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5TH JULY, 2008

We, Team FY, welcome you to The crude oil prices have risen incorporate the same in our
the third issue of the FY News- to $142 per barrel and also further editions.
VOLATILITY- letter. the inflation has reached a 13
KETS year high to 11.63%. As per
Firstly, we welcome PGP 12 to
the experts view, the inflation
FIN GYAAN - IIMK and wish them all the
2 would continue to rise in the
best for the coming two years.
future till it reaches 13% after
FIN-TERVIEN This issue is a further attempt
WITH PROF 2 which it would subsequently
to make the learning of fi-
NAIR subside.
nance more interesting and
FOOD FOR simpler.
2 We shall also look at the vari-
ous aspects of mergers and
Continuing from the previous
acquisitions and briefly de-
KETS- edition, we take you on a jour-
TECHNICALS 3 scribe the various defensive
VS FUNDA- ney of the Stock Markets. The
MENTALS strategies. The historic merger
markets are highly volatile with
between AOL and Time Warner
FIN- the indices fluctuating on a
TERESTING is the event for this issue from
PAST - AOL- 3 daily basis. We make an at-
the fin-teresting past.
TIME WARNER tempt to know the reasons
behind the same. Also we try
FIN-CTIONARY 3 Lastly, we thank you for all the
to throw light on the difference
suggestions and critics for the
between technical and funda-
FIN-TRIVIA 4 newsletter and we shall try to
mental analysis.


The bourses across the globe across the markets and domestic inflation going up
 1$ = Rs. 43.30 are so much more volatile this 3. The commodity market vola- are some of the other major
year. Is it just the investor ex- tility is affecting the equity mar- reasons causing volatility in the
 Inflation 11.63%
pectations that are causing this
kets in a much greater fashion markets
or are there much deeper rea-
 BSE –2.44% (30 Jun now Looking at all of the above
sons? Let‟s try and dissect a
to 4 Jul) 4. A very few Indian companies cited reasons it looks that the
few of the reasons which have
have a hedging strategy to Indian markets success story is
MARKET WATCH led to this phenomenon
going to end. But as per the
address the issues of currency
1. The FIIs reallocating their recent world report, the GDP of
fluctuations leading to one
India is continuously growing
funds from risky emerging mar- more source of market volatil- at a rate higher than the world
kets to more stable developed ity average; which in addition to
markets; US recession and sub 5. The local political risk preva- instilling confidence in an in-
prime crisis being some of the lent due to the general elec- vestor is a good sign for the
major reasons triggering this tions scheduled in 2009 markets. So people looking for
2. Increased event related vola- 6. International crude oil prices longer term investments, India
tility due to movement of capital is definitely the place to be in.


Definition: M&A is a general term used to quires the outstanding stock of the target
refer to the consolidation of companies. to bypass the management which can also ated from increase in operating income
The key rationale behind an M&A is 1+1 = lead to a hostile takeover. In a manage- whereas in financial synergy the value is
3 i.e. the combined entity creates greater ment buyout, the company‟s own manage- created from higher cash flows or lower cost
value for the shareholders than separate ment acquires the company and the com- of capital. Operating synergies can result
entities. pany can cease to exist as a public traded from economies of scale, geographical diver-
company and become a private business. sification, and combination of different func-
Classification: An acquisition can be either If this buyout is done with the help of debt,tions in a business. Financial synergies can
by another firm or its own management. In it is known as leverage buyout. result from added debt capacity if the cash
a merger, the target firm is merged with flows of the new entity are more stable and
the acquiring company and the sharehold- Synergy: Synergy is the potential additional predictable, and tax benefits by showing
ers receive its shares. In a consolidation, value from combining two firms and is the losses of the acquired firm thus reducing the
the 2 entities combine to form a new entity main driver for M&A. It can be classified taxable income and thus the tax burden.
which issues shares to its shareholders. In into Operating & Financial synergies. Oper-
a tender offer, the acquiring company ac- ating synergy is the additional value cre- Contd Pg4


