
The IWA Governing Assembly was held
and Chief Technology Since the launch of
on 18 September in Montreal, Canada in
Officer at CH2M HILL IWA in 2000, Walter
conjunction with the IWA World Water Congress
and is recognised Kling supported the
and Exhibition. The Assembly elected two new
worldwide as an expert development of the
Vice-Presidents for IWA: Dr Helena Alegre from
in wastewater treatment new association in his
Portugal and Dip Ing. Walter Kling from Austria.
technologies. Glen has been a member of IWA region of East Europe by organising a number of
Both have a wealth of experience outside and
for 36 years, and has served most recently events. He was Congress President of IWA World
within IWA which they bring to their respective
as President-Elect, Senior Vice-President and Water Congress 2008 in Vienna and member of
as a member of the Finance and Investment the IWA Board of Directors in 2006-2008 as the
Committee. Since 2002 incoming Congress President. Walter has been
Helena has been is the General Secretary of IAWD (International
“I am deeply honored to become the
the head of the Urban Association of Waterworks in the Danube
President of the International Water Association,”
Water Division of LNEC, Catchment Area) which he started in 1993. IAWD
says Glen. “While we have collectively
the National Civil is a long-term partner of IWA in various activities.
accomplished much in the past several years,
Engineering Laboratory Following the interest of Vienna to play an active
numerous challenges and opportunities lie
of Portugal. She is an role in the international water business, Walter
ahead. We must work to develop and deliver
experienced national has represented water issues also within CEMR
programs that serve not only the developed
and international R&D and the Water Committee of UCLG (United Cities
world, but also that aggressively work to serve
project manager. Her and Local Governments).
the needs in the developing world so that all of
professional activity
our efforts are equally relevant and impactful
has always been
no matter where you live in the world. As an
related to urban water services and infrastructure
organization of leaders and doers, we must IWA Board of Directors
asset management (IAM): applied research
dare to be great and provide the leadership and The new IWA Board members 2010-2012
and consultancy in analysis, diagnosis, design
innovation to move our profession and industry are:
and decision support for water supply systems,
forward at a much faster rate at the highest
including strategic planning, system rehabilitation ● Dr Glen Daigger (President and Chairman)
quality. The years ahead will be transformational
and water losses control. ● Dr David Garman (Immediate Past
for the water industry, and I look forward to
supporting all of the IWA members in embracing She is a very active member of the President)
and leading the change that must occur.” International Water Association (IWA). Currently, ● Dr Helena Alegre (Senior Vice-President)
she chairs the IWA Specialist Group on Strategic ● Mr Water Kling (Vice-President)
With so much to do in such a short time,
Asset Management (2007-) and is a member of ● Dr Mike Farrimond (Treasurer)
Glen will focus on four initiatives during his time
the following bodies: the IWA Strategic Council ● Prof Norbert Jardin (Chair, Programme
in office:
(2010-); the Portuguese Committee for the Committee)
● Continue to build strength, both in Lisbon IWA WWC 2014; the editorial board of the ● Prof Helmut Kroiss (Chair, Publications
participation and financially to allow the IWA Journal AQUA; the Scientific and Program Committee)
organization to expand its programs. Committee (SPC) and the Organising Committee
● Mr Gerard Payen (Chair, Strategic Council)
(OC) of LESAM 2011– 4th IWA Leading Edge
● Expand the family by including a broader ● Dr Inga Jacobs (Chair, YWP)
Conference on Strategic Asset Management
range of professionals than ever before and ● Prof Changwon Kim (Congress President,
(Mulheim, Germany); and the Efficient Operation
growing the new generation of professionals. Busan 2012)
and Maintenance SG (IWSA/IWA, 1995- ).
● Reinforce the culture of a “bottom-up” ● Dr Vasile Ciomos
Since his graduation Walter has worked on ● Dr Andrew Benedek
organization in which the outstanding results
different projects, tasks and departments within
and improvement of society is produced ● Mr Carlos Alberto Rosito
Vienna Waterworks. In 2001 he was appointed
through the interests and initiative of its ● Mrs Diane D’Arras
as Deputy Managing Director of Vienna
members. ● Prof Jiuhui Qu
● Dare to be great – addressing an increasingly ● Mr William Muhairwe
In 1993 Walter was delegated to represent ● Mr Paul Reiter (IWA Executive Director)
“water constrained” global situation by

Governing Assembly
The IWA Governing Assembly met in practice of water, and significantly expanding ask cities from South America to show their
Montreal on 18 September, immediately before the role of water professionals in policy, interest and willingness to host the 2016
the World Water Congress. The meeting was thereby enhancing our role as the global World Water Congress. The Governing
very well attended with more than 90 members organisation for water professionals. The Assembly meeting in October 2011 will elect
representing more than 40 Governing Members. Strategic Council stressed that these aims the host city.
can only be realised working through our
The highlights of the meeting included: ● Events update: Busan Congress President
members and our partner organisations.
● The adoption of the new IWA Strategic Prof Changwon Kim gave the Governing
● Election of two new Vice-Presidents: Helena Members a flavour of the next venue of the
Plan 2010 - 2014. Building upon the
Alegre as Senior Vice-President and Walter World Water Congress 2012. Building upon
achievements of the Association over the
Kling. Together with the new appointees, the
2006 - 2010 period, the new Strategic the successful first Development Congress
new Board for 2010-2012 was ratified by the
Plan envisions balancing our programs in in Mexico City, the organisation of the 2011
Governing Assembly.
the developed and developing countries, Development Congress in Kuala Lumpur is
significantly advancing the science and ● Endorsement of the Board’s proposal to progressing well.

IWA Presidential Award for the pioneers of cost-effective biological nutrient IWA Award for Outstanding
removal processes.
Global Vision Contribution to Water
Through this kind of engagement, Professor Management and Science
Prof. Norihito Tambo, Japan Jenkins is credited with helping hundreds of
Professor Tambo is being cities, industries and government agencies (Given in honour of Dr. Karl
honoured through this award throughout the US and in addition, in Canada, Imhoff and Dr. Pierre Koch)
for extraordinary vision and Hong Kong, France, Italy, Israel, South Africa,
direction setting in the field of China, Brazil, Spain Romania, Japan, and Dr. William T. Muhairwe, Uganda
water. Mexico among others. Dr. Muhairwe is being
In a career spanning more than 50 years, honoured through this award
Professor Tambo has been a leading thinker for an outstanding contribution
and prophet concerning man’s place in the IWA Global Water Award and innovatory contribution of
natural environment and in the crafting of “post- international impact relating to
modern” solutions to the vexing water challenges Prof. Blanca Jiménez Cisneros, leadership, system operation
of our time through advanced technology and Mexico and technical innovation.
innovative management approaches. Dr. Muhairwe is widely recognised for
Professor Jiménez is
Whether for his truly profound thinking, being honoured through leading a remarkable turnaround at Uganda’s
academic excellence, contributions to water this award for outstanding National Water and Sewerage Corporation
practice and development throughout the Asia- achievement at the global level; (NWSC) over the past 12 years. Over this period,
Pacific region or as a leader in both IWSA as in demonstrating excellence NWSC was transformed from a fiscally and
Vice-President and President of IWA, Professor in science, technology and operationally dysfunctional utility to a financially
Tambo is truly a global leader in our field. management and through vision, leadership, sustainable and efficient service provider. Strong
knowledge and opening new fields of endeavour. financial performance has enabled NWSC to
expand service coverage, particularly for the
A highly distinguished Professor at the
urban poor and led to dramatic increases in
IWA Global Water Award National Autonomous University of Mexico and
collection rates.
the author of over 230 scientific publications
Prof. David Jenkins, USA and reports, Professor Jiménez is a globally Behind these results, the story of this
Professor Jenkins is recognised expert on wastewater treatment and transformation lies in Dr. Muhairwe’s leadership
being honoured through this reuse. She has conducted extensive applied capabilities, which he has infused throughout
award for outstanding lifetime research on pathogen control in water and the staff of the whole organisation. The result
achievement at the global level wastewater and in the use of reclaimed water is a bottom-up and decentralised approach to
for creating new directions and for agriculture and has applied this research management, accountability and the pursuit
pathways in water science, to treatment plant design in many settings. of excellence by the staff. This story is well
technology and management. Professor Jiménez has received numerous documented in Dr. Muhairwe’s book, Making
international awards and serves as an expert Public Enterprises Work. Finally, this award
The author of over 250 scientific adviser to governments, international agencies also recognises Dr. Muhairwe and NWSC’s
publications and reports and a highly including WHO and UNESCO and through IWA contributions to utilities throughout Africa through
distinguished Professor Emeritus at the in the development of national and international NWSC’s mentoring activities.
University of California Berkeley, Professor water-related health and environment guidelines.
Jenkins’ professional activity has focussed in She was a member of the IWA Board of Directors
the area of wastewater treatment, especially on (2004-2008) and was Congress President for
the activated sludge process. Professor Jenkins IWA’s first Development Congress, hosted in
is widely recognised for his close involvement November 2009 in Mexico City.
with wastewater treatment plant operators and
managers in order to understand the critical
operational problems facing their plants and
then successfully applying these solutions at full
scale. In addition, Professor Jenkins is one of continued on next page

