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Strength of compacted earth:

linking soil properties to stabilizers

Steve Burroughs

Steve Burroughs and Associates Pty. Ltd., 38 Blackman Crescent, Macquarie ACT 2614, Australia.

The influence of stabilizers and soil properties on the strength of stabilized, compacted earth is investigated. This is
achieved by establishing relationships between natural soil properties (two measures each of gradation and plasticity
and one of shrinkage), stabilizer treatments (0–6% of lime and/or cement and/or asphalt), and stabilized unconfined
compressive strength (UCS). A total of 219 strength tests were performed on 104 different soils. The soils can
be categorized into two groups according to whether single soil properties or combinations of them are “favourable”
or “unfavourable” in their predisposition to stabilization. The mean UCS for favourable soils ranges from
2.98–3.25 MPa (90%  2 MPa) and for unfavourable soils from 2.32–2.48 MPa (60%  2 MPa), having controlled
for stabilizer treatment variation. Soil linear shrinkage is the best single discriminator of stabilization suitability based
on the categorization results. In linear modelling (analysis of covariance), the UCS of favourable soils is a function of
variation in soil properties but not of variation in the quantity of cement or lime used. Conversely, the UCS of
unfavourable soils is a positive function of the quantity of stabilizer used. The results of the study stress the
importance of selecting a soil whose characteristics are favourably predisposed to stabilization in order to attain
satisfactory strengths of compacted earth. Future research should be aimed at developing a system that uses key soil
properties to predict the likelihood of successful stabilization.

Keywords: compacted earth; stabilization; soil properties; cement; lime; compressive strength

L’auteur examine l’influence des stabilisateurs et des propriétés du sol sur la résistance de la terre stabilisée et compactée.
A cet effet, il définit les relations qui existent entre les propriétés naturelles du sol (deux mesures de gradation et de
plasticité et une mesure de retrait), les traitements au moyen de stabilisateurs (0–6% de chaux et (ou) de ciment et
(ou) d’asphalte), et la résistance à la compression non confinée (UCS). Au total, on a procédé à 219 essais de
résistance sur 104 sols différents. Les sols peuvent être divisés en deux groupes selon que les propriétés de sols
uniques ou en combinaisons sont ‘favorables’ ou ‘défavorables’ en ce qui concerne leur prédisposition à la
stabilization. L’UCS moyenne pour les sols favorables était comprise entre 2,98 et 3,25 MPa (90%  2 MPa) et
2,32–2,48 MPa (60%  2 MPa) pour les sols défavorables, après avoir contrôlé les variations de traitement des
stabilisateurs. Le retrait linéaire du sol est le meilleur discriminateur unique de la pertinence et de la stabilisation basé
sur les résultats de la répartition en catégories. En modélisation linéaire (analyse de covariance), l’UCS des sols
favorables est fonction de la variation des propriétés des sols mais non de la variation de la quantité utilisée de
ciment ou de chaux. Réciproquement, l’UCS des sols défavorables est une fonction positive de la quantité utilisée de
stabilisateur. Les résultats font ressortir l’importance du choix du sol dont les caractéristiques sont prédisposées
favorablement à la stabilisation afin d’obtenir des résistances satisfaisantes de la terre compactée. A l’avenir, la
recherche devra porter sur le développement d’un système utilisant les principales propriétés des sols afin de prévoir
la vraisemblance d’une bonne stabilisation.

Mots clés: ciment, terre compactée, résistance à la compression, chaux, propriétés du sol, stabilization

Building Research & Information ISSN 0961-3218 print ⁄ISSN 1466-4321 online # 2006 Taylor & Francis
http: ⁄ ⁄ ⁄journals
DOI: 10.1080/09613210500279612