What are the major / macro factors that on the Herd mentality. Behavioral Finance The Stock market players can be divided into
have the potential to significantly affect the speaks more about the behavior of a ra- Individuals and Institutions. Both these play-
Stock Market? ers work slightly different because of differ-
tionalist. It speaks of various types of in-
ent risk taking abilities. The disposition /
vestors who have different risk taking abil-
1. Inflation ity. However, the hedging manager is more loss aversion in the market is practically the
2. Index of Industrial Product: A business like a Fund manager. The performance of a reason for the volatility of the market. For an
indicator which helps the analyst to identify fund manager is linked to the performance individual, when the stocks the individual is
the economic turning points of the fund. The person has to make maxi- dealing with starts making losses, the indi-
3. Term Premium Rates: The interest rates mum money out of the market during his viduals will not sell the stocks immediately.
tenure. His performance is directly propor-They expect the stocks to rise later on.
for a particular term
tional to the profits / money made. How- Hence the individuals have IARA i.e. In-
4. Exchange rates are the major factors ever, even if Behavioral Finance tells the creased Absolute Risk Aversion. However, for
which affect the Stock market significantly. Fund manager to invest in a particular an institution, the mentality is to sell the
Changes in any of these factors can cause stock, wherein the market is offloading stocks fast if they are falling. This is because
a huge impact to the market. In addition to that stock because of Herd mentality, the for an institution the performance of the
these factors, companies use financial Fund manager, with all the analysis, might Fund managers is directly proportional to the
ratios such as Book Equity to market eq- not want to go ahead and invest. The rea- performance of the Funds. Hence, the insti-
tutions have DARA i.e. Decreasing Absolute
soning behind this is, "since others are not
uity, etc to understand where they stand in
Risk Aversion. The risk Aversion function can
doing it why should I do it". Hence, the fund
the market.
manager also ends up being a part of the be defined as the second order derivative of
herd mentality. Hence, Behavioral Finance the utility function divided by the first order
How important is Behavioral Finance to cannot be used directly during Hedging. derivative of the utility function. The utility
predict the market? function is that most people are Risk Averse
Behaviorists formulate the Fund managers. Can you explain the way Stock markets are i.e. as the risk increases, the expected re-
The science opens the eyes of hard core looked at by Individuals and Institutions? turns increase. It will be a quadratic utility
rationalists. But the market actually works function. Contd. Pg. 4


Stock Market Inflation

“It's only when the 1> Business Mergers and Acquisitions in India -
1> London Stock Exhange - AIM
2> Does Plunging Stock Market Show Danger of tide goes out that Mint, Corporate News
Private Social Security Accounts? - AARP Bulletin 2> Stock Market Volatility
you learn who's 3> Indian mergers and Acquisitions
3> Stock Market Crash of 1929 4> Planning for a successful M&A
been swimming
4> Calculating the Dow Jones Industrial Average 5> Grandfather inflation Report
5> Active Trading terms naked.”
6> Movies centered around Stock Market -Warren Buffett
Page 3


