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Product & Innovation

Identification of educational

Wayra global call

List of the areas of interest declared by ProFuturo in order to identify
Areas of interest solutions that complement its educational, digital, and pedagogical
innovation programme in vulnerable environments in Latin America, Africa,
and Asia.
Scope Search environment and reason for search Implementation / details

The data analytics project at ProFuturo seeks to measure the results

and impact of its Educational Solution, and to develop analysis tools Our goal is to collect, exploit, and assess data, and construct
that help to personalise education and that also make it possible to algorithms that make it possible to measure the educational and
make decisions about the solution. social impact of our educational solution. We aim to automate
these processes and configure predictive models. The ultimate
The digital educational solution currently provides data continuously goal is to have the tools necessary for the personalisation and
about both teacher professional development and the classroom adaptation of learning.
1 Based on the above, we want to identify three types of proposals:
We collect data; for example, each time a student successfully
AI / Learning completes an activity, or a teacher designs materials for a class. We a) Analytical methods/AI: from the data, analytical proposals and
can also find out what contents are used the most, etc. methods/AI that resolve educational issues. Included here, for
Analytics example, are clustering (to identify, segment, and model groups)
To all this collected information we add contextual information: the and predictive algorithms
economic, educational, infrastructure situation, etc., that comes
from open-ended data and information provided by our teams in the b) Tested pedagogical applications (based on analytics, on data)
field. that resolve issues such as the measurement of educational
competencies (digital), learning rhythms, etc.
Having worked on the descriptive analytics part (in which the
ProFuturo dashboard was developed), we have the challenge of c) Personal assistants: (in the first instance, for the teacher) a
developing applications and functionalities using predictive and recommender of activities, the creation of learning pathways,
prescriptive analytics (in order to predict will happen and to know comparison with other groups (clustering).
what to do to make it happen)
List of the areas of interest stated by ProFuturo in order to identify
Areas of interest solutions that complement its educational, digital, and pedagogical
innovation programme in vulnerable environments in Latin America,
Africa, and Asia.
Scope Search environment and reason for search Implementation / details

In response to this scenario of low or nil connectivity, we seek:

Improving the connectivity of schools is the area for
improvement, the objective of this area of interest to be
1) To improve connectivity in strategic locations for ProFuturo, such as,
worked on.
for example:
ProFuturo is taking on the challenge to provide its
• Rural connectivity/Low-cost
educational work anywhere on the planet, regardless of
2 • Expansion of coverage/Internet connection (radio or satellite).
Internet access, as a global educational support project.

• In most countries in Africa, there is hardly any

Connectivity connectivity for teachers and schools.
• In cases where connectivity may exist, latency and 2) To optimise connectivity: distribution of multimedia content in
stability prevent the development of a client-server limited connectivity environments.
platform in the cloud...
• In Latin America, a significant percentage of teachers • Content delivery networks in limited connectivity environments
have a PC and connectivity in their homes. The scenario (e.g., on 2.5G mobile networks), P2P optimisation
envisaged in this case is online for Teacher Training and • Content compression: for data reports, tracking of the children’s
part of the classroom management solution, creating activities from the school to the central repository, etc.
classes, resources, evaluating the students, etc.
List of the areas of interest stated by ProFuturo in order to identify
Areas of interest solutions that complement its educational, digital, and pedagogical
innovation programme in vulnerable environments in Latin America,
Africa, and Asia.
Scope Search environment and reason for search Implementation / details

We are looking for energy solutions for the following:

3 • Generation: such as, for example, “folder-maker” solar panels made on
In the environments where ProFuturo operates, the
site (3D printing)
electricity supply is not stable and there are power
• Accumulation: mobile batteries and similar.
Energy surges which affect the Technological Solution. In
addition, the aim is to provide this digital education
We also want to identify systemic community projects of the “energy for
solution to environments where there is no electricity.
neighbourhood” type, with smart distribution of energy, creating logics and
automation for distribution and energy efficiency .

ProFuturo is a technologically modular solution. It is Technological solutions that therefore address the following scenarios are
therefore offered as a complete solution that includes required:
hardware and software, or that complements the
• The use of device HW resources: augmented reality, geolocation,
4 schools’ equipment, taking advantage of the existing
smartphone sensors, etc.
equipment, up to Byod (Bring your own device)
models, etc. • Upgrade plans: reuse, memory and processing expansion, collection, re-
HW/Devices adaptation of local equipment...
Within the educational strategy for 2019, offering • Gadgets: incorporate STEM laboratory elements into the ProFuturo
“maker” classroom experiences is proposed: equipment: microscopes, thermometers, 3D printing, etc.
laboratories, computational thinking, gadgets added to
• Maker Proposals: design laboratories, prototyping, and construction.
the provision over the ProFuturo equipment (PC-
tablets-WIFI), etc. • Others: Low-cost digital boards: infra-red, laser, etc.
List of the areas of interest stated by ProFuturo in order to identify
Areas of interest solutions that complement its educational, digital, and pedagogical
innovation programme in vulnerable environments in Latin America,
Africa, and Asia.

Scope Search environment and reason for search

Intervention scenarios of the ProFuturo Digital Solution:

1) Type of solution: FD and GC

a) Teacher Training: an online scenario with community training is prevalent, with shared resources and assessment
of the supervised and guided teacher...
b) Class or Classroom Management: off-line scenarios are prevalent (schools without Internet access) where the
solution consists of:
* Laptop for the teacher: which serves as content server, configurator of classes and activities, and user
5 management and evaluation of its activities.
* Students with devices (ProFuturo provides tablets): We are looking for modular approaches where the school has
equipment that can be used for the programme, and in which the students’ own equipment can be used (e.g.,
smartphones among adolescents in Latin America).
2) On/Off synchrony: ProFuturo target schools are in vulnerable countries in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and
Asia where, in general, there is no connectivity. However, teachers do sometimes have access to the Internet (in
their homes), which means their interaction is possible with the online solution and its export/import to the offline
solution (PC and tablets for the entire school).
Examples of on/off synchrony: Spotify, Netflix, Outlook services where the user can operate without connectivity,
with the same on/off user experience, and the most complicated aspect, namely synchronising the on/off statuses.

