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Teacher’s Day

A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love
of learning. For students, teachers are the true heroes who dedicated their time
and effort to teach the things which can help in the future of students and to
become a better person.

On October 3, 2019, all School of Business Sciences Students gathered

together at the Oikoumene Chapel to thank and surprise their teachers for
being a prominent part in their journey as students.

The Junior Philippine Institute of

Accountants – UCC Chapter helped to
decorate the venue, prepare the foods and
took this opportunity to express their
gratitude and love towards the knowledge,
time and efforts shared by their advisers and

All SBS students from the different

organizations serenaded their teachers and leave a message at the end of every
presentation to inform them that we appreciate their efforts and sacrifices and
that we are very grateful for having them. In addition, we also prepared games
for them to enjoy and forget about the worries we caused them.

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