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Team FY welcomes you to Back to the newsletter, we

MEZZANINE 1 the fourth issue of its in- cover some of the technical
CAPITAL house newsletter. We at FY aspects of Private Equity like
LEVERAGED 2 believe in dabbling with the mezzanine financing and
BUYOUTS latest in the financial space. leveraged buyouts and then
In keeping with this we bring discuss the relevance of Pri-
KRAVIS ROB- to you the latest from the vate equity players in the
ERTS & CO world of Private Equity. still unexplored area of
With entrepreneurial ven- Small and Medium Enter-
PRIVATE EQ- 3 tures on a surge in India, prises (SME). We bring to
UITY IN SME private equity is poised to you the profile of KKR, the
play a strategic role in fund- "head honcho" in Private
FIN-CTIONARY 3 ing such activities in the Equity and then go on to
country. discuss the finteresting past
FIN-TERVIEW 4 of KKR taking over RJR
The theme of this newsletter
WITH RAHUL Nabisco. An interview with
MUKIM, ICICI is in tune with the National
Rahul Mukim of ICICI Ven-
VENTURE level finance summit
tures enlightens on the nitty
FIN-TERESTING 5 ―Arthanomics‖, organized by
PAST — gritties of the present day
team FY from September 6-
BARBARIANS market place.
AT THE GATE 7 2008. Arthanomics will
Caption describing picture or
bring together the who's who Lastly, we thank you for all graphic.
of Investment Banking and the suggestions and critics
Private Equity in India. The for the newsletter and we
summit will form a melting shall try to incorporate the
pot for the most relevant same in our further editions.
issues which need to be ad-
Wishing you a happy read-
ing !

 1$ = Rs. 44.26

 Inflation 12.40% equity: it attracts principally

“While the Credit Crunch has debt.
caused headaches for pri- a rate of interest (like a loan)
but may also have the right Mezzanine finance tends to
vate equity firms and night- be used when bank borrow-
 BSE –
mares for some investment to convert into equity on a
sale or flotation; or it may ing limits are reached and
banks ... expectations are the firm cannot or will not
that mezzanine capital ... have a guaranteed (modest)
equity element. It is gener- issue more equity. It is a
will soar in coming quarters” form of finance which per-
ally subordinated to debt
Source: Reuters mits the firm to move be-
provided by senior lenders
such as banks and venture yond what is normally con-
Mezzanine capital is a very special- companies. This type of debt sidered acceptable debt/
ized branch of lending which has generally offers interest rates equity ratios (gearing or lev-
most of the attributes of a loan cou- two to five percentage points erage levels).
pled with a few characteristics of higher than that on senior Contd. on pg. 3


LBO (leveraged Buyout): and banks. In case of LBO loan against the company B‘s
It‘s a type of acquisition in by a financial firm, the firm fixed assets at much lower
which the acquiring firm acts as an intermediate inves- interest rate. During their peak
provides major part of capital tor. The institutional inves- time in 70‘s, LBO gave returns
through borrowings. In many tors give funds based on as high as 30-100%.
cases, the assets of company credit rating of the acquiring Risk:
to be acquired are used as firm. When the acquired If, however company B is not
collateral to obtain the funds. company goes public, or is performing, the LBO fails.
Thus if a company A wants sold to some other party, the The leverage magnifies profit
to acquire company B, it will firm realizes its profit. and losses equally, making
borrow money from market Rationale: LBO a high risk high gain
to seal the deal. The leverage, in ―LBO‖ is instrument. The risk can be
An LBO can take place as a debt taken for investment. If measured by various ratios
hostile takeover of a com- rate of return on assets for a like EBTIDA (Earnings Be-
pany by its competitor, or by company is greater than debt fore Tax, Interest, Deprecia-
a financial firm. In both interest rate, leveraged fi- tion and Amortization) to cash
cases, debt is raised from nance is beneficial. E.g. com- interest ratio, debt to equity
various institutional investors pany A can have a secured ratio etc.