IWA Outstanding Service Award was endorsed by Brazil’s water industry through
her election as the current president of ABES, A big thank you!
(Given in honour of Dr. Samuel Brazil’s principal water association, and through
H Jenkins) her service on the IWA Board of Directors during We would like to thank all our members
the period 2008-2010. and delegates who visited the IWA stand during
Prof. Jiri Wanner, Czech the 2010 World Water Congress and Exhibition
Republic in Montreal. It was an unforgettable experience
with over 3000 participants from over 90
Professor Wanner is being IWA Publishing Award countries worldwide and a pleasure to meet you
honoured through this award
Prof. Gustaf Olsson all. We very much welcome feedback on your
for consistent and outstanding
experience at our stand and if you have ideas
service to IWA. Professor Emeritus Olsson
that you think could help add value to our stand
has been honoured through
Professor Wanner is at future events then we would love to hear from
this award for his contribution
recognised by the scientific community and you. Email any comments or suggestions to
made to IWA Publishing
within IWA as one of the leading experts in the Francesca Papa at or
field of biological wastewater treatment and in
particular, activated sludge population dynamics. As the Editor-in-Chief of Water, Science
Beyond this however, he has been a leader in and Technology (WST), and Water, Science
IWA activities and governance for thirty years. and Technology: Water Supply and the online
journal Water Practice and Technology, Prof.
Montreal memories
Professor Wanner is credited with a long
Olsson’s dedication to the task of turning WST
list of accomplishments within the Association. A great collection of Montreal memories,
into a leading publication for the water sector is
Highlights include: formation of the Activated including photos, videos and the Congress
remarkable. He was invited to the Editor-in-Chief
Sludge Population Dynamics Specialist Group Daily Newsletter are available for download and
position as a highly respected professional in
with Dr Grau; leadership of the Czech National viewing through the following links:
his field of environmental, power and industrial
Committee of IAWQ/IWA for over 25 years
systems. ● The slideshow selection of photos can be
through changes in both Czechoslovakia and
the IWA merger; a leading figure in the Large viewed on
Prof. Olsson has also served as a member
Wastewater Treatment Plant Conferences for of IWA Board of Directors (2007-2010) and IWA ● Videos can be viewed on www.iwa.blip.
over 20 years, and chairman of the 2nd Leading Strategic Council 2002-2008. tv. To access all the videos, please click on
Edge Technology Conference in Prague. There the Episodes Archive button on the right.
are many other examples of Dr. Wanner’s These include the video from the opening
sustained commitment to the field and to IWA ceremony as well as a video greeting
for which he is being recognised through this
Honorary Members
from HRH Prince Willem Alexander of the
award. Netherlands.

● Press conferences are available on www.
IWA Women in Water Award Dr. Andreas N. Angelakis
● Congress Daily newsletters are available on
for Leadership and Leadership the IWA Publishing website:
j Monday 20 September www.
(Given in honour of Dr. Hei-Jin
Woo) Dr. Jiri Marsalek
j Tuesday 21 September www.
Ms. Cassilda Teixeira de Carvalho
Ms. Teixeira is being IWACongressDaily21September2010.pdf
honoured through this award
j Wednesday 22 September
for leadership and leadership
development in the water
Prof. Saburo Matsui IWACongressDaily22September2010.pdf
j Thursday 23 September www.
Ms. Teixeira is a widely known and highly
respected figure in Brazil, South America and
internationally through IWA. She is a drinking
water treatment specialist within the utility ● The PDF of the brochure of PIA award
community of Brazil and long time Director of Mr. Hans Sailer winners is available for download at:
the Water Quality Committees of both ABES and
AIDIS. IWAGlobalPIA2010.pdf

Thirteen years ago, Ms. Teixeira conceived

and launched one of the most significant
utility programs in Brazil – the Brazilian Follow IWA on LinkedIn
Award Programme for Water and Sanitation
Management called PNQS. Tied to a utility
benchmarking system also developed by We have activated our group and are looking into developing subgroups for the site, initially
Ms. Teixeira, this program has resulted in
competition for excellence in many areas of for IWA Fellows and Women in Water. Sign up for Linked In and join the group for IWA
utility management in Brazil. The consequences
have been transformational for Brazil’s leading updates and networking.
utilities. Ms. Teixeira’s exceptional leadership

to the Global Winners of the
2010 Project Innovation Awards!

The 2010 IWA Global Project Innovation Award Winners and honour Awardees
Winner Western Corridor Recycled Water Project - WaterSecure, Australia
Winner Variable Salinity Plant - PUB, Singapore Winner Western Corridor Recycled Water Project Winner The Manila Water Experience - Reducing
honour Award Value-added products through - WaterSecure, Australia Water Losses Through A Multi-Pronged Approach
the bioconversion of wastewater and wastewater honour Award Marina Barrage - CDM & PUB, - Manila Water, Philippines
sludge - INRS-ETE, Canada Singapore honour Award Coastal Water Management
honour Award Patented Gaseous Electron honour Award Sustainable Drinking Water (COWAMA) - CLABSA (AGBAR), Spain
Donor Injection Technology (GEDIT) for In Situ Production: Recovery and Use of Water- honour Award Creating Premium Seoul Tap Water
Biodegradation of Perchlorate and Nitrate - CDM, Based Methane - Vitens/Royal Haskoning, The - Seoul Waterworks, Korea
USA Netherlands
honour Award Iron-Based Adsorbents and Related
Technologies for the Simultaneous Removal of PLANNING Winner Ice Pigging Technology to Clean Potable
As(III) and As(V): Application for Drinking Water Winner Gold Coast Water’s Four R’s Project - From Water Mains - Agbar, UK
Treatment and Water Environment Remediation - Vision to Reality - Gold Coast Water, Australia honour Award The Development and Application
RCEES, China honour Award Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone of Innovative High Speed Biological Groundwater
Sembcorp Water Co. Ltd. - An Integrated, Energy Treatment Technology - Nagaoka International
Saving, Zero Liquid Discharge And Sustainable Corporation, Japan
Wastewater Treatment/Reclamation Project - honour Award Downtown Scottsdale Booster
Zhangjiagang Sembcorp, China Station - GHD Inc., USA
honour Award Taipei Water Department Leakage
Control and Management by DMA - Taipei Water

The Project Innovation Awards (PIA) is a prestigious global competition which recognises and celebrates innovation and excellence in water engineering
projects around the world in five different project categories - applied research, design, planning, operations/management and small projects.
The PIA Global Grand Prize Winners and Honour Awardees were presented with their awards at the Global Project Innovation Awards Ceremony and dinner,
which was held on 22 September 2010 during the 2010 IWA World Water Congress in Montreal, Canada. The Superior Achievement Award, which is
presented to the project which received the highest scores of all project entered for the global competition, was presented to WaterSecure for the Western
Corridor Recycled Water Project in Australia.
For more information on the unique innovations and engineering features which made these projects global models for effective and sustainable approaches
to water management, please visit visit