The Stock Market has been the indicators for technicals.
highly volatile for the past few DEFENSIVE STRATEGIES
Technical analysis is done more To support this with an example
months and the reasons given on a short term basis. – If a person wants to buy a TV,
are varied. However, let us see Dawn Raid: Like the dawn raid
there are two approaches. A in war, the corporate dawn
on what basis are the stock
Fundamental Analysis – A fun- technical analyst would just
trading decisions made. The two raid is done early in the morn-
possible approaches of making damental analyst makes his analyze the past sales of all the
ing, so by the time the tar-
an investment decision: Techni- decision based on the current TV products in the market.
get realizes it's being at-
cal and Fundamental Analysis. and future earning capacity of Based on the trends, he would
tacked, it's too late - the inves-
the company. This analysis is make the purchase without
Technical Analysis – This analy- tor has already scooped up
carried out by studying the com- knowing the intrinsic value of
sis makes you invest as per the some controlling interest .
pany financial documents like the product. On the other hand,
market sentiments and get
the auditor‟s report, profit and a fundamental analyst would Greenmail: Company has to
maximum returns. The price
loss statements, quarterly bal- make a detailed study of all the buy its shares at a significant
discovery of a script is based on
ance sheets, dividend records products, study its features, premium from another com-
the demand supply model.
and policies of the companies. It analyse the characteristics and pany, which holds substantial
Higher the demand more will be
also includes the study of pro- then make a buy decision. shares, to prevent hostile
the supply price. The technical
duction indices, price statistics takeover. Also known as a
analyst studies the market
and crop forecasts to gauge the Most investors would advise “Good Bye Kiss”.
trend and makes the decision of
state of economy. After the combining both the schools of
buying/selling. He feels that the
evaluation if one feels that the thought, where one approach is Lady Macbeth strategy: Third
historical performances are an used to strengthen the signal by
stock is underpriced then we party poses as a white knight
indication of the future prices. the other approach. However,
buy. Market price is the indica- the success of investors like to gain trust, but then turns
The key requirements are the
tor for fundamentals. Funda- Warren Buffet opens up a differ- around and joins with un-
traded volume and price data of
mental analysis is done, more- ent stream of thought. friendly bidders.
the script. Historical prices are
over, on a long term basis.
Macaroni defense: The target
FIN-TERESTING PAST company issues a large num-
ber of bonds with the condi-
AOL-Time Warner -> Merger takes a brief look at what went Another reason was that after tion they must be redeemed
between equals??!!! wrong. the merger the entity failed to at a high price if the company
implement their vision and is taken over.
Year 1999: Companies ac- One of the main reasons was strategies. They lacked the abil-
quired – Netscape, Moviefone, that America Online was never ity to discover new trends in the Pac-man defense: The target
Nullsoft, Gateway.Net as big as Time Warner. Most industry, because of which their firm turns around and tries to
acquire the other company
Year 2000: Shocks the world by analysts criticize that at the competitors surged ahead. For
announcing its intention to ac- time of the merger the AOL eg: AOL failed to offer broad- that has made the hostile
quire Time Warner stocks were overvalued be- band access as soon as possi- takeover attempt.
cause of the Internet bubble. ble.
AOL and Time Warner finally Poison Pill: Target company
The assumptions of a 25% su-
merged into a new entity, AOL- makes its stock less attrac-
pernormal growth rate and a 5% Furthermore, the primary rea-
Time Warner, which was worth tive by selling more of its
terminal period growth rate put son for the merger, according to
almost $US 350 billion (The shares to existing sharehold-
the valuation of the company at company executives, was for
official merger took place in ers at discount .
US$ 93 per share. The valuation AOL to get access to Time War-
2001). On one hand there was
made sense considering the ner‟s vast cable network and for
the largest Internet Service Pro- White Knight: A company that
environment at that time but it Time Warner to be able to pub-
vider then and on the other was makes a friendly takeover
was clearly not realistic and lish their vast sources of infor-
the largest media company. The offer to a target company that
sustainable. But since AOL was mation online. But this accord-
management popped open the is being faced with a hostile
worth as much as Time Warner ing to some critics could have
champagne bottles. The cus- takeover from a separate
was, they got the same voting been achieved through licensing
tomers cheered. The stocks of party.
rights and power. Yet, two years agreements and joint ventures,
both the companies shot
after the merger the stock price keeping the companies sepa-
through the roof. But what was
of the new entity fell to a new rate. This would have avoided
touted as “the merger of cen-
low – a decrease of over 90%. corporate culture clash that the
tury” soon became derided as
In January of 2002, it an- companies faced.
“the worst merger in history”.
nounced a staggering loss of
This article, like many before it,
around US$100 billion.
Page 4