Introduction and background approximately 10% and a plasticity index in excess

The effects of adding different chemical stabilizers of 10% are desirable for lime stabilization.
(lime, cement, and asphalt) to a range of soils is inves-
tigated, with a view to quantifying the effects of stabi- Most soils can be stabilized with cement (e.g. CSIRO,
lizer type, stabilizer amount, and soil properties on the 1987; UN, 1992), although the greatest compressive
strength of compacted, stabilized earth. Compacted strengths using cement are generally obtained with
(rammed) earth has been used for construction in gravels and sandy soils rather than with silts or clay
many countries, dating back many centuries in some (Wolfskill et al., 1963; UN, 1992). Sandy soils may
civilisations. However, its use in modern times has require only 2 –2.5% of cement, whereas clay soils
been limited by its low strength and water absorption, may require as much as 10% (CSIRO, 1987). UN
which can be addressed by the addition of stabilizers in (1992) recommended that soils with lower values of
order to meet requirements such as those contained in linear shrinkage should be treated with lower values
the Uniform Building Code (UBC, 1997). A corollary of cement. UN (1992) also recommended that cement
of this requirement is that the methods and materials is unsuitable for soils with liquid limits of higher than
of soil stabilization must be specified and quantified 30%, although clayey soils can be treated first with
in order that compacted earth walls of sufficient lime.
strength can be routinely constructed.
Asphalt emulsion (containing around 55% asphalt)
is generally used as a waterproofer to protect the
Effects of soils and stabilizers on stabilization compacted earth from wetting-drying cycles (CSIRO,
Stabilizing a soil by using a combination of compaction 1987; Al-Homoud et al., 1996). Its effect on stabilized
and the addition of a chemical stabilizer improves its strength is generally assumed to be neutral, although
mechanical characteristics (increases strength), mini- Asphalt emulsion is suitable for sandy or sandy-
mizes shrink and swell, and provides waterproofing gravel soils, or fine-grained soils lacking in cohesion
qualities (e.g. Winterkorn, 1975; UN, 1992; Akpokodje, (plasticity index ,6) (UN, 1992). Normally, 2 –3%
1985; Symons, 1999). The importance of soil type to of asphalt by weight of soil is added (UN, 1992).
stabilization has been demonstrated by Winterkorn
(1975), Akpokodje (1985), CSIRO (1987), Bryan
(1988), UN (1992), and Walker (1995). From this
literature, texture and plasticity emerge as the primary Effects of lime and cement quantity on
properties of soil that determine its response to stabilized strength
stabilization. Generally, the most suitable type of soil Adding lime or cement to a soil increases its compres-
for compacted earth construction is a well-graded sive strength markedly, with the strength being depen-
soil with a range of particle sizes (CSIRO, 1987; dent on the quantity of stabilizer used (Metcalfe, 1963;
UN, 1992). A survey of the relevant literature (e.g. Croft, 1968; Akpokodje, 1985; Bryan, 1988a; Walker,
Fitzmaurice, 1958; Ransom, 1963; Spence, 1975; 1995; Bell, 1996; Ngowi, 1997; Symons, 1999). For six
VITA, 1975; Bryan, 1988; Walker, 1995; Symons, soils, Croft (1968) reported an average increase in
1999; USACE, 2000) indicates a degree of concordance 7-day compressive strength between 5% and 10%
for soil properties as indicators of stabilization suita- lime of 0.28 MPa per% of stabilizer, and between
bility. In particular, the average or modal values of 5% and 10% cement of 0.64 MPa per % of stabilizer
soil properties most suitable for stabilization as (Figures 4a and 6a of Croft, 1968, pp.404 and 407).
recommended in the literature are 5 –25% clay, Akpokodje (1985) investigated arid zone soils and
,30 –35% clay/silt, ,30 –40% liquid limit, and found strength increments per % of stabilizer added
,15 –20% plasticity index. The recommended values of 0.14 MPa for lime and 0.28 MPa for cement for
for the amount of sand show less concordance: VITA levels of stabilizer up to 6% (Figures 3 and 4 in
(1975) suggested 33%, Bryan (1988) recommended Akpokodje, 1985, p.175). Bryan (1988a) examined
35 –80%, Walker (1995) recommended 70 –85%, cement stabilization of five soils, with the average differ-
and Symons (1999) proposed .73%. ence in compressive strength between 5% and 7.5% of
stabilizer being 0.80 MPa, equivalent to a rate of
The most widely used chemical stabilizers for com- 0.32 MPa per % of cement (Figure 4a in Bryan, 1988a
pacted earth construction are lime, cement, and p.325). Walker (1995) determined that samples stabil-
asphalt. The most common lime products in the con- ized with 6.7% cement were on average 0.41 MPa
struction industry are quicklime (CaO) and hydrated stronger than samples containing 5% cement, equival-
lime (Ca(OH)2). The effects of lime are more highly ent to an effective increase of about 0.25 MPa per %
dependent on the nature of the soil(s) to be stabilized of cement (Figure 5 in Walker, 1995 p.307). Finally,
than those of cement and, in particular, lime is generally between stabilizer levels of 5% and 7.5%, Ngowi
not likely to successfully stabilize soils with low or no (1997) found that the increase in compressive strength
clay content (e.g. Wolfskill et al., 1963). Dumbleton was 0.29 MPa per % of lime and 0.47 MPa per % of
(1962) suggested that a minimum clay content of cement (Table 4 in Ngowi, 1997 p. 6).
Strength of compacted earth

