Arthanomics IB Newsletter

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I I M K ’ S F I NA N C I A L


T eam FY proudly pre-
sents before you the
next edition of IIMK‟s
for the others.

For history-lovers, there is a brief

history of how Investment Banking
originated and evolved through
financial newsletter.
the ages to the current-day sce-
DAY IN THE LIFE OF The objective of this newsletter is nario. Then there is an analysis of
to make learning interesting and the Investment Banking industry
encourage sharing of knowledge on the basis of Porter‟s 5 forces
amongst finance enthusiasts. This theory.
BUILDING VS. AUC- 4 would also serve as a platform for
TIONS We also draw a comparison be-
obtaining expert views from the
tween Auction and Book Building
faculty and other industry experts.
based IPO Pricing practiced by
5 This issue focuses on Investment Investment Banks. Some valuable
Banking, with an aim to analyze insights shared by a distinguished
some of the functions of an I- Investment Banker leaves one
HISTORY OF IN- Bank. Keeping up with our identity fulfilled.
of knowledge and learning facilita-
tors among finance enthusiasts,
we take you through the various Finally, with an honest word of
FIN-TERVIEW 7 roles of Investment Banks in merg- thanks for your feedback for the
ers and acquisitions. A sneak-peek newsletter, we seek to incorporate
into the life of an Investment your suggestions and provide an
Banker is sure to shatter a few enriching experience to all our
myths for some and build dreams readers.
for the others.

 1$ = Rs. 43.93
Arthanomics Arthanomics 2008 Highlights of the Summit
 1 € = Rs. 63.14
The annual Finance Extravaganza The Investment Banking and Pri-
 Panel Discussions by eminent
 Inflation 12.36% at IIMK that brings together indus- vate Equity summit is centered
corporate leaders on cross
try stalwarts to share their views around the theme - “Mergers &
border M&As, PE in India etc.
MARKET WATCH on financial topics. It has events Acquisitions–India Inc. on the
like panel discussions, case stud- Prowl”.  Knowledge Session on Capital
ies, knowledge sessions and Markets
The objective is to make Mergers
quizzes that help to hone the  Knowledge Session on Corpo-
and Acquisitions, Investment
knowledge of students and gener- rate Finance, Banking and
Banking and Private Equity famil-
ate new ideas. Insurance
iar concepts to all the students.
After the great response to last We intend to provide an impact  Finance Case Study Contest
year‟s Arthanomics, FY (Financially analysis of mergers and acquisi-  Paper writing competition
Yours, the Finance interest group tions and their effects on the per-  Equity Research Contest
of IIMK) is striving to make the formance of a company .
event bigger and better !



 Presence of Extra Cash Balance, Tax Investment Banks start coming up with different
Benefits and Savings targets which they feel will be a strategic fit to the
acquirer or they can go through the proposal of
 Hubris Hypothesis
ith an ever increas- management of a particular company and advise
ing demand for  Higher Market Power whether it forms a strategic fit or not. There on
growth, managers have turned to inorganic ways  Bootstrapping Earnings they initiate the first contact, negotiation in terms
to satiate shareholders of their companies, but  Cheap Valuation of Target of due diligence, valuation of the target, deal
most of the M&A have not been value accretive. structure and developing the financing plan. They
 Gaining Capabilities, Competencies,
Still we see M&A happening. In the 100 yrs or so generally help in providing post merger integration
Domain Expertise, Know How.
US has seen 5 waves of M&A, which makes us plan as well.
think there is something which leads to hyperac-
The role of I – Banks is seen mainly in pre
merger phase.