Origins assets and reduce costs. Finally, sell mous expertise, KKR brilliantly
Widely recognized as the leader and the more efficient and attractive com- manages all its portfolio companies.
―head honcho‖ in the Private Equity pany for a massive profit. KKR usu- Big Deals
world, KKR is one of the largest in- ally has a target investment period of In 1989, KKR materialized the larg-
vestment and merchant banking house. 7 years though on occasions it has est leveraged buyout in history, the
With almost 60 billion dollars in assets gone beyond 10 years. 31 billion dollar takeover of RJR
under management and numerous re- Advantages Nabisco. This was dwarfed by the
cords, it‘s also regarded as a company 2007 buyout of the energy company
which almost made leveraged buyout a TXU for 45 billion dollars, also by a
household term. KKR led consortium. KKR also
The story begins in 1965, eleven years completed many multi-billion dollar
before KKR was formed. Jerome Kohl- deals like First Data ($29 bi), TDC
berg, who was in charge of corporate ($15 bi), and Alliance Boots ($25
finance at Bear Stearns, developed a bi) etc.
new method called ―bootstrapping‖ Future Plans
which the world now knows as Lever- Initially seen as a company obsessed
aged Buyout (LBO). Kohlberg was of with hostile takeovers, KKR has
the opinion that if a few investors ac- now engaged in an image rebuilding
quired a stake in a company and fo- exercise. They are increasingly redi-
cused exclusively on improving its recting their energies towards a buy-
management and profitability, then and-build strategy.
they could do a better job than thou- KKR recently announced that it‘s
sands of shareholders who had little coming out with an IPO. Though
time and scant knowledge. He per- this could hardly be called ideal
fected this concept between ‘65 and timing, KKR seems determined to
‘76 along with his two protégés, go through with it.
George Roberts and his cousin Henry KKR‘s reputation coupled with their For the interested, we recommend
Kravis. industry relationships and network, the books ―The Money Machine‖
Strategy helps them secure deals easily. Their and ―Barbarians at the Gate‖ written
Simply put, the KKR strategy consists diversified portfolio consists of both in the KKR context. In fact the latter
of three basic steps: Get an Investment start-ups and established firms in all was also made into a for-TV movie
bank to help raise money for a lever- kinds of industries. By keeping a long- by HBO. An overview of the RJR
aged buyout. Then, restructure the term focus and leveraging on its enor- deal and the controversy it evoked is
company, sell off underperforming provided overleaf.


Mezzanine financing can basically be done in Bear Hug: An offer made

two ways — Subordinated notes and Preferred ownership component in mezzanine securities directly to the Board of
stock. is almost always accompanied by either cash
interest or PIK interest and in many cases by Directors of a target com-
The rate of return which mezzanine investors both. pany. Usually made to
look for can come from:
Mezzanine capital can be used in the follow- increase the pressure on
Cash Interest — A periodic payment of cash ing: the target with the threat
based on a percentage of the outstanding bal-
ance of the mezzanine financing. Leveraged Buyouts: Here mezzanine capital that a tender off
is used to fill a financing gap between less
PIK interest — Payable in kind interest is a expensive forms of financing (e.g., senior Bootstrapping: Means of
periodic form of payment in which the interest loans, second lien loans, high yield financ- financing a small firm by
payment is not paid in cash but rather by in- ings) and equity. employing highly creative
creasing the principal amount of the security
in the amount of the interest. Real Estate Finance: Used by developers to ways of using and acquir-
secure supplementary financing for develop- ing resources without rais-
Ownership — Along with the typical interest ment projects, often collateralized by the
payment associated with debt, mezzanine stock of the development company rather ing equity from traditional
capital will often include an equity stake in the than the developed property itself. sources or borrowing
form of attached warrants or a conversion fea-
money from the banker
ture, similar to that of a convertible bond. The
may follow.
PRIVATE EQUITY IN SME Hurdle Rate: The internal
NAMRATHA , HARSHAD , KAVEESH(PGP12) rate of return that a fund
must achieve before its
general partners or manag-
Small and Medium development of Capital Mar- in SME‘s, fulfil the handhold-
Enterprises (SME) are impor- kets, maturing of IPO‘s and ing needs in the short run, and ers may receive an in-
tant for the development of development of M&A, exit helps introduce global man- creased interest in the pro-
any economy, particularly a options have also improved. agement practices, corporate ceeds of the fund
growing one like India. SME Another feature of SMEs governance and accountabil-
constitute 95% of industrial which is attractive to inves- ity. Pay to Play : A "Pay to
units in India and 40% of the tors is that their balance
PE firms invested Play" provision is a re-
output. Till 10 years back sheets are too weak to procure
Rs.4000 crore in SMEs in quirement for an existing
Indian industries had to de- enough bank loans to sustain
2007-08 – an increase by 75%
pend on financial institutions the high rate of growth which investor to participate in a
over the previous year – in
for both debt and risk capital. is possible when the company subsequent investment
sectors such as Pharmaceuti-
But strong industrial growth size is small. SMEs essen-
cals, Infrastructure, Transpor- round, especially a Down
and increased domestic de- tially suffer from being nei-
tation, Manufacturing and Round.
mand for goods and services, ther here nor there - they are
Textile. According to esti-
driving key sectors such as too large to receive funding
mates, the potential for PE Wash-Out Round: A
Retail, Entertainment and from Microfinance institu-
funding in Indian SME is
Manufacturing, has attracted tions, and too small to receive financing round whereby
20,000 crore, growing at a
local and global Private Eq- them from commercial banks. previous investors, the
rate of 30% year on year. This
uity (PE) investors. In recent
In India, PE deals in immensely lucrative invest- founders, and manage-
years, India has become one
SMEs are similar to that of ment segment has attracted a
of the most lucrative invest- ment suffer significant
large caps in terms of capital lot of attention from local and
ment options for global PE dilution. Usually as a re-
investment ($5-15 million), global PE funds. The Govern-
but the similarity ends there. ment has started taking initia- sult of a washout round,
The SME sector is As articulated by R.Srinivas, tives and public sector banks the new investor gains
still un-crowded from a PE Managing Partner of BTS like SBI have come out with a
point of view as it has been India, SMEs require ―hand PE fund for SMEs. majority ownership and
traditionally overlooked by holding like start-ups and control of the company.
investors because of the lim- capital needs like mid-cap
ited exit options. But with the companies‖. PE investments,