Global Sponsors of the 2010 IWA Project Innovation Awards:

Celebrating IWAs newly elected Fellows 2010

Throughout its history IWA has recognised
individuals who have made outstanding
contributions to the advancement of the
purposes for which the Association stands. In
2010 the IWA Board of Directors instituted a
new programme to recognise the professional
excellence of its members through the IWA
Fellows Programme. The purpose of this
programme is to acknowledge those members
who have made a distinguished contribution
to the field of water science, technology and
management and solicit their help in continuing
this work by acting as active ambassadors of

After a vigorous nomination and selection

process a total of 35 individuals were selected for IWA Fellows 2010. (Photo credited to NIPPON SUIDO SHIMBUN Co.)
the first tranche of Fellows 2010. They are:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harro Bode Germany Mr Yoji Matsui Japan A special reception was organised during the
Mr. Paul Brown USA Dr Sudhir Murthy USA IWA World Congress & Exhibition in Montreal,
Prof. David Butler UK Dr. Krishna Pagilla USA September 2010, for the newly elected Fellows
Prof. Cloete South Africa Mr. Dayanand Panse India to present them with their awards. Each Fellow
Mr. Francisco Luis Cubillo Spain Prof. Spyros G. Pavlostathis USA of IWA received a certificate and IWA Fellows Pin
Dr. Shigeo Fujii Japan Prof. Maria Reis Portugal which can be worn to help distinguish this group
Dr. Naoyuki Funamizu Japan Prof. Joan Rose USA of individuals amongst IWA’s membership. In
Dr. Hiroaki Furumai Japan Dr. Julian Sandino USA addition to this reception, all IWA Fellows were
Dr. Charles P. Gerba USA Prof. Dragan Savic UK showcased on the IWA Fellows Awards Panel
Prof. Steve Hrudey Canada Dr. Michael Storey Australia presented at the IWA Exhibition stand in Montreal
Dr. Sadahiko Itoh Japan Dr. Hiroaki Tanaka Japan and also in the IWA Hall of Fame in the Congress
Dr David Jenkins USA Prof. Mark van Loosdrecht Netherlands centre. Fellows will also be presented in the IWA
Prof. Blanca Jimenez Mexico Dr. Peter Vanrolleghem Canada Yearbook for 2011 and in the December issue of
Prof. Jurg Keller Australia Prof Vigid Vigneswaran Australia Water21.
Prof. In S. Kim Korea Dr. Kazuo Yamamoto Japan Nominations for 2011 Fellows will open in
Mr. Walter Kling Austria Prof. Zhiguo Yuan Australia December. View the IWA Website at http://www.
Prof. Dr. ir. Piet Lens Netherlands
Prof. Shang-Lien Lo Taiwan Fellows/ for further details.

IWA photo competition

A photo competition was held at the IWA to use to enhance some of our communication
stand throughout the week in a bid to help and promotional collateral. Winners of the 2010
us build up our image library of members competition were selected in a raffle draw on the
and delegates. Thank you to all of you who last day of the congress and we are delighted to
participated. We have collected many member present the following with their awards:
and delegate photos together with statements
● 1st prize: Free Registration to the World
on what the IWA means to you, which we hope
Water Congress in Busan goes to Sahar
Find the latest
● 2nd prize: Book Voucher for IWA news on
Publications worth 100 GBP goes to Thibaud

● 3rd prize: Free IWA Membership for 2011

goes to Prabeen Joshi.

We still have a long way to go to building up

our image library and would very much welcome
submissions of high quality images of members
and professional activities to help us do so.

Pierre Giacasso
Pierre Giacasso died suddenly on August 4, 2010. He had dedicated his life to drinking water and to
the defense of public utilities.

He was born on November 4, 1940 in Geneva, where he grew up and undertook his basic
scientific studies. Pierre left Geneva in 1961 for Zurich. At the Swiss Institute of Technology, he
attended the course of Professor Grassmann, the worldwide known specialist of the process
engineering and graduated in this field in 1966. He then started his professional career in Basel,
Switzerland, at Hoffmann-La Roche. As a young engineer, Pierre was in charge of many chemical
installations, especially in the production of vitamin E. After a few years, he was appointed chief

In September 1982, Pierre was nominated CEO of Geneva Water, a fully public company
supplying about half a million customers. He undertook the global modernisation of the main
infrastructures. In 1983, Pierre Giacasso was nominated member of the Swiss Gas and Water
Industry Association (SGWIA) and even became its President between 1992 and 1995. He was
involved in many international groups focusing on water.

From 1995 to 1997, Pierre was the consensus President of the International Water Services
Association (IWSA) and pioneered the creation of IWA in 1999, resulting from the merger of IWSA
and the International Association of Water Quality (IAWQ). In March 2001, Pierre was able to enjoy
retirement, but kept attending the annual general assembly of the SGWIA, sharing his sense of
humor and his huge knowledge in the realm of water. Pierre will be remembered as one of the great
names of water, particularly in Switzerland.

2011 Membership Renewals
Don’t lose touch with your peers and your
profession- renew your membership to the IWA High Income Countries Low Income Countries
today. Individual Membership Fees 2011 £ $ e £ $ e
Individual (1yr - 2011) 67.00 118.00 89.00 30.00 53.00 40.00
The membership renewal process for next
Individual (3yr - 2011-2013) 201.00 354.00 267.00 90.00 159.00 120.00
year has begun. If you haven’t already received
Student/Retired (1yr - 2011) 30.00 53.00 40.00 19.00 32.00 24.00
your renewal invoice for 2011, then it should
Student/Retired (3yr - 2011-2013) 90.00 159.00 120.00 57.00 96.00 72.00
arrive very shortly. IWA would like to encourage
our members to renew before the New Year,
in order to avoid any delay in receiving those
all-important member benefits!

Remember, that both corporate and

individual members can renew online for easier
High Income Countries Low Income Countries
Corporate Membership Fees 2011 £ $ e £ $ e
If you have any queries regarding your Small (1yr - 2011) 370.00 654.00 490.00 185.00 327.00 245.00
membership please feel free to contact us at Small (3yr - 2011-2013) 999.00 1766.00 1323.00 500.00 883.00 662.00 quoting your membership Medium (1yr - 2011) 927.00 1634.00 1225.00 464.00 817.00 613.00
number in the subject line of the email. We’d Medium (3yr - 2011-2013) 2503.00 4412.00 3308.00 1253.00 2206.00 1655.00
also like to extend a sincere thank you to all of Large (1yr - 2011) 2101.00 3890.00 2776.00 1050.00 1945.00 1388.00
Large (3yr - 2011-2013) 5673.00 10503.00 7495.00 2835.00 5252.00 3748.00
you for your ongoing support.

Corporate Members on the overall cost of your membership, avoid 2011 Membership Renewal-
any potential increases in fees and also save on updating your records
Upgrade your Corporate Membership and
potential bank transfer and administration costs.
receive a 10% discount! If you wish to make any changes to your
To take advantage of this opportunity to upgrade
membership details or your list of Nominated
This year you may also want to consider your membership, please contact your IWA Representatives for year 2011 please contact
upgrading your membership from a one year corporate account manager at roselyn.chang@ your personal Account Manager at roselyn.
package to a three year membership package. who will be able to provide you further who will gladly assist you
By doing so you will receive a 10% discount details. further.

