Grace Is Unmerited Favor

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There are a few key words in the Bible that are given wrong definitions even though the
definitions are widely accepted. Such wrong definitions created much confusion and a
weak church. Grace is commonly defined as "God's unmerited favor to man". We even
goes into greater length to differentiate grace from mercy. Grace is defined as the
getting the blessings/favors that we do not deserve and Mercy as NOT getting the
punishments that we deserved.Y

With such fine definitions, we deceived ourselves that we have good and deep
understanding of the terms of Grace and Mercy.Y

However, the definition of Grace as unmerited favor is wrong. I used to define grace as
making up of two parts - unmerited and power. But after hearing James Ryle
( preaching in Grace Chapel ( on 23 Jul 2006 "Living a
Legacy Part 4", I have to drop the unmerited part and just keep the power part. The
unmerited part comes from God's mercy and need not be repeated in grace. In Tit 1:4,
the benediction from Paul is "Grace, Mercy and Peace".Y


1, Substitute the definition for term in the sentence/verse where the term is found. Y

2. Do it for all occurrences of the term in all the verses. Y

Let's try it for Jam 4:6... God resists the proud, but gives [grace] to the humble.Y

Unmerited favor does not make sense here. If it is unmerited favor, then the proud
should have it too. In fact, the proud is more unmerited to receive it.Y

This is exactly like what Paul says in Rom 6:1b Shall we continue in sin, that grace may

Other verses cited by James, Y

Gal 5:4b ye are fallen from [grace]. How can one falls from unmerited favor ?Y

John 1:14b Jesus was full of [grace]. Is Jesus unmerited to have full of grace? Or is
Jesus so bad that he need to be full of grace?Y


Ps John of Petra Church defines grace as: "Grace is not a license to sin but an
empowerment of God to enable us to be what we should".Y
James Ryle defines it as, "Grace is the empowering Presence of God enabling you to
be who He created you to be, and to do what He has called you to do."Y

In shortest possible form, ‘ ‘

   , for victorious,
abundant, Christ-like, God glorifying living. Wherever that is the presence of God, there
is power. God's power comes from His presence in us. Y

It we take grace as God's power, then it fit well in the above 3 verses cited. James 4:6,
proud people don't see they need God's power. The humble people know the truth of
their weakness and ask God's for power. In Gal 5:4, if we rely on our own ability (our
flesh) to be righteous, we do not need God's power and has indeed fallen, or depart
from God's power (Grace). In John 1:14, Jesus is full of God's power and presence.Y


What is the difference between the weak Paul, the Christian, of Rom 7:14-24 and the
victorious Paul of 2 Cor 12:9-10 and Phi 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which
strengtheneth me. The answer is the Grace of God as defined as God's presence and

Salvation for all is God's mercy of unmerited favor. Christian growth (becoming like
Christ) is depending on us to be full of grace (God's presence and power) through
crucifying our flesh (self-will, self-confidence, self-capability, self-pride) and follow after
the Spirit. It is about abiding in Christ, living from the Vine of God's presence and power
and then be fruitful.Y


Heb 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of á 
   , that
we may obtain    
 , and find á 
 to help in time of
need. Y

2Pe 3:18 But grow in grace(God's presence & power), and in the knowledge of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ. Y

º" # $     # Y

Rom 11:6 And if by grace[unmerited favor of God], then is it no more of works:

otherwise grace[favor] is no more grace[favor]. But if it be of works, then is it no more
[God¶s favor]: otherwise work is no more work. Y

Rom 11:6 And if by grace[Power of God], then is it no more of [men¶s] works: otherwise
grace[God¶s Power] is no more [of God]. But if it be of [men¶s] works, then is it no more
[God¶s power]: otherwise work is no more work. Y
´ph 2:8 For by grace[unmerited favor] are ye saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God: Y

´ph 2:8 For by grace[God's power] are ye saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God: Y


Incorrect popular definition of key Christian words give rise to much confusion and a
weak church. Defining grace as unmerited favor is wrong and creates the confusion that
grace is a license to sin. To live a victorious Christian life, we need to understand God's
Word correctly and we must define grace as the power of God's presence in us to
enable us to Christ-like lives.Y

Posted by Lim Liat at 11:52 AM

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