4 Attributes of Globalization: de Jesus, Allen Fey C. BSA-1

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1.Globalization has various forms of connectivity. It can be economic, political or cultural.

Globalization is an on-going procedure that encompasses interconnected changes in the
economic, political, and cultural o society. In economic terms, globalization refers to the
expansion of capitalism to include all places around the world into one globally integrated
economic system. Example of these is the employment of the Filipinos in other country and
trading of services and goods like exporting and importing goods from other country. In
cultural terms, it refers to the global global spread and integration of ideas, values, norms,
behaviours, and ways of life. An example of this was the huge popularity of the “Gangnam
Style” video by the South Korean rapper Psy.  Another example is the popularity of European
soccer teams in countries around the world. In political terms, globalization refers to the
governance that operate at the global scale, whose policies and rules cooperative nations are
expected to abide.

2. Globalization allows for the expansion and stretching of social relations

Stretched social relations are the existence of cultural, economic and political networks
of connection across the world. Through communications is happening exchanges of different
information, ideas, images, sounds and text. The communication can be transferred by the
television, internet communication (skype, facebook, e-mail, video conference etc), telephone,
newspaper, magazine, radio, books, video and film. Satellite broadcasts enable communication
to be transferred instantaneously between any points on earth, irrespective of the territorial
distances and territorial borders that lie between them. Mostly of today` s globality is an "e-
world" of e-commerce, e-friendship, e-government, and e-mail. An example of this is Global
electronic trading in the stock markets, malls around the world carrying brand name goods
manufactured in multiple countries.

3. Globalization intensify and accelerate of social exchanges and activities.

Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and
governments worldwide . We are working in an global connected economy and for us it is
important to build good and strong relationships and having a faster connections from other
culture or country. People in different country merge nad interact to extend their interpersonal
skills and learn new ways of doings. An example of this is OFWs who exchanges their services
in other country to adopt their culture and stabilized our relations in other country.
4. Globalization occurs worlwide
Globalization is an ongoing process driven by a combination of political, economic,
technological, and sociocultural forces. The process of globalization has been further
accelerated by the global expansion of multinational corporations and worldwide exchange of
new developments in science, technology and in product manufacturing and design.
Globalization or globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people,
companies, and governments worldwide. An example of this is Social media, internet,
transportation, etc.

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