New Corporate Members Update
We welcome the following organisations that flocculants and biocides for the desalination ● FACSA,S.A.
have recently joined IWA. and reverse osmosis membrane market.
● TheGreat Man Made River FACSA offers all services associated
with the integral management of water
● FEMSA Foundation Authority (Libya) resources including catchment, treatment
(México) and distribution. FACSA is also specialised on The Great Man Made River Authority engineering projects.
FEMSA Foundation is a social investment was established by law No. 11/1983 by the
instrument that supports education, science, General People’s Congress to implement and ● EMCO
and technology in the areas of water manage The Great Man Made River Project.
conservation and sustainable use, as well as The total installed cost to date for phase I is $
the improvement of the quality of life within 5.53 billion, $ 8.05 billion for phase II and $
communities. EMCO’s complete system approach
6.0 billion for phase III.
from design to manufacturing, installation to
FEMSA Foundation has a vision of operation and maintenance, covers the entire
● ITRON (France)
integral development for Latin American water and wastewater treatment cycle. With
communities. It focuses on environmental dedicated staff spanning North America, the
sustainability, specifically water and quality of Itron Inc. is a leading technology provider Middle East, Gulf and Africa, EMCO has led
life, with special care and respect towards the to the global energy and water industries. the industry for over 30 years with innovative
environment and human beings. The company is a world’s leading provider solutions to meet clients’ challenging needs.
of intelligent metering, data collection and
● Centro
del Agua para utility software solutions, with nearly 8,000 ● Mott
MacDonald Ltd
America Latina y el Caribe, utilities worldwide relying on our technology to
CAALCA (México) optimise the delivery and use of energy and
The Mott MacDonald Group is a diverse
water. management, engineering and development
CAALCA represents a platform for the consultancy delivering solutions for public and
● OasenNV (The
development of capacity, information and private clients world-wide. Mott MacDonald
knowledge. It supports a better management
Netherlands) is working with funding agencies in the
a use of water resources in Latin America developing world to provide clean water,
and the Caribbean offering research and sanitation, primary education and sustainable
Oasen develops drink water for 750,000
technology development, capacity building health services.
people in 7,200 companies in the east of the
and the dissemination of information for the province of South Holland in the Netherlands.
sustainable use and conservation of water. ● Organica
Technologies Inc
CAALCA is a joint initiative of the Tecnológico ● SanLuis Agua S.E
de Monterrey, Femsa Foundation and the
(Argentina) Organica Ecotechnologies is a wastewater
Inter-American Development Bank. technology company focusing on the
development and licensing of innovative,
● GenesysInternational San Luis Agua S. E. is owned by the sustainable wastewater treatment technologies
Limited (UK) San Luis province. The recently established that combine the advantages of proven
company administers and maintains water traditional engineering with ecological design resources of this province. principles.
The Genesys group of companies develop
and manufacture anti-scalants, cleaners,

IWA Programme Committee - Looking forward to Busan in 2012
After the final speakers of the World They discussed the successes (overwhelmingly Hector Garduno, Regina Sommer, Takashi
Water Congress were applauded at the end enthusiastic comments from delegates) and Mino and Yves Comeau and to welcome the
of the week, the IWA Programme Committee areas for improvement (better promotion of new Committee members: Silver Mugisha,
immediately got down to business to commence poster presentations) as well as the challenge Valentina Lazarova, Nilton Seuaciuc, Rafaela de
the planning for the 2012 Congress technical of making the Busan Congress even more Saldanha Matos, Hong Seungkwan, Ruya Tasli
programme. Programme Committee chair Prof successful than Montreal. The meeting was Toraman and Yoshihiko Matsui. The Programme
Norbert Jardin (Ruhverband, Germany) lead also an opportunity to thank those Committee Committee will be using the responses in the
the discussions in Montreal as members of members stepping down: Akissa Bahri, Bruno delegate feedback survey in developing the
the committee reflected on the previous week. Nguyen, Dayanand Panse, Dominique Olivier, technical programme for the Busan Congress.

Global Utilities Steering Committee formed
In accordance with IWA’s new 2011-2014 the Strategic Council together with leading utility Diane D’Arras Suez Environnement
strategic plan, maintaining the engagement figures from around the world from high, low and (France)
of water and wastewater utilities within middle-income countries.
Mamadou Dia Société nationale des eaux
the association remains a key focus. The
We congratulate these representatives for du Sénégal (Senegal)
employment of a dedicated utilities officer
their selection on this committee and thank them
has seen an increase in utility offerings with Finn Johansen Oslo Water (Norway)
a positively received Utility Management for their enthusiasm in supporting utilities within
conference in Barcelona in 2010, successful IWA. We look forward to the continued evolution Piet Jonker Dunea (Netherlands)
Utility Leaders Forums in India, Canada and development of the IWA utilities programme.
Wolf Keller City of Calgary (Canada)
and Swaziland as well as targeted utility Gerard Payen Aquafed (France)
communications. Neil McLeod e Thekwini (South Africa)
Hiroshi Ashida Japanese Water Works
To further advance work in this area, to Association (Japan) Patricia Mulroy Las Vegas Valley Water
provide strategic direction on the programme and District (USA)
to ensure IWA is delivering real value for utilities, Samir Bensaid ONEP (Morocco)
a new Utilities Global Steering Committee was Teodor Popa Compania Apa Brasov
Wally Bishop Contra Costa Water District
recently formed and held its inaugural meeting (Romania)
(Ret) (USA)
during the World Water Congress and Exhibition
Federico Restrepo EPM (Colombia)
in Montreal. Shaun Cox  South East Water (Australia)
Perry Rivera Manila Water (Philippines)
Membership of the committee is outlined Darryl Day Power and Water
below and includes utility representatives from Corporation (Australia) Cassilda Teixeira COPASA (Brazil)

Climate Change and COP16

Following the lack of agreement at COP15 Action Plan nor the Copenhagen Accord make for the COP16 United Nations Climate Change
the UN Framework Convention on Climate explicit reference to water. The current text of the Conference hosted by Mexico is to establish
Change (UNFCCC) negotiations have continued AWG LCA includes a footnote that stresses the an ambitious global climate agreement for the
as the parties work towards COP16 which will be importance of water resources, but it is lacking period from 2012 when the first commitment
hosted by Mexico in late 2010. IWA continues in detail. period under the Kyoto Protocol expires. This
to be an advocate of the importance of climate follows COP15 hosted by Denmark in 2009
One of the challenges is that the framework
change adaptation and specifically recognition where parties failed to reach an agreement
negotiations provide little space for more
of the central role of water within climate substantive discussion of water in relation to settling instead for the Copenhagen Accord.
adaptation. As part of this, IWA has joined the climate change. Through the Nairobi Work
Water and Climate Coalition which seeks to Programme (NWP) on adaptation offers an About the Water and Climate
place water resource management at the heart opportunity to discuss water issues in greater Coalition
of policy responses to climate change, through depth, the focus of the NWP does not currently
bringing together stakeholders from across the The Water and Climate Coalition is a global
include a sectoral approach. Neither does it
global water community to promote progressive coalition of organisations seeking to place water
address adaptation-mitigation interlinkages which
and integrated water and climate change policy resources management at the heart of climate
are often expressed through water resources.
on an international level. change policy. Formerly known as the Global
A work programme on water under the Public Policy Network on Water Management
As such the Water and Climate Coalition Convention will provide the space to have more (GPPN), the coalition operates at a global and
has developed a water and climate ‘roadmap’ to substantive discussions on integrating water and intergovernmental level in UN-related processes
secure a work programme on water and climate climate strategies, and make recommendations to integrate water and climate policy. It worked
change under the UNFCCC. The full document to the COP accordingly. The possible scope of actively in the run up to COP15 in Copenhagen,
is available here and summarised below (http:// such a programme should be determined by the and continues to engage with the negotiations Parties, but suggestions are elaborated in the under the UN Framework Convention on Climate
news/103-news/222-key-asks.html ) Road map. Change (UNFCCC).
The Water and Climate Coalition is calling
Background Members of the Water and Climate
for the establishment of a work programme
Coalition: Cap-Net, Chartered Institute for Water
on water and climate change under the The UNFCCC - United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (or FCCC) and Environmental Management (CIWEM),
UNFCCC. In ‘roadmap’ document the Coalition
was produced at the Earth Summit, held in International Union for the Conservation of
has demonstrated why water is critical for
Rio de Janeiro in 1992. It is an international Nature (IUCN), Freshwater Action Network
adaptation and mitigation and has made the
environmental treaty where the parties meet (FAN), Global Water Partnership, Green Cross
case for a stronger emphasis on water under the
annually in Conferences of the Parties (COP) to International, International Water Association
Convention through a work programme.
assess progress in dealing with climate change. (IWA), Progressio, Stakeholder Forum for a
So far water has not been addressed In 1993 at the COP-3, the Kyoto Protocol to the Sustainable Future (Secretariat), Stockholm
significantly under the Convention. The text UNFCCC was adopted to establish legally binding International Water Institute (SIWI), University
of the Convention makes reference to water obligations for developed countries to reduce of North Carolina (UNC) Water Institute, World
resources for adaptation, but neither the Bali their greenhouse gas emissions. The overall goal Wildlife Fund (WWF).

