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Communication for Managers

Individual Case Assignment No. 2

Case Analysis Report on

“The Alaskan Gold Mine”

Submitted by:

Name: Tushar Soni

Roll No: 191259

Section: B

Batch: MBA – FT (2019-2021)

Institute of Management, Nirma University

Date of Submission: 7th August, 2019

Case Analysis on “The Alaskan Gold Mine”

(Part 1)
Executive Summary:-

A man is in search of Alaskan gold mines for which he has been going through a dangerous journey
and now finally he has discovered the gold mine for which he has 4 option to reach at the place
although all the options comes with their own advantages and dis-advantages, although the best among
all is the third option as choosing this option will have least risk to his life and also if moved with a
decent speed without having any kind of casualties can reach in time and get the maximum returns for
the gold collected. Thus, the third option seems to be least risky with maximum returns.


Situation Analysis:-

It is a case about the hunt for a gold mine in Alaska. A man is in search for a gold mine which would
help him in getting some great returns wherein we have to take decision for a person, for which we
have been given four options and we have to select any one of them for the person. Every option has its
own pros and cons which we have to identify and accordingly make the best decision.

The man was given three months for the search of gold mine but eventually it took him two months to
get there after a dangerous journey. It took him another two weeks for exploration and recuperation
which rejuvenated his health except the left hand which sometimes weakens all of a sudden, although
the gold has been discovered in last 24 hours. Now the man only has 2 weeks to reach the claim office
because if he reaches late the owners will hold an auction where his bid could be easily outbid. So we
have to take the best decision for him from the four options in order to give him the maximum benefit.

Problem Statement:-

1. The main problem is the time constraint.

2. The injured left hand which weakens all of a sudden.
3. The unpredictable weather.

1. To acquire the gold that has been discovered.

2. To reach the claims office within the stipulated time.
3. Reach back home unharmed.

Options and Evaluation:-

1. Wait for the next three to four weeks until the weather improves and warms up wherein we
won’t be getting anything. This option will not get us gold but this will help us in reaching back
home safely but the hunt for the gold mine for the last two months will all go in vain. Thus, this
option is least risky and has zero returns.
2. Go over the mountain which is a dangerous path however it is quick if one can make it without
any harm, although there is a high chance of his encounter with the storm which will lead him
to turn back. There is a high probability that he will have to return without any gold also his life
is at a high risk in this option. So this option has the highest returns if he reaches back safely but
also it is the most risky among all.
3. Go through the valley passes. This is less dangerous and is passable, although it is tiring and he
can make it in two or three weeks. In this option the risk to his life is least and there are high
chances of him reaching the gold mine, though it might consume more time than desired. If
maintained a good speed he can reach to the gold mine in two weeks without having any effect
on his health.
4. Wait for two to four days, and if the weather permits take option 2 and if not take option 3.
There is no benefit in choosing option 3 after waiting for two to four more days and even if he
chooses second option if weather permits then also he will be late in reaching the claims office.

Decision & Justification:-

After evaluating all the above option the best option according to me is the third option as this option
seems to be less risky and even if the man does not get the gold on time, his life will still be safe. Also
his hand is not in the most normal condition that is why he cannot choose a difficult path and the path
through the valley will be the easiest among all. If everything works in favor he can also reach the
desired place in two weeks thus giving him the best reward.
Action Plan:-

1. Without wasting any more time start going through the valleys,
2. Maintain a good speed throughout the journey in order to reach in least possible time.
3. Reaching back the claims office with no more casualties towards hi health.