What are the essential parameters that sion funds, funds of funds etc.)
you look at before arriving at an invest- Further, the bearish environment created
ment decision in a start-up? may impact the number and quality of fund
Though ICICI Venture doesn‘t evaluate start raising exercise by promoters. Valuation
up, I can list down the criteria that a VC expectation of promoters may also soften
Fund would use to undertake an investment. leading to a positive impact on PE deals.
VC Funding is essentially the funding of a Generally, it is said that a downside is the
concept rather than a company. The robust- right time for PE investments. This is be-
ness and the efficacy of the business plan cause you enter at a lower valuation and
needs to be evaluated. This can be done in exit when the cycle reached its peak.
any of the following ways:
 Conceptual clarity of the business plan, What kind of exit options are exercised
 Business model, Scalability of the in different sectors?
model / Technology, PE Exit options can be bunched IPOs, Stra- Many energy firms, including
tegic sales, Buyback by the promoter / sale Suzlon are private-equity backed.
 Quality of the entrepreneur / track re-
to another PE investor.
cord / managerial capability,
Generally exit options are independent of
 Sector view and product view,
the sectors though may be governed by
 Financials – Projections and Attractive- which sector is hot in the capital markets.
ness of projections, break even etc. Like during the last boom we saw growth
led by infrastructure, capital goods and
manufacturing. High profile exits like Na-
How has the dilution of the global money garjuna Cons, Suzlon happened through an ―During the last
markets affected interest in Private Eq- IPO. Further, the kind of exits are also gov-
uity in India?
boom we saw
erned by the type of deals. Exits in buyouts
The current credit squeeze has certainly are normally through strategic sale: For e.g. growth led by
taken a toll on the Private Equity. Firstly, India Value Fund sold Trinethra to AVB
Group, ICICI Venture sold ACE Refracto- infrastructure,
cheap credit to fund buyouts has become
scarce. Secondly, fund raising by Indian PE ries to Imerys and Infomedia to TV18. capital goods and
firms has become difficult with liquidity Most of the growth deals, however, are
strains on Limited Partners (these are inves- exited through an IPO. manufacturing‖
tors in PE Funds, Include hedge funds, pen- Contd. on pg. 5