IWA Development Solutions
World Water Monitoring MAKE A SPLASH!
Day Debuts New Data Celebrating excellence and innovation in water and sanitation
projects in low and middle income countries
New map will allow participants to easily view
and share data on Google Maps platform Launch of the Project Innovation Awards - Development
During the World Water Congress in Montreal, the Project Innovation Awards programme

was proud to announce the launch a new award category specific to low and middle income


Following reflection on the geographical scope of the original PIA Awards, IWA’s

PIA-Development category will aim to “recognise and celebrate excellence and innovation in

water and sanitation projects in developing countries” and will be presented biennially during

the IWA Development Congress - the first such ceremony taking place at the 2nd Development

Congress in Malaysia, 21-24 November 2011.

The coordinators of the public awareness
programme World Water Monitoring Day Submit your project by 1st July 2011 to compete in this prestigious global competition. For
(WWMD), the Water Environment Federation
more information about this new exciting award series please go to the PIA website at:
(WEF) and the International Water Association
(IWA) announce the launch of a new data- or contact:
mapping feature. Hosted on the programme’s
website, the new map will facilitate navigation
such as the types of land use in the surrounding communities about some of the most common
of the data collected for WWMD, and provide
area, and recording sightings of the different indicators of ‘water health’ and encourages
an opportunity for participants from around the
macroinvertebrates found in the water body. further participation in more formal citizen
world to connect with one another.
The map will also increase possible monitoring efforts. WWMD monitoring results are
The map, which runs on the Google Maps
collaboration opportunities among groups reported online, tabulated, and presented in a
platform, was designed as a volunteer effort
monitoring in the same area. A group can click year-end report.
by New Zealand-based firm Outpost Central.
Over a year later, the new mapping feature on a site nearby one of its own sites and see
To view the new data map or to learn more
made its debut just in time for WWMD on 18 the URL of the group who provided that data.
about getting involved in the programme, visit
September when approximately 250 students In this way, the programme seeks to increase
from Washington-area schools monitored the interaction among participants and encourage
Potomac River for the annual WWMD flagship ongoing dialogue about water quality. WEF and IWA have received financial and
monitoring event. in-kind support from the program’s primary
Many communities around the world are
The new mapping feature will allow groups unaware of the condition of their local water sponsors, including the U.S. Geological Survey,
to record more qualitative information about bodies and the direct and indirect impacts their the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
their sites in a more interactive and user-friendly actions have on the quality of these resources. PerkinElmer, ITT Corp., Sinclair Knight Merz and
way. Data will be recorded in greater detail, Conducting simple monitoring tests teaches Smithfield Foods.

Changing existing paradigms of wastewater management
IWA recently staged a workshop at the incentives to operate and maintain infrastructure Through its “Urban Sanitation for All”
Montreal World Water Congress focusing was identified as a key element to success. As initiative, IWA is demonstrating an increasing
on the challenge of sustainable wastewater piloted in Brazil, this may be achieved by use of commitment to comprehensive and long-term
management from a range of perspectives from a subsidy payment to wastewater treatment plant solutions to urban sanitation problems. As
different corners of the globe. Particular attention operator based on operational performance. part of UN-Water Wastewater Task Force and
was placed on the societal and environmental
the Omega initiative in partnership with the
benefits associated with investments in sanitation Although there was general consensus that
there is an increasing imperative to develop Asian Development Bank, IWA is playing a
and wastewater infrastructure and the need
a stronger economic basis for wastewater leading role to create new standards for urban
to reuse wastewater to reduce pressures
investments, it was also apparent that there is sanitation and wastewater management which
on limited water resources and contribute
towards increased food security. The workshop a need to assess different technologies in terms will set a benchmark for future developments
highlighted the need to design systems with the of their relative efficacy and cost-effectiveness. in the sector. IWA will continue organise events
final reuse as one of the main aims combined Participants learnt how a systematic analysis of at the international and regional forums to
with a better understanding of the risks the factors that contribute towards the success or challenge existing paradigms and promote
associated with reuse and how these can be failure of projects can help support future project a wider discussion about ways to achieve
mitigated. design. Responding to the priorities of local a transformation in the way wastewater is
Participants learnt about practical aspects stakeholders during sanitation programming and managed. The next major event will be a
related to the implementation of sanitation and planning and engagement with municipalities as regional workshop on ‘Decentralized Wastewater
wastewater management strategies in Africa, part of a consortium of local institutions were also Management as a viable Sanitation Option for
Asia and Latin America. The need for a financing identified as important for the development and Developing Countries’ to be held in Manila in
mechanism that provides the necessary uptake of sustainable solutions. May 2011.

Strength in numbers – YWPs in Montreal
IWA showed again its commitment to
Young Water Professionals throughout a series
of activities organised during the World Water
Congress 2010. Starting with a workshop on
Sunday prior to the opening of the Congress,
over 100 Young Water Professionals had the
opportunity to learn and discuss with their peers
about the influence that our diet has on water
consumption, water quality and how the water
sector is financed and which are its sources of

On Monday we organised two social

activities that helped YWPs to expand and
strengthen their network: During the breakfast
nearly 80 young delegates had the opportunity
to meet for the first time and get to know some
people. At a reception on Monday evening,
nearly 250 young water professionals had the
opportunity to talk to each other and find out that otherwise would have been inaccessible. Water Professionals, a workshop on workforce
more about the YWP Programme Sponsors: Suez The most useful piece of information regarded development and a career fair.
Environment and CH2M Hill. the current best in class competitor which has
provided the project with both a treatment and However the most exciting activity was
Through out the week, those YWP that
cost benchmark which to work with” the “un-official” YWP Dinner on Wednesday.
were interested had the opportunity to be paired
Following on the suggestion of two Canadian
with a mentor. This allowed them to create a Young Water Professionals also had the
Young Water Professionals – Majdala Mansour-
relationship with a senior water professional and opportunity to meet VIP water professionals to
Geoffrion and Arash Zamyadi - nearly 90
talk about the challenges that they have currently find out more about their career, their successes,
young professionals went together for dinner to
as young professionals and seek for advice to how they overcame challenges that they found
develop their career. As Michael Conti-Ramdsen, Montreal’s trendy quarter: Le Pateau Mont Royal.
along the year. Blanca Jimenez (UNAM), Bob
a Young Water Professional who participated Ellis (ITT), Dominique Olivier (Veolia) and IWA’s And this certainly builds us on the spirit of the
in this initiative, said “His [Julian Sandino’s] President Glen Daigger (CH2M Hill) were kind programme and the IWA – coming together to
knowledge and expertise in the field was to take time from their busy schedules. Other create links and establish relationships to work
invaluable and provided a unique insight into activities organised during the week were a collectively to solve the challenges faced by the
the volatile organic compound treatment market discussion with the Council of Distinguished water sector.

IWA Women in Water Award Ceremony and Roundtable Session at Montreal
Women leaders, fostering social
change and creating sustainable
communities because the future
depends on all sectors, genders,
specialties working together.