Mail us at Financially Yours (FY) is the

finance interest group of IIMK.
The prime objective of FY is to
FIN-TERVIEW -CONTD FROM PG2 promote and develop an inter-
est in the field of finance.
In case of Mergers and Acquisi- TATA experienced a fall immedi- the Expected returns which are Through a variety of activities
tions, it is seen that the acquirer ately after it acquired Corus. very high. Hence, the current all round the year like holding
company's stocks experience a The investors expected TATA to Stock price falls and the Stocks sessions, competitions, orga-
dip immediately after the acqui-
book higher margins of profits experience the Dip. nizing seminars for Horizons
sition. However, since the Ac-
quirer company has actually at a later stage. However, there
and management events for
acquired a new company, it has is a large gestation period be- We express our special thanks
Backwaters, FY facilitates the
expanded its horizon and in- fore the TATA actually books to Prof. Abhilash Nair for having
creased the probability of book- profits. The longer the gestation taken out time for the interview learning process and encour-
ing higher profits. Then why is period, the higher the risk asso- and sharing his opinions. ages friendly competition
there a dip in the Acquirer com- ciated with investing in the among fin enthusiasts.
pany's stocks?
stocks. With increase in risk, the
However, being an „interest‟
Consider the TATA Corus deal. expected returns of the inves-
The deal propelled TATA into tors also increase. When the group our efficient working
international market and in- analysts determine the Current depends on the enthusiastic
creased the expected profits. Stock price, they have to divide participation from the stu-
However, the stock price of the predicted Cash flows with dents.


Process: When executing an M&A, the ac- the acquiring company needs to develop
quiring company can first develop an ac- ways to raise the finances to fund the ac-
quiring strategy which forms the underlying quisition. This could 100% stock, 100%
motive of the acquisition. This would re- cash or a mix of both. The company can
quire the company to understand the use its own finances or borrow debt de-
emerging trends in the particular sector pending upon the future financial implica-
and based on these trends, the company tions. Finally, the negotiation and execu-
needs to find a target which forms in line tion of the deal consummates an M&A. Mridul M 9946103226
with the strategy. Once the target is identi- Rohit J 9946102149
fied, its valuation along with premiums like Saurabh K 9946102142
control premium gives the acquiring com-
Viral S 9946660709
panies an idea of how much to pay. Next,

We invite articles/interesting facts/write-ups from the readers, this being a platform of sharing knowledge amongst all the fin enthusi-
asts. Also, we further look forward for suggestions and ideas for the coming academic year so that we can plan accordingly. Kindly get
in touch with any of the FY coordinators for further details.


1. 3. 7.
Across: Down:
2. 4.
1. The lowest price the investor demands for 1. Annuity for full payment for full period
selling of stocks (3) (Abbrv.) (2) 5. 6.
2. Measure of risk of MF's as compared to 3. Estimated Transaction cost - Actual Trans- 9.
Market (5) action cost (8)
8. 11.
5. The points delivered by the Futures ex- 4. Whole-dollar price of offer (6)
change at the fulfillment of futures contract 10.

(Abbrv.) (2) 7. Dollar Price change / Price change of

option ) to 1% change in volatility (5) Solutions for Fin Trivia 2
6. GDP + residents income from outside - non-
residents income from inside (Abbrv.) (3) 8. Rule of Senior creditors paid before junior 1. A 3. C I D
creditors during bankruptcy (Abbrv.) (2) 2. C A L L
8. Federal Tax liability of person (Abbrv.) (3) T C
11. Stock price rise by following the dividend
O 8.B
9. Pre-tax profit / no. of shares (Abbrv.) (3) signal (Abbrv.) (2) 4. F 6. A T E
10. High risk-adjusted returns exhibited by low 5. G I L T

P/E stocks (Abbrv.) (3) O T A

7. D C B

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