Research problem and rationale soils as possible. At each construction site, soil was
Studies that have made detailed examinations of stabil- sampled either by test pits or hand borings to a depth
ization with respect to the type of stabilizer, the quan- of 1-3 metres. Forty kilograms of soil, as recommended
tity (percentage) of stabilizer, and soil type include by SAA (1977), were collected at each pit or bore.
those of Croft (1968), Akpokodje (1985), Bryan
(1988a), Walker (1995), and Ngowi (1997). The Locations of sample pits or bores at each construction
numbers of soils tested ranged from three to fourteen. site were considered representative of the area sur-
Of these investigations, Croft (1968), Ngowi (1997), rounding the site within a radius of 250 m, which rep-
and Akpokodje (1985) examined all three effects resents a practical, economic distance within which soil
(stabilizer type, stabilizer quantity, and soil type) on would be transported to a building site during construc-
the strength of stabilized samples. Bryan (1988, tion. At each site, the surrounding area was surveyed
1988a) and Walker (1995) each studied different soils and the vegetation, topography, rock outcrops, drai-
types but used only cement as a stabilizer. nage, and soil colour were mapped. These landscape
indicators were assumed to represent a broad variation
Previously therefore, the effects of soil type and of in soil properties around the site. Sampling was per-
stabilizer type/amount have been assessed by experi- formed to cover the range in soil properties as indicated
ments involving small numbers of different soils. by the mapping. Between 1 and 12 soil sample were
What has been lacking is a comprehensive investi- taken from each site, depending on the amount of vari-
gation of stabilization using a large number and wide ation in soil type as indicated during mapping.
range of different soil types. This would provide a suf-
ficient number and spread of data to quantify relation-
ships between soil properties, stabilizer treatments, and Experimental design
stabilized strength across the naturally-occurring spec- Soil properties measured
trum of soil properties, and would also obviate the pro- Sample particle size distribution was determined
blems of inter-study comparisons (e.g. differences in because numerous studies (e.g. Croft, 1968; Spence,
experimental aspects such as sample compaction, 1975; Bryan, 1988; Walker 1995) have shown its
curing time, and curing environment). There is a par- importance in determining the strength of stabilized
ticular need to be able to assess the contributions of earth. The three textural variables measured were %
stabilizer type/amount and soil properties in influen- gravel (the proportion of soil retained on the
cing stabilized strength, and whether the importance 2.36 mm aperture sieve), % sand (0.075 –2.36 mm
of stabilizer treatments on the one hand and of soil aperture sieves), and % clay/silt (,0.075 mm aperture
properties on the other vary across the spectrum of sieve). The clay and silt fractions were combined so
soil types. that size distributions could be obtained by sieve analy-
sis alone and the applicability of the study thereby
The overall research project from which this paper is widened.
drawn aims to establish improved guidelines for com-
pacted earth stabilization and construction. This par- The importance of liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL),
ticular paper focuses on defining the contributions of and plasticity index (PI) to stabilized strength has been
stabilizers and soil properties to the strength of stabil- reported, amongst others, by Croft (1968), CSIRO
ized soil. The research objective is to determine the (1987), Bryan (1988), and Walker (1995). The
effects of soil properties (gradation, plasticity, and measures of plasticity used in this study were LL, PL,
shrinkage), stabilizer types (asphalt, cement, lime), and PI, all measured on the natural soil (i.e. on the
and stabilizer quantities (0–6% by weight of dry soil) soil prior to adding stabilizer and compacting).
on the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of Linear shrinkage (LS) has been used as a variable in
stabilized soil. This objective is addressed through the several previous studies of stabilization, including
analysis of data derived from 219 stabilization experi- those of Croft (1968), Bryan (1988), and Walker
ments on 104 different soils collected from compacted (1995), and in this study was determined for the
earth construction sites in New South Wales, Australia. natural soil.