Chaired by Linda Macpherson from CH2M

Hill – (also Chair of the IWA Women in Water
Programme Steering Committee), the WiW
session in Montreal began with a celebration
of one of Brazil’s most distinguished leaders in
the sector – Ms. Cassilda Teixeira de Carvalho –
winner of IWAs 2010 Women in Water Award for
Leadership & Leadership Development. Through
this award, IWA seeks to recognise women
working in the field of water who through their
demonstrated leadership have had a significant
positive impact on the development of the IWA President Glen Daigger with Women in Water award recipient Cassilda Teixeira de Carvalho, IWA
industry. The award showcases an individual’s Immediate Past President David Garman and Joan B. Rose who received the Women in Water
excellence in leadership as demonstrated by Award in 2008.
outstanding initiatives, impact of work and
inspiration to others. With this award IWA seeks ● What are the barriers that prevent young the IWA website shortly.
to encourage greater participation from women in women in both modern and developing
the sector and hopes to motivate more women to We intend to stage a follow up discussion
countries from pursuing careers in the water
pursue leadership positions. at a workshop during the IWA Development
sector? What role could mentoring play in
Congress in Kuala Lumpur 2011. For further
Judi Hansen – Sydney Water’s Director of increasing the proportion of women working
information on the IWA Women in Water
Sustainability then introduced the key theme of in the sector?
Programme and to join the WiW network contact
the workshop on the nexus between leadership The discussions highlighted some possible Chloe Menhinick at
and sustainability in water management. The avenues which the IWA – using our niche as a
roundtable discussions which followed her key IWA would like to give a special thanks to
technical platform for water management can
note, explored how the profession can benefit Aquafed – 2010 sponsor of IWA Women in
use our globally diverse network of members
more fully from the leadership of women and Water Programme.
to create a platform on which to address
how it can incorporate the contributions of young many of the issues impeding
water professionals. the inclusion of women as
Looking in particular at how the industry as leaders in discussions on water
a whole can take a leadership role in ensuring management. The intricate link
a sustainable future by understanding and between this programme and
exploring the social context of water. Delegates the YWP Programme was also
were split into three groups each addressing the highlighted and discussions
following questions: around how to further develop a
joint programme of activities will
● What are the most profound social issues be a central activity for the WiW
facing our industry? How might women be in 2011. A full report on the
engaged to lessen these challenges? How outcomes of the Montreal Round
can we ensure that women professionals are Table will be made available on
playing a leadership
role in addressing
these issues?

● Share your
experiences including
opportunities and Above: IWA President Glan Daigger stressed
barriers you have the importance of the IWA women in water
encountered in
programme during his opening remarks at the
designing and
building sustainable
Left: Linda MacPherson, CH2M Hill and
water solutions.
What can Women Programme Chair introduced the Women in Water
in Water do to build session at Montreal WWC
consensus and
understanding of
water sustainability
and sustainable

IWA Specialist Groups Fagernaes, Oslo Water and Sewerage Works,
Norway; Marie Nordkvist-Persson, Sydvatten,
Specialist Groups form the basis of IWA and which groups you would like to join. Sweden; Mbaruku A. Vyakweli, Nairobi City
represent the core vehicles for all “water people” Water & Sewerage Company Ltd; Yoji Matsui,
interested in interactions on scientific, technical This issue of the newsletter features the activities Japan Water Works Association; T.O.Lee and Chu
and management topics throughout the world. The of several groups active in the research and Sum Chin, Water Supplies Department, Hong
Groups, formed as coalitions of individuals around practice of: Kong; Walter Kling, Vienna Waterworks – newly
subjects of common interest, provide a sound ● Joint IWA/IAHR/IAHS SG on Hydroinformatics elected Vice President of IWA; Brita Forssberg,
structure of networks for international specialists ● Marketing and Communications IWA Swedish National Committee – interim Chair
to share knowledge, information, skills, and make of the Specialist Group.
● Off-flavors in the Aquatic Environment
good professional and business contacts.
● Sanitation and Water Management in We will introduce communications as a
Developing Countries (still missing) tool for building knowledge and understanding.
For a full list of IWA’s Specialist Groups and
● Sludge Management One of our first challenges is to find relevant
their activities, as well as downloading IWA SG
Directory, please visit the IWA website: http:// ● Watershed and River basin Management communications activities that “have made a difference” and fit them into technical
groups/List_of_groups/. To take advantage of this Other news and information relating to IWA SGs/ conferences dealing with the same or similar
networking opportunity, and become a member TGs/Clusters activities included in this issue are: types of problems.
of any Specialist Group (or change your Group ● Highlights in the IWA World Water Congress Brita Forssberg
membership) simply contact the IWA membership & exhibition
SG Marketing and Communications
department ( and tell us ● SG chair changes after Montreal

IWA Off-Flavours in the Aquatic

The Off-Flavours in the Aquatic Environment
Specialist Group continues to expand the
global understanding of causes, controls, and
perception of environmental tastes-and-odors
(T&O). In the last two years, the Specialist Group
delivered cutting-edge symposia and workshops
in Asia and North America. Dr. Tsair-Fuh Lin
of National Cheng Kung University (Chinese
Taiwan) and Dr. Gen-Shuh Wang of National
Taiwan University (Chinese Taiwan) co-organised
a productive full day symposium at the 3rd IWA
ASPIRE Conference, Oct 18-22, 2009 in Taipei,
Chinese Taiwan.

In June 2010, the SG joined its expertise

with those of Chinese colleagues to offer the First
IWA Workshop on Off-Flavours in the Aquatic
The representatives of IAHR (Prof. Peter Goodwin, left), IAHS (Prof. Ian Cluckie, middle) and IWA Environment, held in Suzhou, China. The
(Prof. Dragan Savic, right) were giving short speeches in the Gala dinner of HIC2010, Tianjin workshop was co-organised with Dr. Min Yang at
Research Center for Eco-Environment Sciences
(RCEES), Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Joint IWA/IAHR/IAHS June 2012, Hamburg, Germany. The group
is currently in the process of renewing the In September 2010 the Group held a full
Specialist Group on day workshop on Global Changes in Climate and
leadership for the Joint Committee.
Hydroinformatics Demographics – adaptive management of source
The Hydroinformatics SG has traditionally water odours at the IWA World Water Congress in
worked within the Hydroinformatics Joint Montreal. Co-chaired and organised by Dr. Sue
Committee of IAHR/IWA/IAHS for the benefit
Marketing and Communications Watson (Environment Canada) and Dr. Tsair-Fuh
of the entire Hydroinformatics community. It The group’s focus is widely drawn and Lin (Chinese Taiwan), this workshop was part of
fosters fundamental and applied research in include all aspects of communications, proactive the sessions which addressed key topics related
the area of Hydroinformatics, embracing the and reactive, both internal and external. Our to the theme of Water, Climate and Energy.
application of information and communication strong aim is to make the Group a forum for
The Specialist Group will host the 9th IWA
technologies in the widest sense to problems exchanging and sharing experiences from areas
Symposium on Off-Flavours in the Aquatic
of the aquatic environment, thereby promoting of interest to the members.
Hydroinformatics as a cross-disciplinary field The SG Marketing and Communications
of study, combining technological, human- held a meeting in Montreal, on 22 September
sociological and more general water-related 2010. It was the first in a series that aim at
interests in ethical ways. shaping a strong network among IWA members
The joint group has its own journal who are working with communications or who
(Journal of Hydroinformatics) and holds a want to learn more.
conference every two years. The most recent Those who took part in the discussions
group conference was held in Tianjin China were Wouter Stapel, DHV, The Netherlands
on September 7-11, 2010, and the next – Overall Winner of the IWA Marketing and
Hydroinformatics Conference will be held in Communications Award 2010 ; Kari E.

must meet this challenge with new methods, new
technologies, and also the organisational skills
to insure that appropriate solutions are identified
and communicated.