A Typical Merger Process

The I – banks also help companies in terms of One of the important aspects of I-Banks is or to use a particular expertise.
anti takeover policies the companies need to their unbiased opinion on valuation of the
Some of the reasons why most of M&As end up as
take when they want to ward off unwanted target company.
failures are:
raiders. As there are a number of defensive
As there is no standard technique for valua-
and active Anti – Takeover Mechanisms, they  Overestimation of quantum of synergies and
tion it is dependent on many factors. There-
help in arriving at the most suitable one. They the time frame involved
fore, it is required to have valuation done
may also help the other side of the table, the
through various models, and arrive at the
aggressor in taking over the target by devising
most appropriate value.  Overpaying for the target; especially while bid-
a strategy for it as and when target board ding for the target
turns hostile. They also help prevent suitors I – Banks are involved on both sides of the
from overbidding for the target. transactions and multiple I- Banks are gener-  Inadequate Due Diligence
ally employed to maintain neutrality of opinion


Advantages of using the services of Disadvantages of using the services of The Hubris Hypothesis: The
Investment Banks: Investment Banks: acquiring firm‟s management
over-value their ability to cre-
 They are the experts and take care of  Companies should not rely on I – Banks
ate value once they take con-
the whole process right from initiating completely. M&A is important part of trol of the target firm‟s assets
the first contact to finalization of the corporate strategy and they should not
deal outsource them Chinese wall: An investment
bank can also be split into
 They might have vested interests in the private and public functions
 They will get the deal done quickly and
deal going through as in case of M&A which separate the two to
greater than $ 1bn they are generally prevent information from
paid fees upwards of 0.5% crossing
 Indispensible in tying up the financing
 Companies tend to use many layers of Dutch auction: Auctioneer
 Help in structuring large and complex advisors, which might make the deal go- begins with a high asking
deals with unusual features ing awry. They should rather be used for price which is lowered until
specific jobs only some participant is willing to
accept the auctioneer's price,
FIN-TERESTING : A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN or a predetermined reserve

price is reached
leave for the day. evaluating the risk and market Junk Bond: A bond that in-
sentiments in favor and against
11 AM: Grab a coffee and send volves higher than usual risk
out mails to clients across the the course.
nvestment Banking, and also pays high rate of
world detailing the current state 10 PM: Calls for another cup of
opens a whole gamut interest, typically issued by a
of their funds and an update of coffee and after a long day
of career opportunities in the
world of finance. He will be the deals in hand. starts a long night with the list company lacking an estab-
doing breakfast with CFOs of the mails to be sent to apprise the lished earning history or ques-
Forbes 10 companies, lunch concerned parties on the vari-
tionable credit history
with top bank executives, taking ous deals and propositions.
client calls from US in the eve- 12 AM: Yes finally time to be Euro Debt Securities: Securi-
ning and dinner while brain- home and sleep with the calcu- ties issued outside their do-
storming on the strategy to lations going on in his brain for
place your client company‟s IPO. mestic market in the domina-
the next move and the checks of
Grueling lifestyle, cut-throat the action points for the day. tion different from issuer‟s
competition, always on the fly domicile like Euro Bonds,
and lots of traveling are com- Agreed, all this sounds like life
mon aspects of an I-Banker‟s life with all work and stacks of cof- Euro Notes
and yet the adrenaline rush in fee cups and no fun but han-
dling gigantic assets and funds, Mezzanine Financing: Hybrids
working with the top notch peo-
ple of the industry and the bags advising on billion dollar deals generally issued for short
of cash one takes home makes and being at the top of the job term in form of debt, get con-
it one of the most revered jobs along with incentives of material
pleasures like numerous bun- verted into equity shares if
in the finance world. 5 PM: And yes he is back with a
cup of coffee in one hand and a dles of money, travel all over the loan is not paid back in time
6 AM: Check voicemails and bundle of documents in the globe, being in the best of and in full. They are given
emails from across the globe other to analyze the documents places are the pulls. Those who
before he goes off to brush and and prepare a financial analysis without much due diligence
have been able to sustain in this
shower. field for long have reported high and in a short time
from the same.
7 AM: Breakfast with the Finan- 7 PM: The healthy lifestyle now level of job satisfaction and of
course have the best cars! And if Tobin Q: A ratio comparing
cial Times and laptop showing calls for a drink while waiting to
the latest trends in the stock start a meeting with the venture you still think you are Shania the value of a company given
Twain and still singing, “That by financial markets with the
market. capitalist to whom he has to sell don‟t impress me much” then
8 AM: Grab a coffee and reach the idea of investing in his cli- there are always others ready to value of a company's assets.
the office and settle in his cham- ent‟s company. jump in and for you, there are A ratio of less than one indi-
ber for a meeting to decide the 8 PM: Dinner with his associates other trains to catch. cates that the company is
game plan for a merger with to decide on the suggested
undervalued by the markets.
client in Hong Kong before they strategies to launch an IPO and