The percentage of gravel and PL were omitted from

Methodology and techniques subsequent statistical analyses as each is derived by
Sites and sampling subtraction of other properties measured. Hence the
A total of 104 different soils were used in the stabiliz- five soil property variables used for statistical analysis
ation experiments, taken from 29 compacted earth were % clay/silt, % sand, LL, PI, and LS.
construction sites spread throughout the state of New
South Wales, Australia. No attempt was made at the Optimum moisture content, maximum dry density,
sites to assess the soils for their suitability for com- and UCS
pacted earth construction, or reject possibly unsuitable The optimum moisture content (OMC) is the moisture
soils, as the aim was to test as wide a variety of natural content at which a material reaches maximum dry

density (MDD) under a given compactive effort. The The textural, plasticity and shrinkage properties
aim during actual rammed earth construction is to measured defined the variables by which the soils
compact the material under conditions of OMC and were characterized. These five soil property variables,
MDD (CSIRO, 1987; UN, 1992). OMC was deter- together with the stabilizer types and amounts, were
mined in order to identify the moisture content at regarded as the predictor variables (e.g. Fitzmaurice,
which each soil should be compacted and strength- 1958; Spence, 1975; Bryan, 1988; Walker, 1995).
tested. It was not used as a predictor variable of UCS These variables were viewed as causing variation in
because one of the aims of the research is to enable the dependent variable, being the UCS of the stabilized,
suitable soils for stabilization to be identified on the cured sample having been compacted under conditions
basis of easily-measured textural and plasticity data, of OMC and MDD.
rather than on complex and time-consuming compac-
tion/strength tests. OMC and MDD determinations
were made on the sample after the addition of stabilizer Experimental procedures
and compacting, but before curing. The tests on the natural soil included particle size dis-
tribution, Atterberg limits, and LS. The tests on the
Saturated unconfined compressive strength (UCS) was soil-stabilizer mixture included OMC and MDD
used as the dependent variable because it is an (before curing), and UCS (after curing). The procedures
outcome of stabilization that can be compared both for the determination of soil particle size distribution,
with the results of previous studies (e.g. Akpokodje, LL, PL, PI, and LS followed those described in the
1985; Bryan, 1988; Walker, 1995; Bell, 1996), and methods of testing soil for engineering purposes
with construction-related standards and building regu- AS1289.C6.1, AS1289.C1.1, AS1289.C2.1, AS1289.
lations (e.g. CSIRO, 1987; UBC, 1997). UCS was C3.1, and AS1289.C4.1, respectively (SAA, 1977).
measured for each sample after 28 days of curing in a The procedure to measure the moisture content of
humidity cabinet at a temperature of 228C. each sample followed that described in AS1289.B1.1
(SAA, 1977).

