Pre Finals Phil Hist

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SY 2019-2020

NAME: ________________________________ DATE: _______________

SECTION: _________________ SCORE: _____________


_____1. It is a Spanish colonial era law that issued by Spanish crown for the possession of the Philippines.
A. Laws of Indies C. Seven-part code
B. Laws of Toro D. Law of Inertia
_____2. It is a Spanish colonial era law that power to manage the political, religion and economic life in the
Philippines given to the Spanish crown
A. Laws of Indies C. Seven-part code
B. Laws of Toro D. Law of Inertia
_____3. It is a Spanish colonial era law that the aristocrat could pass their wealth over generation
A. Laws of Indies C. Seven-part code
B. Laws of Toro D. Law of Inertia
_____4. It is a Spanish colonial era law that the position in government can only pass to their relatives
A. Laws of Indies C. Seven-part code
B. Laws of Toro D. Law of Inertia
_____5. It is a Castilian Statutory Code
A. Laws of Indies C. Seven-part code
B. Laws of Toro D. Law of Inertia
_____6. It is a code that the crown of castile will be given a certain part in the Phil. to govern
A. Laws of Indies C. Seven-part code
B. Laws of Toro D. Law of Inertia
_____7. In our constitution they are the one who evaluate the law
A. Legislative C. Judiciary
B. Executive D. Barangay Tanod
_____8. In our constitution they are the one who make the law
A. Legislative C. Judiciary
B. Executive D. Barangay Tanod
_____9. In our constitution they are the one who implement the law
A. Legislative C. Judiciary
B. Executive D. Barangay Tanod
_____10. In our consti they are compose of congress, senate and house representative
A. Legislative C. Judiciary
B. Executive D. Barangay Tanod
_____11. In our consti they are compose of Pressident, Vice President and Cabinet
A. Legislative C. Judiciary
B. Executive D. Barangay Tanod
_____12. In our consti they are compose of Supreme Court and Other Courts
A. Legislative C. Judiciary
B. Executive D. Barangay Tanod
_____13. He is the one that could appoint minor officials in the government
A. Gobernadorcillo C. Alcalde Mayor
B. The Audencia D. Governador General
_____14. He has the right of Cumplase
A. Gobernadorcillo C. Alcalde Mayor
B. The Audencia D. Governador General
_____15. They are the one administered justice and judicial power in the Philippines.
A. Gobernadorcillo C. Alcalde Mayor
B. The Audencia D. Governador General
_____16. When did the Audencia establish
A. 1583 C. 1598
B. 1595 D. 1589
_____17. They are the one audited finances in the government
A. Gobernadorcillo C. Alcalde Mayor
B. The Audencia D. Governador General
_____18. When did the Audencia first abolished
A. 1583 C. 1598
B. 1595 D. 1589
_____19. When did the Audencia re establish
A. 1583 C. 1598
B. 1595 D. 1589
_____20. Also the president of the Audencia
A. Gobernadorcillo C. Alcalde Mayor
B. The Audencia D. Governador General
_____21. When did the Audencia second time abolished
A. 1583 C. 1598
B. 1595 D. 1589
_____22. In Spanish colonial era who ruled the province
A. Gobernadorcillo C. Alcalde Mayor
B. The Audencia D. Governador General
_____23. Who has the right of Indulto de Comercio
A. Gobernadorcillo C. Alcalde Mayor
B. The Audencia D. Governador General
_____24. In Spanish colonial era who ruled the Municipality
A. Gobernadorcillo C. Alcalde Mayor
B. The Audencia D. Governador General
_____25. The little Governor
A. Gobernadorcillo C. Alcalde Mayor
B. The Audencia D. Governador General

______________1. What rule Philippines follow during Spanish Colonial Era
______________2. What Spanish call us when royal family of Spain administered in the Philippines
______________3. Who will choose the official that will administered the Philippines?
______________4. Spanish term for Laws of Indies
______________5. Spanish term for Laws of Toro
______________6. Spanish term for seven-part code
______________7. Where we adapt the laws during Spanish Colonial Era?
______________8. Who appointed the Governador General?
______________9. Who is the Vice Royal in the Philippines?
______________10. Who is the first president of the Audencia
______________11. Who inflamed the Spanish Colonial Era?
______________12. Where does Spanish Colonial Era Start?
______________13. Gobernadorcillo is also known as?
______________14. What do you call the gobernadorcillo today?
______________15. What a Gobernadorcillo govern?

Power of the governador general
Rights of Spain to colonize us
Who aided the Gobernadorcillo
Decree of King, Queen of Spain
1. and Governador General
2. 1.
3. 2.

IV. FILL THE TABLE: the branches of the Philippine Government, 20 points


1. Can we still feel the impact of Spanish Colonial Era? If Yes, how? If No, why?

Prepared by: Merwin S. Manucum

College Instructor

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