Three of the most widely practiced The Book Building offer for the company‟s to say about the issue. The
ways of bringing out an IPO are Method: The process begins shares. Both parties tend to IBs use their relationship
the book building method, the with the issuing firm hiring an use this information to their with the investors (read
auctions method and the fixed Investment Bank, which gener- advantage. Investment Banks institutional investors) to get
price method. Fixed price method ally forms a syndicate with seek information from both,
an estimate of the demand
is finding less takers by the day other Investment Banks, and and skillfully filter and dis-
structure for the upcoming
due to the simple reason that the they collectively act as under- seminate the information they
issuer organization can never be deem fit. Also, since the de- issue, i.e. they carry out the
writers or Book Running Man-
very sure of whether the price it‟s mand has been made, a price price discovery require-
agers for the IPO. In other
asking is the best price or not. words, the role of Investment band is decided and the inves- ments. Once an estimate of
Across the world, the most com- Bankers is to remove or at tors make bids in the band. the demand has been
monly used method is the book least reduce the information made, a price band is de-
building method, which has been asymmetry in the market. The Since the investment banks
cided and the investors
practiced almost everywhere, company issuing the IPO enjoy a good reputation in the
make bids in the band.
particularly due to the support it knows more about its future market and the investors are
enjoys from the investment bank- growth opportunities and pre- very well aware that the IBs
ing community. Lately, the method sent situation than the inves- will not do anything to malign
of launching an IPO through an tors, while at the same time their reputation, they listen to
auction has seen some support- the investors know much bet- what the IBs have
ers, but it hasn‟t caught up yet. ter what they are willing to

Book Building Method

Advantages Disadvantages
Widely accepted by the Investment Banking commu- The offer price finalized by the IBs are generally
nity based on the demand structure of the Institu- “Winner’s Curse has
tional investors only
Investors have an incentive to buy due to expecta- There is always a 15-20% under pricing which
been touted as one
tions of a pop on listing, as the IPO is generally un- causes the issuer to leave a lot of money on of the major
der priced the table
problems of Auction

Auction Method: Compa- reduces the price incrementally problem significantly, yielding a Based IPO Pricing
nies generally hire Investment as bids start coming in, a classic much higher value to the issuer, Method.”
Banks as underwriters for Auc- example of Dutch auction which was earlier left on the
tion Based IPOs also. It is per- method. So, the investors who table (in the fixed price or book
ceived to be a more transparent bid early and high are allocated building methods). Also, it has
method where the discretionary a greater share of the offering. been noted that this method
powers of IBs in deciding the But again, this is something brings in enough transparency
issue price is curtailed. Broadly, called as “Winner‟s Curse” as to prevent IPO scams. The
the process starts with the is- they are paying higher than Google IPO of 2004 is a good
suer announcing the IPO and a those who bid later, for the example of an IPO through the
clearing price. The issuer sets a same issue. Auction based IPO auction method, but it had a
price well above what any inves- price determination has helped limited success in terms of price
tor is expected to bid, and then in tackling the IPO under pricing discovery.

Auction Method The Google IPO of 2004 is a

Advantages Disadvantages good example of an IPO
through the auction method.
More transparent as lesser discretionary powers A high clearing price scares off retail investors
of the IBs
The severe problem of IPO under pricing is re- It‟s seldom favored by the IB community as they
duced have lesser profits in this method. Only the com-
panies which have significant clout can persuade
the IBs to go for Auction method.




hile analyzing the global investment banking sector ,financial

institutions that provide the investment banking services which
include equity and debt underwriting, and mergers and acquisitions services can be consid-
ered as market players. Companies and governments can be considered as buyers as they seek
the services of investment banks to raise money by issuing and selling securities in the capital
markets and solicit advice on transactions such as mergers and acquisitions.

The majority of clients are large, powerful institutions like governments who have strong powers
to negotiate exert downward pricing pressure on market players and this strengthens buyer
power. The standard fee structure slightly weakens this proposition, though. Thus the buyer power
is moderate for the sector.

