Prostitution': Business Ethics

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Business Ethics
Case Assignment No. 1
Case Analysis Report on


Submitted by:

Name: Tushar Soni

Roll No: 191259
Section: B
Batch: MBA – FT (2019-2021)

Institute of Management, Nirma University

Date of Submission: 3rd September

To whomsoever it May Concern:

I, Tushar Soni hereby declare that this assignment is my original work and is not copied from anyone /
anywhere. If found similar to other sources, I shall take complete responsibility of the action taken
thereof by, Business Ethics team.

Signature :

Name : Tushar Soni

Roll No. : 191259
Section :B
Batch : MBA – FT (2019-2021)
Date : 3rd September

 As we hear the term prostitution many of us do not like to have a conversation on it and
consider it as cheap and unethical thing, also illegal in many states of India as well as in the
world. But have we ever tried to think that why people mainly women are pushed or pulled in
prostitution profession? Do they join this field by their wish or just by mere pressure or need of
money? Is their customers doing ethical thing? Are we as a society ethical by letting them do so
just for living? Can’t we help them to come out of it?

 The area prostitution is a grey thing to tell that it is definitely ethical or is definitely unethical
because it goes on the side on which you are and what is your perception to look at it. For
example :- a lady into prostitution for making money for her poor child as she has no other way
of earning is not unethical but the family man (somebody’s husband) going to him for sexual
services is unethical as he is cheating his wife and kids. Similarly if a single guy goes for same
services may not be unethical because he is not cheating someone and is also paying to that
prostitute. So it all depends on the perception and as ethics changes from person to person here
also there may be ethical dilemma of what is right and what is wrong at that point in time.

 Coming to the modern era it is still continued but now not for pleasure it has become a real
profession and due to huge money making in this area many of the small girls are also either
attracted or pushed in this profession. By selling their body they can earn bread and people find
it as a shortcut to make money. Woman thinks that initially they will make money and once
they are rich or satisfied with their financial position they will withdraw themselves from this
industry but majority fails. Fact says that 85% of the prostitutes remain prostitute for the rest of
their lives and the remaining are either rescued by NGO’s or any other means. It has become so
large market especially in Asian countries that a survey has recorded almost 10 million sex
workers and around 75 million male customers and the money generated is unmatchable as well
as untraceable as the rates vary from sex worker to sex worker and it is also region or country

 Along with Asia other parts of the world are also having prostitution on a large scale such as
Russia, European countries and all around the world these profession of prostitution is present
and the thing to concern is that it is increasing day by day in lieu of mere money and fame. It
can be separately identified from porn industry but it can also be interlinked with it because sex
workers tend to become porn stars sooner or later. These is like desert mud in which once a
woman enters it goes deep and deep and its merely possible to pull out.

 If we talk about our country India this profession is increasing day by day which is not good for
our society. Is it ethical or not is secondary question but as it is illegal in India it is obviously
treated as unethical in eyes of law and any person caught getting services of sex worker is
punished both in terms of money as well as imprisonment. There are many states like
Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Odisha and Delhi which are the
major market captures for this prostitution business as they are highly populated and contains a
high class or rich class of Indian society.
The below graphs show the top 3 states which has the most registered cases of human trafficking.
This led to most of the girls working in prostitution business.

 The average income of a lady sex worker goes in thousands and it is increasing like the increase
in living index because people here are ready to pay more and more for lust and pleasure. The
major concern is that more than the sex workers the persons who are taking such services are
unethical. Aren’t they cheating their families, their spouse and kids? They are having dual
sexual relation one with wife and other with various or some times one sex worker only and to
protect this they name it as love which is not true in any of the cases. Because if it was love than
the person would try to bring that woman out of that dirty and depressing world and start a new
life with him in good valuable society where she can get respect too.

 Government has total idea about this illegal business going on but many of the police and
government workers are customers of such prostitutes and so no further or hard steps are yet
taken to stop this profession. The sex workers are health enough that they can earn by doing
something else and earning their bread but this profession brings depression and loneliness in
short period of time and the biggest damage is to the body. One earns to stay healthy and in this
prostitution profession there is always risk of diseases like AIDS and other dangerous killer
diseases. The customers are not always careful about the protection and contra septic pills and
after a point in life even the sex workers do not take care that much and even a small mistake
can lead to pain and ultimately unhealthy life if leaving.

