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Reflection paper presented to the

Accountancy Department

In partial fulfilment

of the course requirement in ACCCOB2 K49

Palomo, Rey Christopher M.


I. Introduction
DMCI Holdings, INC. and, Subsidiaries was fused on March 8, 1995, as a holding
organization to unite all development business, development segment organizations, and
related interests of the Consunji family. The Company was recorded on the Philippine Stock
Exchange on December 18, 1995. In just a couple of years after consolidation, the
organization extended its business association to incorporate five significant auxiliaries,
specifically: D.M. Consunji, Inc.; DMCI Project Developers, Inc.; Semirara Mining and Power
Corporation; DMCI Power Corporation; and DMCI Mining Corporation. DMCI and its
auxiliaries are occupied with general development, coal and nickel mining, power age, land
improvement, water concession, and assembling. The organization has a 25% circuitous
proprietorship in Maynilad Water Services, Inc. through Maynilad Water Holding Company,
Inc., a consortium with Metro Pacific Investments Corporation and Marubeni Philippines

In this reflection paper, DMCI Holdings, Inc., and Subsidiaries' fiscal summaries are
analyzed. In particular, the evaluates will be looking on:

To start with, the evaluates are concentrating on the budgetary instruments,

explicitly, the interest in value and obligation of the firm are examined. Speculations are
instruments of another substance utilized for easy revenue. This easy revenue may
originate from the interests, profits, and variances of the reasonable estimation of
instruments held. It takes into consideration monetary adaptability and to acquire pay
from different sources. As indicated by Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS) 9,
monetary resources can be estimated through money related resources at reasonable
incentive through benefit or misfortune (FVPL), budgetary resources at reasonable
incentive through other complete salary (FVOCI), or at amortized cost. Budgetary
resources at reasonable incentive through benefit or misfortune estimates current
resources at reasonable worth. Then again, money related resources at reasonable
incentive through other extensive pay measures non-current resources at reasonable
worth. On value instruments, it can likewise be estimated through interests in partners. In
spite of the fact that, it must follow the rule of Philippine Accounting Standard 28
Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures, and not PFRS 9. This is the point at which a
financial specialist affects the investee's organization. The financial specialist must have in
any event 20% extraordinary offers. In this estimation, the profit isn't considered pay. It is
under non-current resources. Obligation instruments can likewise be estimated through
monetary instruments at amortized cost. This technique represents the non-current
resources at amortized cost.

Second, the studies are to break down the association's inventories. The studies are
going to perceive how a firm deals with its benefits and costs to deliver salary for their
business. Inventories are the most critical resources of the organization. The stock record is
the essential wellspring of income. Inventories are things that are available to be purchased
in a business and can be material or supplies in a creation procedure to finish an item or
render administrations. The PAS 2 must be followed in doing the inventories. PAS 2 gives
direction in deciding the expense of inventories and perceiving costs. It is estimated at the
lower cost and net feasible worth. Stock records should be possible through unending or
intermittent stock frameworks. Never-ending stock frameworks are recorded legitimately
in the Inventory accounts. While, the intermittent stock framework is recorded on the buys
account. The sorts of FOB are transporting point and goal. Coxcomb delivering point is the
point at which the possession moves to the purchaser when it is on the way. Dandy goal is
the point at which the possession moves to the purchaser when it is gotten. Transfer is the
point at which a vender sends things to the sender for it to be sold. There are three kinds of
income suppositions which are explicit distinguishing proof, normal expense, and first-in,
first-out. In addition, the stock turnover proportion and normal days to sell stock are
likewise broke down.

II. Investment in Equity and Debt Instrument

DMCI has obtained both current and non-current resources for the activity and
creation of its business. In the year 2017, the current resources P91,499,493 which at that
point expanded to P95,890,197 in the year 2018. The explanation behind the expansion in
current resources was a result of inventories, the current bit of agreement resources, and
other current resources. Then again, the non-current resources additionally expanded in
the year 2018 to P182,404,715. The variables for this expansion contract resources,
interests in partners and joint endeavors, property, plant, and hardware, and other non-
current resources.

DMCI's utilized money related resources at reasonable incentive through benefit

and misfortune to quantify their present resources. In the year 2017, the organization had
an undiscovered increase of P219,668 and in the year 2018, the hidden addition dropped
to P25,775. This implies speculations from the year 2017 to 2018 have dropped essentially.
Undiscovered increases or misfortunes are benefit from speculations. Despite what might
be expected, the acknowledged addition has expanded in the year 2018. From P36,602 in
the year 2017, it multiplied to P65,817 in the year 2018. Acknowledged increases are from
selling resources at a more significant expense than the price tag. The explanation behind
the twofold is on the grounds that the organization settled contrasts with a retail power

Monetary resources through other thorough pay were utilized to quantify the
organization's value ventures. The record comprised of cited and unquoted protections.
The cited protections is the undiscovered addition expanded. From P36,301 undiscovered
addition in 2017, it expanded to P77,290 in the year 2018. This exclusively implies salary
from ventures has expanded. This pay from shares originated from the golf and yacht club
shares. While, the unquoted protections are for the portions of stock in the executives
administrations and relaxation and entertainment substances. The year 2017 had
P112,085 and diminished to P110,388 in 2018. This means in 2018 the organization
concentrated more on putting resources into the golf and yacht club than in the
administration administrations and relaxation and amusement elements. Their expense of
ventures adding up to P108,211 million was completely given for stipend for weakness
which was not recoverable. This may just influence the organization for a major
The amortization cost of the non-current resources of DMCI from the year 2017
(P8,313,427) expanded to P10,323,470 in the year 2018. This implies DMCI gained more
non-current resources in 2018 that is the reason there is an expansion. The non-current
resources that DMCI got are property, plant, and gear. The closure inventories and mine
properties helped in the expansion of the amortized cost.