Due to stringent regulations in many countries it is problematic to enter the market. Entry might
also be deterred because certain well-recognized companies with trusted reputations exist in the
sector which may find it easier to attract and retain customers. Moreover the entry requires a
“ A good future
large amount of capital which acts as a deterrent. Thus it might be said that entry into this sector
is difficult. for the IB sector
is in store, a
The investment banks rely heavily on number crunching and need to maintain constant touch future which will
with their customers and all this requires heavy IT support. The suppliers thus include Information
see them
and Communication Technology (ICT) supporters and providers of outsourcing services. However
involved in
it being difficult to train employees to use new systems the sector relies heavily on ICT providers.
Skilled employees are often an important requirement of companies in this sector and this makes many mergers
payroll a significant cost. Overall, supplier power is strong in the investment banking sector. and acquisitions
the world over.”
Substitutes or alternatives to the services provided by the investment banks may include recruit-
ing in-house staff to advise companies on activities like mergers & acquisitions and valuations.
But since such services are not required by companies all the time the expenditure would be
more than the benefits. Thus one concludes that the threat of substitutes for the sector is weak.

The investment banking sector is relatively concentrated and is dominated by a number of large
market players, many of which operate on a multinational level. Companies try to maximize mar-
gins by diversifying their services and streamlining their operations. Diversification reduces rivalry
as the companies do not rely on one sector completely. Thus it is evident that the degree of exist-
ing rivalry in the sector is moderate.

Thus it might be said that the investment banking sector is characterized by moderate buyer
power, high supplier power, low threat of substitutes, moderate rivalry and low threat of entry of
new firms. Such a scenario promises a good future for the IB sector, a future which will see them
involved in many mergers and acquisitions the world over.


BEFORE 1900 1900—1950 POST 1950

I n the early 1800s financing of ca-

nals, railroads, and a few industries
in the United States depended heavily on im-
ported capital, chiefly from Britain. In the
1840s, defaults in state securities for a time
I n the period during and following
World War I, the investment-banking
business expanded spectacularly. Many new
and inexperienced firms entered the field. The
ensuing wild competitive race for business
P ost World War II, investment
banking scaled new levels,
despite the strong and increasing competition
provided by direct borrowing by corporations
from life-insurance companies and other institu-
cut off the supply of foreign capital and led to ended during the Great Depression in a col- tional investors (including pension funds).
stronger efforts to tap the domestic capital lapse of the security markets in 1929 and the In 1964, as a result of recommendations by the
market, which had been hitherto confined to failure of many banking concerns. The abuses Securities and Exchange Commission, the U.S.
wealthy traders and ship owners in New York revealed during this period resulted in numer- Congress enacted amendments to the federal
City and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ous federal reforms. securities laws that considerably strengthened
regulation and investor protection. On May 1,
Investment banking received a further impetus Lack of uniformity, weak administration, and, 1975, a nearly 200-year-old tradition in the
during the American Civil War (1861-1865) most importantly, lack of jurisdiction over inter- brokerage business disappeared when the
from the example of a syndicate of banking state commerce during this period led to the commission ordered the end of the fixed-rate
houses, led by the financier, Jay Cooke. The Federal Securities Act of 1933. Its principal brokerage fee. Fees are now negotiated, which
syndicate sold a billion dollars' worth of govern- feature is “full disclosure”, the requirement that can mean a discount of up to 50 percent in
ment bonds to large numbers of individual full and accurate information be made available some cases.
investors through the use of thousands of sales- regarding publicly offered securities through a
men and an extensive advertising campaign. registration statement filed with the Securities
This venture marked the first mass securities- and Exchange Commission and through a pro-
selling operation carried out in the United spectus (a condensed statement) given to pro-
States. spective purchasers. Another landmark reform,
the Glass-Steagall Act, instituted in 1933, im-
After the Civil War, investment bankers concen- plemented federal legislation compelling com-
trated on the sale of railroad bonds. Excessive mercial banks to separate themselves from
commitments in this field led to the panic of their securities affiliates, which had previously
1873, set off by the startling failure of Jay played a significant role in investment banking.
Cooke and Company. In the 1890s widespread However, it was later gradually repealed and
railway defaults and receiverships occurred was completely nullified by 1999.
again. Some larger houses, including the firms
of J. P. Morgan and of Kuhn, Loeb, played a
major part in huge mergers. Morgan, in particu-
lar, personally favored monopolies to preserve
business profits and investor confidence.


