Psyco in Maths

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/ Cy Ki & | CANDIDATE'S INDEX NUMBERS ALE APRIL 2019 Z Pevcuoror CHING AND. a PSYCHOLOGICAL BASIS OF TEA‘ 5 LEARNING MATHEMATICS, SIGNATURES C7 30 MINUTES UNIVERSITY OF CAPE COAST COLLEGE OF EDUCATION STUDIES SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND OUTREACH INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION { FIVE-SEMESTER BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (SANDWICH) PROGRAMME FIRST YEAR, SECOND SEMESTER QUIZ II, APRIL 2019 APRIL 25,2019 PSYCHOLOGICAL BASIS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING MATHEMATICS Answer ALL the questions on the question paper. / For items 1 to 17, each stem is followed by four options lettered A to D. Read each statement carefully and circle the letter that corresponds to the correct or best option. 1. Which one of the following definitions is always true? } ‘A. A quadrilateral is a four-sided figure with four equal sides and equal opposite sides B. A rectangle is a four-sided figure with four equal angles and equal sides C. A rectangle is a four-sided figure with four equal angles and equal opposite sides D. A rhombus is four-sided figure with four equal angles and four equal sides 2. What psychological term is described as a form of adaptation which enables a student to easily integrate new perceptual conceptual matter into existing pattérns of behaviour? A. Abstraction B. Accommodation C. Assimilation » D. Equilibration 3. Which of the following are three factors that facilitate formation of mathematics concepts? A. Contrast, abstraction and naming B. Contrast, function and naming C. Naming, abstraction and discrimination D. Naming, function and abstraction 4, The learner knowing both what to do and why, is a suitable description of the educational term known as . ‘A. Inductive understanding B. Instrumental understanding C. Intuitive understanding D. Relational understanding i Page 1 of S 5, Extracting what is common to a number of differing situations and disregarding what is irrelevant is referredtoas___ A. abstraction B. deduction C. intuition D. reflection 6. The correcting cognitive process by which learners either restrict or broaden their existing schemas best describes A. abstraction B. accommodation C. assimilation D. equilibration 7. Relational understanding is often described as being ‘A. conservative in quality B. instrumental in quality C. mechanical in nature D. organic in quality 8. Teaching that relies heavily on students’ existing schemas as tools for their acquisition of new knowledge, promotes learning. A. Godden B. instructional C. instrumental D. schematic 9. The cohetent mental activity stored in the mind of an individual and which changes with time is often referred to as s A. accommodation B. assimilation C. intuition D. schema 10. The alternative psychological term used to denote the process of making radical changes to some existing concepts in mathematics when one encounters new ideas which do not fit the existing schemas is A. assimilation B. reconnection C. reconstruction D. reinforcement 11. Which one of the following is not a function ofa mathematical schema? A. Itis differentiative in nature B. Itis integrative in nature C.. Itis used as a too! for further learning D. Itmakes understanding possible 1 |, Page 2 of 5 12, Which one of the following statements is true? A. Number is a secondary concept built on other concepts like “one”, “two”, “three”, .. B. Primary concepts are usually formed from secondary concepts. CC. Shape is a primary concept built on primary concepts of triangl D. The name of a concept actually means the concept itself, » squares, circles, ... 13. The E-L-P-S process of developing abstract thought in mathematics progresses through the sequence; : A. enactive — language -pictoric — symbolic B. enactive — language — procedure ~ symbolic C. experience — language — pictures ~ symbolic D. experience — learning — preoperational — sensory operational 14, The common properties one mentally abstracts from a number of examples one experiences is collectively termed in mathematics as a/an A. assimilation B. concept C. definition D. symbol 15. Two classifications of understanding are understanding. A. instrumental and intuitive B. instrumental and relational C. schematic and relational D, relational and intuitive 16. The principle, “Mathematics concepts higher than those a learner has already should not be taught by definitions. Rather, the teacher should arrange suitable examples for learners to experience” is attributed to ‘A, Jean Piaget B. Jerome Bruner C. Richard Skemp D. Zoltan Dienes 17. A student has made an abstraction after some initial discrimination and classifying. Then the student raises the question “Does this work always?” This scenario describes the process B. deduction C. intuition D. generalization Page 3 of 5 For each of the questions 18 - 20, write your response in the space provided under the question. 18. Identify two advantages of relational learning in mathematics. [4 marks] 19. Explain two functions of a schema in mathematics. [4 marks] ne 6b Ree One lie eleclines jis oF pute te fio elecbrer 20. a) What is meant by “noise” in formation of concepts in mathematics? [2 marks} Page 4 of S

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