Finally, interest in partners and joint endeavors is additionally broke down. It is

noticed that there is an expansion in the non-current resources as a result of the interest in
partners and joint endeavors. In the record for interest in partners and joint endeavors,
there is an exchange cost which is steady every time of P489,368. The equalization of
interest in partners has expanded to P14,230,651 in the time of 2018. Profits (P1,055,607)
were not included in the speculation pay of each financial specialist. The financial
specialists that have in any event 20% of extraordinary offers are Maynilad Water Holding
Group, Inc. (MWHCI), Subic Water and Sewerage Group, Inc. (Subic Water), and Bachy
Soletanche Philippines Corporation.

DMCI Holdings, INC. and, Subsidiaries have made value ventures to additionally
extend the advantages of the firm. DMCI is a holding organization which implies they have
various dares to contribute upon. They have coal mining, nickel mining, land, general
development, and promoting. They allotted speculations independently on these various
endeavors. In the year 2017, they have an aggregate sum of P54,459,204 of venture.
However, in the year 2017, it dropped definitely to P33,018,015. Because of this, they will
have a lower credit chance in the year 2018 than contrasted with the earlier year, 2017.
Beside values, they additionally have money related obligation instruments. In the year
2017, the reasonable estimation of the obligation instrument is at P 62,540,835 and the
conveying esteem is at P57,980,748. At this year the market esteem is more noteworthy
than the conveying esteem. This will imply that in the year 2017, they won't be looked for
by financial specialists. Financial specialists are discovering organizations that have a more
noteworthy conveying an incentive than the market esteem. This shows the consistency
and liquidity of the business. In the year 2018, they have a market estimation of P66
398,803 and a conveying an incentive at P68,090,614. In the year 2018, speculators might
want to put resources into DMCI Holdings Inc. furthermore, Subsidiaries since they have a
higher conveying an incentive than the market esteem. They indicated consistency and are
fluid in the year 2018. Likewise, they figure out how to build their reasonable worth by

III. Inventories
DMCI Holdings, INC. furthermore, Subsidiaries inventories comprise of townhouse
units and region land available to be purchased and improvement. They have made a few
costs to raise their inventories as their firm keeps on working. Since they have various
dares to work, they have diverse segway advantages for isolate each stock to the particular
endeavor. For the year 2017, their absolute inventories added up to P29,886,818 (at lower
cost). For the year 2018, they had higher inventories tally at P35,484,417 (at lower cost).
They have higher stock mean the year 2018 contrasted with 2017 which implies that they
have adequate merchandise to sell and to utilize while their organization keeps on
working. From the year 2016 until 2018, their expense of deals have been continually
expanding, this implies the business is working admirably and are incredibly overseeing
costs since they are having high stock tally. Having a high stock record is extraordinary on
the grounds that this is the most noteworthy resource that a business could have. This is
likewise their fundamental wellspring of pay, in this manner this gives them a higher
possibility of deals. DMCI additionally has a steady increment in their expense of
administration, this clarifies their consistency of execution and legitimizes their motivation
as a holding organization. In conclusion, their working costs took a colossal jump from the
year 2016 going to 2017, however in the year 2018, they figured out how to diminish their
working costs. This is a decent sign for a firm since it figured out how to diminish its
working costs while expanding their stock check.

DMCI Holdings Inc. what's more, Subsidiaries' stock turnover proportion is very
low, it has a proportion of 1.24 times. It would be better if the proportion is higher in light
of the fact that it would imply that the organization is more beneficial and proficient. Their
proportion essentially shows that they are less productive in selling their inventories. It
may be on the grounds that their items are large buys or considered as unsought
merchandise. That is the reason their normal days to sell their inventory is very long (296

IV. Summary
DMCI Holdings, INC. what's more, Subsidiaries was set up in 1995. It is certain that
the DMCI completely comprehends what it is doing and realizes how to function as per a
given arrangement of rules. There are bookkeepers to have exact and twofold check each
budgetary data. There are exceptional qualities of how the introduction budget reports
were introduced. It was effortlessly grasped considering the way that it is sifted through
and composed. The evaluates saw that DMCI maintained the given rules and rules of the
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), Philippine Financial Reporting
Standards (PFRS), and Philippine Accounting Standard (PAS).

DMCI adjusted to the rule, PRFS 9. The money related resources at reasonable
incentive through benefit or misfortune (FVPL), budgetary resources at reasonable
incentive through other complete pay (FVOCI), and at amortized cost were utilized to
painstakingly introduce the monetary instruments paying off debtors and value. All had an
expansion in speculations, which shows that the business is performing great and utilizing
the best out of their assets. Interest in partners and joint endeavors demonstrated how
much every speculator had the option to win pay. Then again, inventories are the most
significant resource in a business. DMCI holds an aggregate of P44,691,520 million as
inventories. This induces they have the chance to sell more and transform it into income.
Despite the fact that the normal of days to sell may take longer, the organization must
consider approaches to diminish the quantity of days to sell through utilizing
advancements or commercials.


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