1. Should the big banks be broken up? 4. International Mergers 7. BSNL IPO: http:// -upcoming-issues/plan-bsnl-ipo-price-at-
WALL__MAIN? acquisitions/international/ rs-300-400/sha-raja-/13/57/350909
DEFAULT 5.Latest Merger Announcement‟s 8. Sub Prime Crisis & FED

2.Confession of Risk Manager http://

mergers/ news? pid=newsarchive&sid=adGM43wQhgjU
displaystory.cfm?story_id=11897037 6. IPO Ratings
9. Kalpana Morparia to head JPMor-
3. When will it bottom out? http:// gan‟s India business http:// Why-IPO-ratings-should-be-
welcomed/127924/ 4/Kalpana-Morparia-to-head-JPMor.html


FY: What are the key areas in more extensively. Apart from this
which o3 Capital has been oper- Media and Entertainment, which are the emphasis which currently is
ating? driven by consumer spending, are more on a solution based ap-
expected to expand prolifically.
proach needs to be on the proc-
Firms that have created a niche for ess based approach to inculcate
KT: o3 Capital is a knowledge
themselves and look to add consider- problem solving skills.
oriented full services investment
able value to their service offerings
bank and financial services firm such as IT consulting etc. are also gen-
focused on the mid market. o3 erating a lot of interest and as Indian
Capital offers Investment Bank- firm in core sectors such as IT and
ing, Wealth Advisory and Trading manufacturing strive to move up the
& Broking Services. value chain, there is bound to be enor-
mous interest seen in these sectors as
The Investment Banking division well.
of the firm offers transaction ad-
visory services for M&A and Pri- (The views of the author are per-
vate Equity syndication. The o3 FY: How relevant did you find your sonal views and do not in any
Capital team comprises invest- learning from the B-school at an In- manner reflect the opinions of
ment banking professionals with vestment Bank? What changes can his employer)
extensive experience of advising you suggest in typical B-school meth-
clients across sectors. odologies that might be more useful
to its graduates when they join Invest-
o3 Capital focuses on a few key ment Banks?
sectors which include IT and
Business Process Outsourcing,
Consumer Products & Services, KT: Apart from exposure to various
Infrastructure, Pharmaceuticals, courses in finance, a B-school condi-
tions students to perform in an invest-
Health Care & Life Sciences,
ment banking setup. Apart from a
Manufacturing & Allied Services, strong background in finance, an in-
Real Estate vestment banker also requires an ana-
lytical approach to thinking and prob-
lem solving which is the key to ap-
proach any aspect of the job. The abil-
FY: What are the upcoming sec- ity to understand and develop a strong
tors in India that are expected to understanding of her/his respective
see considerable investment in- sector is a must for any investment
terest in the years to come? banker, which is augmented by the
case study methodology, employed at
KT: With the Indian economy most leading B-Schools.
growing at a rapid pace various
sectors driven by increased con- B- School methodologies while cover-
sumer and government spending ing various integral aspects can involve
are expected to outperform the a greater practical aspect, helping stu-
economy‟s growth rate. With in- dents ease into an investment banking
creased government and private scenario. The case study methodology
needs to be extended across verticals
sector spending on, Infrastruc-
and used more extensively. Apart from
ture and Energy /Power are two this the emphasis which currently is
such sectors that are expected to
Page 8
Mail us at
Financially Yours (FY) is the
finance interest group of IIMK.

The prime objective of FY is to

promote and develop an inter-
TEAM FY est in the field of finance.

Through a variety of activities

Mridul Muralidharan 9946103226 all round the year like holding
Rohit Jain 9946102149 sessions, competitions, orga-
nizing seminars for Horizons
Saurabh Kumar 9946102142
and management events for
Viral Shah 9946660709 Backwaters, FY facilitates the
learning process and encour-
age friendly competition
among fin enthusiasts.

However, being an „interest‟

group our efficient working
depends on enthusiastic par-
ticipation from the students.

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