Contingency Plan;-

If due to some reasons decision number three could not be implemented than I would go with the
option number one. As now there are very less chances of the man getting the gold back in time and
that too with his 100 percent health. Life comes first before the gold and choosing the option second
will have a huge risk on life, thus it cannot be chosen. All other options seems to be not so feasible and


1) Option – Objective Matrix :-

Options Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3
Reach back in Less risk to life Great returns
time. if successful
Option 1 Wait for few
days and then   X
return back. 1.
Option 2 Go along the 
mountains.  X
Option 3 Go through the
valleys.  /X  
Option 4 Wait for 2–4
days and then X  X
choose between
3rd and 4thoption
Part 2

Executive Summary:-

The man in search for the Alaskan gold mine chooses the option number three among all the other 4
options and after leaving for the expedition through the valley, he suffers an ankle sprain which
decreases his efficiency to move swiftly. Thereafter he meets his old friend Pat who was on a trapping
expedition. Again he comes up with three options wherein he has to choose one among them. The best
option according to me is the third one which says that the man should send Pat for the gold mine
hunting after giving him all the details and also fix a share where both would get equal part of the gold

Words- 113

Situational Analysis:-

Here we have been given a precondition that he has chosen the third option from the last part for the
hunt of the gold mine. Apart from various other problems there is a new problem that has occurred
which is a sprain in the in person’s left ankle which has occurred after 5 days of hi journey which will
further reduce his speed. Now on his way for the expedition the man finds his old friend named Pat
who is on a trapping expedition. He takes the man to a cabin also he could get to the claims office in
town and offers to take the man as well. Now as the man is not well he cannot make it alone without a
few days of rest wherein he could have reached the destination in seven days had he not been injured. If
they both travelled together 10 to 14 days more would be taken to get to the destination. There is also
another option in which the man can inform Pat regarding the gold and make deal of getting 50 percent
each if the gold is acquired, although Pat is not much reliable as he is not bright and tends to drink to
excess and is not the single-minded hustler that the other man is. Therefore Pat would nee he expertise
of the man in order to help him capitalize on the discovery.
Problem Statement:-

1. The sprain in the left leg because of pushing too hard.

2. Time constraint.
3. Lack of trust on Pat.


1. Reach back to the claims office in stipulated time period.

2. To acquire the gold that has been discovered.
3. Reach back home unharmed.

Options and Evaluation:-

1. Go for the gold alone. In choosing this option there is a high chance that he will not reach on
time as he will have to take rest for a few days in order to continue with his journey and then
after he would take 10 days to two weeks of travelling.
2. Another option is that he goes along with Pat which will help them in reaching the destination
in 10 to 14 more days which is also much more than the required time period to reach the
destination in order to get returns for the gold.
3. Sending Pat alone is the third option in which Pat will go on his own leaving the other man
behind, although Pat is not so bright also Pat tends to drink in excess and id therefore less
reliable. Moreover, he is no the single minded hustler as the other person.

Decision and Justification:-

Apart from all these options I would go with the option number three because with the other two
options there is no chance of him getting to the destination in desired time which is two weeks. Also
out of 2 weeks he has already travelled halfway in 5 days but now due to ankle sprain he now cannot
move with the same efficiency as before.
Action Plan:-

1. Pat should be disclosed about the gold mines.

2. He should be told about his share in the gold.
3. Pat should leave for the expedition as soon as possible as already a lot of time has been wasted.
4. Pat should be made aware about the importance of the task and ask him to avoid drinking.

Contingency Plan:-

If due to some reason the plan number could not be implemented than I would go with the plan number
3 which is suggesting the man to go along with Pat in search of gold, although the success rate of this
option is high but getting it completed in the limited time span is difficult.


Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3
Reach in time Less risk to life Great return
if successful
Option 1 Take rest for
few days and X  
then leave
Option 2 Take Pat along X  
Option 3 Send Pat
  

To whomsoever it May Concern:

I, Tushar Soni hereby declare that this assignment is my original work and is not copied from anyone /
anywhere. If found similar to other sources, I shall take complete responsibility of the action, taken
thereof by, CFM Team.

Signature :

Name : Tushar Soni

Roll No. : 191259

Section :B

Batch : MBA – FT (2019-2021)

Date : 7th August, 2019

Total Words- 1858

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