The Watershed and River Basin

Specialist Group (W&RBM)
The goal of the W&RBM Specialist Group
is to promote the understanding, utilisation, and
values of integrated watershed management
approaches for the beneficial and sustainable
use of rivers and watersheds worldwide. It
seeks to achieve this by sharing of expertise
and experience among its members and with
other interested individuals and organisations,
organising specialist conferences, publication of
newsletters, undertaking cooperative projects,
and engaging in other activities under the
Environment in Aberdeen, Scotland, 14-18 presentations by Kara Nelson (UC Berkeley) and
auspices of the International Water Association.
August 2011 Dr. Ir. Eline Boelle (IWMI, Sri Lanka).
Please contact Dr. Linda Lawton (l.lawton@rgu. Members of the W&RBM Specialist Group
For further details about the group, please (Chair of the symposium) for details. The represent academia, all levels of government,
contact the group Chair: Markus Starkl markus.
abstract submission deadline is March 01, 2011. from municipal to international, as well as the
manufacturing and consulting industries.
The IWA Off-Flavours in the Aquatic
Environment Specialist Group welcomes any As part of the IWA Bi-annual conference
opportunity to work with other Groups. in Montreal our Group organised a special
Sludge Management workshop together with the Global Environmental
The Group deals with all kinds of sludge Flows Network titled “Climate Change Impacts
(sewage, waterworks, etc.). The main objectives on Watershed Management Challenges and
Sanitation and Water are to advance knowledge and to transfer Emerging Solutions”. The workshop was well
scientific and technical information on all aspects received and attended.
Management in Developing
of sludge management. These areas often
Countries receive inadequate attention, given that sludge
The next big challenge for the group is
The general scope of the Group organising the 12th International Specialized
management can constitute half of the cost of
encompasses water supply and sanitation Conference on Watershed and River Basin
wastewater treatment. Specific concerns include
services and their interrelation with river basin Management. The conference will take place,
production, characterisation, stabilisation,
management. The Group has a bottom-up 14-16 September 2011 in Recife, Brazil. We look
thickening, dewatering, thermal processing,
approach and identifies regional focal points. forward to gathering in this part of the Southern
agricultural reuse, production of usable materials,
Hemisphere, on the shores of the Atlantic
and ultimate disposal. There is growing interest
The SG recently held a Workshop on Ocean. Recife is Brazils’ 4th largest city and it
in sludge as a source of energy as well.
“Hygienic risks of sanitation systems” which is often called “the Venice of Brazil” because
took place during the ‘Networking’ weekend at Sludge management is an economic it is dissected by numerous waterways and
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s and environmental issue in any area with connected by many bridges. You can find more
event entitled, ‘Water and Health: Where Science an established wastewater infrastructure or information about the upcoming conference
Meets Policy’ 23-26th October, 2010. industrial sludge production, and also in areas on the IWA website:
experiencing significant development. Thus Home/Events/IWA_events/Event_listing/2011/
The workshop was well attended
the group has organised and co-sponsored Watershed_and_River_Basin_Management/ or on
(approximately 50 participants throughout) with a
technical events globally, most recently in the the organizer’s: Please
series of technical presentations followed by Q&A
United States, China, Canada, Turkey, South join us there.
and an open, moderated plenary discussion on
Africa, Norway, and Singapore, with upcoming
key themes. For further information about the group,
conferences anticipated in Sweden and India.
Hygienic risks are those defined as exposure and to communicate with us, please have a look
These events take place approximately once per
to the chance of disease following from the use at the Watershed and River Basin Management
year, generally with several hundred delegates
of different sanitation systems. This workshop blog at the following link: www.wrbm.blogspot.
combining local and international representation.
began with two presentations providing an com.
A “Specialist Medal in Residuals Research”
overview of the state of the art with respect is awarded at these events to recognise a Recife, Brazil
to hygienic risk assessment (Dr Huw Taylor, researcher in this under-appreciated area.
University of Bristol, UK) and dry sanitation The group also maintains a strong presence in
systems (Dr Jay Bhagwan, WRC, South Africa). sessions at the IWA World Water Congress.
Part 2 of the workshop focused on a specific
Although this Specialist Group has over
case study, drawn from Cambodia and Vietnam,
1200 members, there is ample opportunity for
demonstrating how sanitation marketing
new members to participate and take active
addressed the issue of appropriate messaging
roles. At its recent group meeting at IWA WWC
around health, hygiene behaviour and health
in Montreal, the group supported this as a key
risk (presented by Prof Mark Sobsey, UNC,
ongoing item. New participants and leaders are
USA, Dr Marion Jenkins, UC Davis, USA and Mr
sought, and the Group’s constitution mandates
Hengly Aun (WaterSHED programme). The last
that specific global areas be represented on its
section of the workshop focused around a wider
Management Board. Global sludge problems
framework of thinking about the links between
continue to grow, and this IWA Specialist Group
hygiene risks and sanitation systems, including

IWA SGs/TGs/Clusters:
Highlights during the IWA World
Water Congress & exhibition,
2010 Montreal
Many group activities took place at the IWA
World Water Congress 2010, in Montreal in
September 2010.

● 18 out of 45 workshops in Montreal

congress were organised by Specialist
Groups and Task Groups which include Group photo from the SG leaders forum, September 24, 2010 in Montreal (partial attendees)
the newly established Smart Water Cluster
and Bio-Cluster workshops. The minutes of and attendee list on the IWA website of: http:// Contaminants in Porous Media: new Chair:
clusters’ workshops can be found at: http:// Dr Diganta B Das, UK, previous Chair: Prof groups/. For more information relating to specific Tissa H Illangaekare, USA.
groups/. SG/TG meetings, please visit their IWA group
● Statistics and Economics: new Chair: Drs
● Launch of the Specialist Group Directory webpage.
Ed Smeets, Netherlands, previous Chair: Dr.
and the new International Statistics for Water Renato Parena, Italy.
Changes in SGs leadership
● 41 open meetings and management
1. SG chair changes after IWA WWC in Montreal 2. SGs recently renewed or in the process of
committee meetings were organised during
the Congress. ● Diffuse Pollution, new Chair: Dr. Eric Van renewal on SG management committee
Bochove, Canada, previous Chair: Mr. Ray ● Assessment and control of hazardous
● Specialist and Task Group Leaders’ Forum Earle, Ireland. substances in water
was also organised at the Congress. There
were 58 SG/TG/Cluster leaders and IWA ● Groundwater Restoration and Management: ● Climate Change and Adaptation
staff members attended the SG leaders new Chair: Dr. Shafick Adams and new
co-Chair: Prof. Milan Dimkic, previous Chair: ● Design, Operation and Maintenance of
forum. In the forum, issues relating to group
Dr Micheal C Kavanaugh, USA. Drinking Water Treatment Plants
experiences and plans, the supports from
IWA HQ, IWA strategic plans, etc. have been ● Health-Related Water Microbiology, new ● Forest Industry
discussed in order to update group leaders Chair from September 2011: Dr Gertjan ● Joint IWA/IAHR/IAHS SG on
on the work of IWA, and how the groups Medema, Netherlands, current Chair: Hydroinformatics
can get well involved in IWA 2010-2014 Prof. Joan Rose, USA.
strategic plans, as well as to have a better ● Metals and Related Substances in Drinking
understanding of the needs of the groups ● Marketing and Communications: new Chair: Water
and to collect ideas on how IWA can better Dr. Brita Forssberg, Sweden, previous Chair:
Dr. Walter Kling, Austria. ● Sludge Management
support the groups and their initiatives.
● Multiphase Flow and Transport of ● Sustainability in the Water Sector.
You can find the SG Leaders Forum minutes

IWA in the regions

North America Regional Update
A big thanks and congratulations are due held an open meeting with members, providing able to hear the current status of research
to the Canadian Joint Organizing Committee an update on activities and soliciting ideas for and to interact with people working directly in
– Peter Jones, Duncan Ellison, Yves Comeau, future engagement. USANC also hosted the these fields was invaluable… The contacts and
Ronald Droste – who reached out to the broad first international Academic Meet & Greet which potential collaborations I made at the IWA World
water sector in Canada to make the Montreal brought together over 150 academics from Water Congress will be extremely beneficial as I
Congress such a success. The Canadian around the world in attendance at the Congress. begin the next phase of my career following my
representation at the Montreal Congress was postdoctoral work.”
The networking event was co-organised
strong with over 30 technical sessions and 66
by the IWA Environmental Engineering When asked to report what was the
scientific posters presented by Canadian water
Education (EEE) Specialist Group and American most valuable aspect of the Congress, the
professionals. The Canadian Utility Forums
Environmental and Engineering Science grantees highlighted that networking with
reported healthy attendance and vibrant
Professors (AEESP) – a first joint collaboration international peers and researchers brought
discussion, and the Industry Forums offered an
in-depth look at management and technology to increase international professional exchanges new perspectives, attending the diverse range of
innovations coming out of Canada. The North among academics across the organisations. topics surfaced new careers areas to consider,
America Regional Forum highlighted key issues and attending specialist group luncheons
facing Canada and the United States related USANC Travel Grant Program inspired them to engage more actively with IWA.
to the Great Lakes, Integrated Watershed Another first was the launch of the USANC
All grantees have become members and
Management , small and remote rural water Travel Grant Program which provided financial
gone back to their respective organizations to
systems, and the many unique aspects of assistance to eight Young Water Professionals to
share their experience and learning – making
managing water systems in low temperatures. attend the Conference.
presentations, writing articles, establishing
The program has been a big success and listserves, and developing new research ideas.
International Academic Meet USANC will continue its Travel Grant Program
it is exciting to hear what these YWPs have to
and Greet say about their experience at the Congress. Lee to support future leaders in water research and
The USA National Committee (USANC) Byrant from Duke University shared that “being practice to participate in IWA conferences.


