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Technology of the mechanisms

Describe and sketch the locus of a point A which moves according to the
equations RAx= at cos 2πt, RAy=at sin 2πt, RAz=0.

The physical process involved in observing the position of a point, as shown

implies that the observer is monitoring the
two-point location, P and O. looking at both, performing a
comparing point P has some location in relation to
O-point. In the determination two properties are observed, the distance of O
a P (based on the distance of the unit or the grid size of the reference coordinate
and the relative angular orientation of the OP line at the coordinate
System. These two properties, magnitude and direction, are precisely the
necessary for a vector. Therefore, we define the position of a point as the
vector from the origin of a reference coordinate system for the point.
We chose the symbol to denote the vector position of point P in relation to
point O.
Therefore, the reference coordinate system is in a special way
concept of observer in particular of what he sees. What's the relationship? What
it must have this coordinate system to ensure that the my-
Will the ments made with respect to her really represent your observations? The key to
this relationship is that the coordinate system is stationary with respect to this
Observer. In other words, the observer considers himself to be a
your chosen coordinate system. If he moves. already sea through
a distance OR rotating, its coordinate system moves with it. In this way
makes sure that the objects that seem stationary with respect to it, that is, as it looks
through your eyes, don't change your positions within your coordinate system
and their position vectors remain constant. Points you observe as
movement have changing position vectors.

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