3) Easy integration with the ProFuturo infrastructure: LMS based on Liferay /Android app-with future referral to
Progressive Web App-.
List of the areas of interest stated by ProFuturo in order to identify
Areas of interest solutions that complement its educational, digital, and pedagogical
innovation programme in vulnerable environments in Latin America,
Africa, and Asia.

5 Techno-educational solutions
On the previously defined framework of the ProFuturo digital solution and programme, we are looking for innovation that
complements or reinforces our educational and social mission. It is important that the solutions respond to existing demands and
that they can be tested, with real use and proven impact.

Knowledge networks, communities, faceted-content indexing, knowledge graphs, semantic web,

Teacher Training
content curatorship, video channels P2P, video sharing and assessment, best practices, etc.

We are looking for solutions that can provide value in areas such as:
• Administrative functions or school management
Classroom Experience • Innovative pedagogical function.
• Useful tools for the teacher in order to optimise their dedication and improve their teaching success.
• Open catalogue of educational apps
List of the areas of interest stated by ProFuturo in order to identify
Areas of interest solutions that complement its educational, digital, and pedagogical
innovation programme in vulnerable environments in Latin America,
Africa, and Asia.
• Configuration of an annual agenda for the Planning/Programming of classes: where students, contents, development of activities, assessment (notes and
1. Ecosystem of
comments), etc., are incorporated. Plans shared with other users -mainly teachers-, imported, exported, edited, etc. With a personal agenda linked to this
administrative and programming and an alert system.
solutions for the • Certification of attendance/grading, especially for teachers and online training: blockchain proposals, presence control SW, etc.
teacher and school • Communication channels: community / school / teachers / students / parents.

... versus passive (simple scroll or click). Examples: digital writing and on-screen signalling (circles, underlining, ...), inclusion
of the device’s multimedia features (voice, pictures, video, geolocation, etc.). Interactions with digital fingerprint for the
•Related to interaction
analysis and monitoring of the activity, and its subsequent analysis and assessment (learning analytics). For example, test
type templates of exams that recognise the characters and their location, what exactly has been answered by the student.
•Peer-to-peer (P2P) activities with a user grouping: with a mentor and colleague interaction.
•Related to work according to •Timeline of activities with alerts
Projects and Challenges: •Sharing of multimedia files (repository): comments and voting among peers (P2P)
•Publication of the student’s projects and log.
Digital contents to be consumed by the students, with navigation footprint: Mark achieved, access times, brakes, errors, etc.
2. Innovative As an example, how to transform a text page (example, part of a chapter of a book) into a sequence of screens where the
pedagogical student reads, decides, and resolves questions about the text, or where the student must write and upload video and voice
•Related to gamification
functionalities: to the repository , etc. In addition, all of the student's browsing must be recorded for the teacher's assessment, but it is also
collected in the student’s profile as an activity log. In addition, we are interested in solutions where teachers and students
can create games and/or activities, and challenge their classmates.
•Review solutions and proposals in the market linked to the real needs of a classroom in vulnerable environments.
•In addition, that can be used in different disciplines or subjects. For example, a specific AR experience for the recognition of
•Related to new pedagogical
the human body would not be useful unless more pathways or materials could be included, thus granting greater
dimensions: virtual reality,
comprehensiveness and use to the solution.
augmented reality, world
•Concerning the world Maker / FabLab: in its simple and low-cost version, with a coexistence of analogue and digital work.
Also of interest is the detection of solutions that redesign work models and spaces in the classroom in order to establish
more “activating” learning routines (leadership in projects developed cooperatively, for example).
List of the areas of interest stated by ProFuturo in order to identify
Areas of interest solutions that complement its educational, digital, and pedagogical
innovation programme in vulnerable environments in Latin America,
Africa, and Asia.

Integration of apps: solution/platform that integrates third party apps. The goal is to have a
master solution (current ProFuturo LMS) which makes it possible to access other apps
whenever said app's navigation tracking is received, in order to integrate it with the master
• Evolution of the platform solution. In this way, immediate statistics (local processing through a LRS) would be offered. All
(orchestrator) this information from third party apps must be grouped with the educational data generated
by our LMS, constituting a single data model for its exploitation.
3.Open catalogue of
educational apps:
E.g., experiences of start-ups with integrator solutions based on TIN CAN API / xAPI,
Integration of pedagogical,
• “Out of the box” solutions: third •Initially assessed and tested at the Head Office in / Madrid: to see if it fits into the ProFuturo
digital, and innovative party apps and games that want
solutions that exist in the technological and pedagogical strategy. Technical, functional, pedagogical, and commercial
to enter into the “ProFuturo
market ecosystem” in order to be … assessment.

(These apps may match the point

2 pedagogical functions, or not; •Then implemented in our schools: to see its scalability to approximately 6,000 schools by the
they may be educational apps
with tried and tested value, which
end of 2018 in 28 countries, in vulnerable environments (offline solutions)
come from the structure of
section 2).
Calendar and Programme of the ProFuturo & Wayra call

March-April 2019 May 2019 June-July 2019 Aug.-Nov. 2019 December 2019

Launch and reception Evaluation of Initiatives TOP 3: Design and TOP 3: Pilots in the Acknowledgements &
Development field Awards

Hosted by Wayra: Hubs +Technology

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