Applications of Nanotechnology 8th International IWA

in the Water Sector 2011 Symposium on Systems Analysis
15-18 May 2011 Monte Verita, Switzerland & Integrated Assessment
The water and wastewater systems are 20-22 June 2011 Donostia, San Sebastián, Spain
increasingly challenged by a growing demand The WATERMATEX symposium focuses on
due to population growth, urbanisation, general approaches to solving a wide range of
problems related to aging of the existing water-related problems within an interdisciplinary DEADLINES
infrastructure, and the impact of climate change. framework that relies a lot on different types
Advances in nanoscale science and engineering of models. While methodology-focused, the
are offering unprecedented opportunities to symposium’s contributions of course extend 30 November 2010 deadline for the
develop more cost effective, energy conservative to applications, but then not restricted to any Submission of outline papers to the
and environmentally compatible water treatment single discipline; it deals with problems in sewer International Conference on Benchmarking
processes. It is believed that nanotechnology systems and water treatment, surface and and Performance Assessment of Water
can substantially enhance environmental quality groundwater, technical and natural systems. Services (14-16 March 2011 Valencia, Spain)
and sustainability by allowing for a green (clean) Integrated assessment aims at bringing Contact:
technology. all aspects of a problem together, and it is
This conference will bring together leading particularly concerned with such issues as the 30 November 2010 deadline for the
scientists from very different research fields social and economic impacts of solutions to Submission of abstracts to the 8th
these problems. International IWA Symposium on Systems
including water scientists, material scientists
Analysis & Integrated Assessment (20-22 June
and engineers to discuss and push forward the Some of the key topics to be discussed are: 2011 Donostia, San Sebastián, Spain)
most promising applications but also to identify
● Mathematical modelling Contact:
potential pitfalls of the emerging technology with
respect to the water industry. ● Systems analysis and optimisation
● Economical analysis 3 December 2010 Deadline for the submission
The Key topics to be discussed are: ● Data management and assimilation of abstracts to WATER CONVENTION 2011:
● Signal processing Sustainable Water Solutions for a Changing
● Nanosorbents Urban Environment (4–8 July 2011 Singapore)
● Decision support systems
● Nanocatalysts, bio and redox -active NP ● Software engineering Contact:

● Dendritic polymers / Biopolymers ● Mathematical programming and optimisation

● Environmental impact and life cycle 3 December 2010 Deadline for the submission
● Polyfunctional membranes (including assessment (LCA) of abstracts to the 9th IWA Specialist Group
nanostructured membranes) on Waste Stabilisation Ponds (1-3 August
Email: 2011 Adelaide, SA, Australia
Website: www.watermatex2011.or Contact:
15 December 2010 Deadline for the
submission of outline paper to the 10th
WATER CONVENTION 2011: Small Water and Wastewater Systems &
1st IWA Danube – Black Sustainable Water Solutions for a 4th Conference on Decentralized Water
Sea Regional Young Water Changing Urban Environment and Wastewater International Network &
Professionals Conference 3rd Specialized Conference on Resources
4–8 July 2011 Singapore Oriented Sanitation (18-22 April 2011
14–15 June 2011 Bucharest, Romania Venice, Italy)
The Water Convention has rapidly grown in
The 1st edition of the Danube-Black Sea stature and prominence as one of the leading Contact:
regional YWP Conference aims at providing an water events for water practitioners in Asia
International Forum for young researchers and to meet, share knowledge and exchange 15 December 2010 Deadline for the
professionals working in water and wastewater, experiences to improve water and wastewater submission of extended abstracts to the
technology and management as a result of the services delivery. This aptly comes at a time Symposium on Water Management Problems
growing need for knowledge and communication when many urban communities in the region in Agro-Industries (22-24 June 2011 Cesme,
in the ever so demanding water sector. are grappling with unprecedented water supply Turkey)
challenges exacerbated by unpredictable Contact:
This conference is organised by Romanian
Young Water Professionals committee with the weather patterns and are in need of
support of the Romanian Water Association, implementable, practical solutions. 15 December 2010 Deadline for the
under the aegis of IWA Young water submission of abstracts to the Cities of the
In line with the theme for Water Week 2011, Future: Technologies for integrated urban
Professionals Committee. the Water Convention will look at the trends water management. (15-19 September Xi’an,
The key topics to be discussed are: and challenges facing Asia-Pacific, the Middle China)
East and global solutions addressing these Contact:
● Innovations in the field of water supply challenges.
● Sanitation and quality management The key topics to be discussed are: 15 December 2010 Deadline for the
submission of outline paper to the Water
Email: ● Solutions for Water System Efficiency & Reuse conference (26-29 September 2011
Website: Effectiveness Barcelona, Spain)
● Planning For Sustainable Water Solutions Contact:
● Water Quality and Health

News from IWA Publishing –

New Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development

IWA Publishing launches the new Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development in 2011. The Journal

of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the dissemination of high-

quality information on the science, policy and practice of drinking-water supply, sanitation and hygiene at local,

national and international levels. Visit the homepage for full details:

We invite the submission of new papers through our online submission system – please go to the website above or

contact the journal’s manager Emma Gulseven ( for guidelines. For subscription information

please contact Ian Morgan (

We are delighted to bring you news of THREE NEW BOOKS from IWA Publishing:

Marine Wastewater Outfalls and Treatment Systems Water Technology: An Introduction for Environmental Scientists and
Authors: Philip J. W. Roberts, Henry J. Salas, Fred M. Reiff,
Menahem Libhaber, Alejandro Labbe, James C. Thomson Third Edition
Author: N. F. Gray
The design and siting of submarine outfalls is a complex task
that relies on many disciplines including oceanography, civil Water science and technology is one of the world’s largest
and environmental engineering, marine biology, construction, and most interdisciplinary industries, employing chemists,
economics, and public relations. Marine Wastewater Outfalls microbiologists, botanists, zoologists as well as engineers,
and Treatment Systems brings these disciplines together and outlines all computer specialists and a range of different management
tasks involved in the planning and design of a wastewater system involving professionals. This accessible student textbook covers the key concepts
a marine outfall. It provides an up to date and comprehensive summary of of water science and technology by explaining the fundamentals of water
this rapidly developing area. quality and regulation, policy and management, hydrobiology, water
treatment and drinking water supply, and wastewater treatment.
ISBN: 9781843391890 • September 2010 • 528 pages • Hardback
IWA Members price: £ 90.00 / US$ 162.00 / € 121.50 ISBN: 9781843393030 • August 2010 • 600 pages • Paperback IWA Members Price: £ 29.25 / US$ 52.65 / € 39.49

Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation of Activated Sludge

Author: Jacek Makinia
Your free online information resource and link to the global water
This international, comprehensive guide to modeling and
simulation studies in activated sludge systems leads the
reader through the entire modeling process – from building Check the Wiki blog for the latest site news – including
a mechanistic model to applying the model in practice. The activities at the World Water Congress in Montreal. Want
book is organized to provide a general background and some to get involved? Contact Victoria Beddow, Water Wiki
basic definitions, then theoretical aspects of modeling and finally, the issues Community Manager
important for practical model applications.

ISBN: 9781843392385 • September 2010 • 408 pages • Paperback

IWA Members price: £ 63.75 / US$ 114.75 / € 86.06

For more information on IWA Publishing products or to buy online visit,
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