Interesting Links PE News

“We should act like a
1. Biggest private Equity Deals public industry. The 1. Companies turn to PEs for
of All time funds are private but M&A funding.
they are so large that we
2. Wall Street, meet small street need to deal with the 2. India story still attracts
public, with labor venture capital funds
3. "PE Investing Is Like A Dat- unions, with
ing Game; All Put On Their environmental groups.” - 3. Private equity deals drop in
Best Behavior" -Carlyle Group Co- June quarter
founder David
4. Who‘s Who in private Equity Rubenstein 4. The Largest Private Equity
Indian Real Estate Deal


If an existing business wishes to ex- focused funds are in the pipe-

pand, what would be the best way to If I were the CFO of an existing busi- line. Though most of these may
finance that? Angel Investors/ VCs / ness the evaluation of the best way to be essentially VC funds
Loans or should they stick to organic fund would depend on: Size of my com-  Larger PEs would focus on lar-
growth? pany, sector, cost of funds, dilution im- ger deals / control / buyouts
pact, security etc.  Education, clean energy are
Expansion of an existing business in not likely to emerge as attractive
determined by the type of investors but What are the emerging trends in the sectors for investments.
the perception of the cost of capital. An- Indian Private Equity and Venture
gel Investor or a VC would most likely Capital Industry?
invest in an early stage company and not
an existing business with sufficient track A very broad question. I can summarize
record. An existing business has the fol- the emerging trends under the following
lowing options: heads:
 Debt
 Equity through an IPO  Emergence of sector focused venture
 Equity through Private Equity capital funds: Education, life sci-
 Mezzanine Financing ences, micro finance, agriculture Agriculture is often touted to be the
next big money spinner


Barbarians At The Gate Hutton. This escalated into a takeover bid and
almost all the major PE players dropped their
The buyout of RJR Nabisco by Kohlberg
hat into the ring. These included Morgan
Kravis Roberts & Co in 1989 remains till
Stanley, Salomon Brothers, Goldman Sachs,
date one of the largest private equity deals
and Merrill Lynch apart from KKR. A fierce
of all time. KKR came into being in 1976 as
series of negotiations and proposals ensued and
a result of fallout between its founders
Kravis offered to buy RJR Nabisco at $90 a
Jerome Kohlberg, Henry Kravis and George
share – a price that would not require RJR Na-
Roberts and their then employer Bear
bisco‘s management approval. This led to fur-
Stearns. KKR specialized in Leveraged Buy
ther negotiations and RJR‘s management along
Out in which acquisition was funded mostly
with Shearson Lehman Hutton and Salomon
by issuing bonds and a smaller percent
Brothers offered a price of $112 per share.
raised through equity. The 1980s saw a huge
Kravis then revised his price offer to $109.
boom in private equity and LBOs and saw a
RJR‘s board of directors finally accepted
large number of mega LBO deals among
KKR‘s offer on the ground that RJR manage-
which the RJR Nabisco acquisition stand
ment‘s offer of $112 even though higher,
out. Here‘s a brief account of how one of the
lacked a ‗reset‘. This meant that the manage-
most talked about private equity deals hap-
ment‘s offer was not guaranteed and the final
share price could have been lower than the
At the time of the deal Mr. F. Ross Johnson quoted price of $112. Also many of the board
was the President and CEO of RJR Nabisco, members were concerned by Johnson‘s golden
a maker of cigarettes and food. In October parachute deal and used the ‗reset‘ issue to
1988, Mr. Johnson backed by the com- close the deal in KKR‘s favour.
pany‘s few top executives announced to buy
RJR Nabisco at $75 a share or $17 billion.
This was backed by the investment banking
and brokerage house of Shearson Lehman
Financially Yours (FY) is

Mail us at the finance interest group of

IIMK. The prime objective of
FY is to promote and develop
an interest in the field of fi-
nance. Through a variety of
activities all round the year
like holding sessions, compe-
titions, organizing seminars
for Horizons and manage-
ment events for Backwaters,
FY facilitates the learning
process and encourages
friendly competition among
Mridul M 9946103226 fin enthusiasts.
However, being an „interest‟
Rohit J 9946102149
group our efficient working
Saurabh K 9946102142 depends on the enthusiastic
participation from the stu-
Viral S 9946660709 dents.

We invite articles/interesting facts/write-ups from the readers, this being a platform of sharing knowledge amongst all the fin
enthusiasts. Also, we further look forward for suggestions and ideas for the coming academic year so that we can plan accord-
ingly. Kindly get in touch with any of the FY coordinators for further details.

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