 So we have to go to grass root level that is unethical kidnapping of small girls and selling them
to sex traffickers and they sell them in market. We have to stop that thing 1 st and thus by
breaking the initial chain the chain will not move further as there will be shortage of supply and
thus the demand will gradually decrease with passage of time. We have to start a drive against
stopping these profession and the young girls should be advised and protected so that they do
not become victim in future. Also this drive can be started from youth by and then the elders
will support which will lead to pressure on government and then harder steps will be taken
against prostitution and sooner or later it will bend towards decrease in number of sex workers
and increase in humanity in Indian society.
 "Prostitution should be tolerated by society":

o Decriminalization: "prostitution is labour like any other. Sex industry premises should
not be subject to any special regulation or laws", the current situation in New Zealand;
the laws against operating a brothel, pimping and street prostitution are struck down, but
prostitution is hardly regulated at all. Proponents of this view often cite instances of
government regulation under legalization that they consider intrusive, demeaning, or
violent, but feel that criminalization adversely affects sex workers. Amnesty
International is one of the notable groups calling for the decriminalization of
o regulation: prostitution may be considered a legitimate business; prostitution and the
employment of prostitutes are legal, but regulated; the current situation in the
Netherlands, Germany, most of Australia and parts of Nevada (see Prostitution in
Nevada). The degree of regulation varies very much; for example, in the Netherlands,
prostitutes are not required to undergo mandatory health checks (see Prostitution in the
Netherlands), while in Nevada, the regulations are very strict (see Prostitution in

 "Prostitution should not be tolerated":

o abolitionism (prostitution itself is not prohibited, but most associated activities are
illegal, in an attempt to make it more difficult to engage in prostitution, prostitution is
heavily discouraged and seen as a social problem): prostitution (the exchange of sexual
services for money) is legal, but the surrounding activities such as public solicitation,
operating a brothel and other forms of pimping are prohibited, the current situation in
Great Britain and Italy among others;
o neo-abolitionism ("prostitution is a form of violence against women, it is a violation of
human rights, the clients of the prostitutes exploit the prostitutes"): prostitutes are not
prosecuted, but their clients and pimps are, which is the current situation in Sweden,
France, Norway and Iceland (in Norway the law is even more strict, forbidding also
having sex with a prostitute abroad).
o Prohibitionist (both prostitutes and clients are criminalized and are seen as immoral,
they are considered criminals): the prevailing attitude nearly everywhere in the United
States, with a few exceptions in some rural Nevada counties (see Prostitution in Nevada)

 In some countries, there is controversy regarding the laws applicable to sex work. For instance,
the legal stance of punishing pimping while keeping sex work legal but "underground" and
risky is often denounced as hypocritical; opponents suggest either going the full abolition route
and criminalize clients or making sex work a regulated business.
 This also has an effect on minor girls, the below graph shows the data about missing girls who
eventually ended up in prostitution business.


 Conclusion: - As stated by articles and authors it is said that our Indian society and worldwide
need to change and has to strive against prostitution profession because along with being illegal
it is unethical from various viewpoints. Awareness should be spread relating to its stoppage and
girl education should be promoted as a subordinate branch for stopping prostitute.
 References :-

1. Honwana, Alcinda. "Changing Patterns of Intimacy among Young People in Africa." African
Dynamics in a Multipolar World (2013): 29-47.
2. "Prostitution – Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary". Merriam-
Webster. Retrieved 19 September 2013.
3. "Prostitution Law & Legal Definition". US Legal. Retrieved 19 March 2013.
4. Flowers, Ronald B. (1988). The prostitution of women and girls. p. 5.
5. Forrest Wickman (6 March 2012). "Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a "prostitute": Is
prostitution really the world's oldest profession?". Slate Magazine. Retrieved 4 February2016.
6. "Prostitution Market Value". Retrieved 22 May 201

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