The modified Proctor test was used to determine the

Stabilizer treatments
moisture-density relationship under compaction (and
The term “stabilizer treatment” refers to the stabilizer
hence to obtain the OMC of the soil-stabilizer
type(s) and quantity applied to a soil (e.g. 4% lime; 3%
mixture for each sample), and followed the specifica-
lime and 3% cement). Lime, cement, and asphalt were
tions of Australian Standard 1289.E2.1 (SAA, 1977).
chosen as stabilizers because their use is widespread in
The modified Proctor test was preferred to the standard
the rammed earth building industry. The levels of
Proctor as it is more acceptable to building pro-
stabilizer chosen were 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6% of lime
fessionals, and the compactive effort applied
or cement by weight of dry soil, which compares to
(2703 kNm2) provides the most appropriate simu-
similar ranges in other studies including those of Akpo-
lation of compaction using on-site ramming equipment
kodje (1985), Bryan, (1988a), and Osula (1996). The
under construction conditions.
quantities of asphalt used were 0 and 3% (e.g. UN,
1992). The cement used for the stabilization exper-
The method of determining the UCS of stabilized earth
iments was general purpose (“GP”), which is manufac-
samples followed the procedure specified in Test
tured from Portland cement clinker and gypsum and
Method T116 of the Department of Main Roading,
which conformed to Australian Standard AS 3972.
New South Wales (DMR, 1983). The density of each
The lime used for the stabilization tests was hydrated
sample was determined as described in AS1289.E2.1
lime Ca(OH)2 which met the requirements of the rel-
(SAA, 1977). All UCS determinations generated in
evant Australian Standard AS 1672. The asphalt used
this study are saturated, unconfined compressive
in the stabilization experiments was an emulsion that
strength determinations adjusted for aspect ratio.
conformed to Australian Standard AS 1160, and con-
tained 60% asphalt with a one-hour setting time.
Data analysis techniques
Bivariate relationships between the soil properties and
Study design details UCS were examined for broad patterns. Two groups of
The 104 soils were tested with different stabilizer treat- soils were then categorized based on whether values of
ments (1 –4 different treatments per sample) yielding individual soil properties were regarded as relatively
219 stabilization experiments and tests of UCS. favourable or unfavourable for stabilization according
The combinations of stabilizer used in various to previously published values (obtained from a col-
quantities for the experiments were: lime only (29 lation of the following studies: Fitzmaurice, 1958;
determinations), cement only (72), lime-cement (65), Ransom, 1963; Spence, 1975; VITA, 1975; Bryan,
cement-asphalt (27), lime-asphalt (2), and lime- 1988; Walker, 1995; Symons, 1999). For each soil
cement-asphalt (24). group, the mean UCS and the percentage of samples
Strength of compacted earth

with UCS 2 MPa (the value as specified in CSIRO,

1987 and UBC, 1997) were calculated as measures of
favourability for stabilization.

Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to analyze

and isolate the influences of the five soil property vari-
ables (the covariates, measured on continuous scales)
and of the stabilizers (fixed levels of stabilizer quan-
tity). ANCOVA was used both for all 219 samples
and for the various groups of samples as categorized
using soil properties.

Figure 2 X-Y Scatterplot of compressive strength versus sand

content (n ¼ 219).
The UCS of the 219 compacted, stabilized soil samples contents in this particular range. Where the data are
ranges from 1.0 –5.4 MPa, with a mean of 2.66 MPa, more numerous, the most interesting feature is the
while density ranges from 1.44–2.21 t/m3 with a area between 64 –75% sand, where there is an
mean of 1.88 t/m3. OMC ranges from 5.4 –28.0%. absence of samples with high values of UCS. For
The average gradation of the samples is 25% clay/ sand values in excess of 75%, there are two groups
silt (range 5 –53%), 65% sand (range 30 –94%), of samples differentiated by UCS. Most of these
and 10% gravel (range 0 –62%). LL ranges from samples correspond to the ,25% clay/silt samples,
18 –95%, PI from 0 –70%, and LS from 1.0 –19.8%. separated into two groups by differences in plasticity
index, as described.

Bivariate relationships between UCS and For values of LL below 50% (Figure 3), there is a very
soil properties wide range of values of UCS ranging between about 1.5
For clay/silt content, there is a range of values of UCS to 5 MPa. For values of liquid limit in excess of about
for any given % value (Figure 1). For example, for a 60%, all samples have a UCS below 2 MPa. For values
clay/silt content of 16%, UCS varies from 1.2 MPa of PI between 0 and 35% (Figure 4), there is a wide
to greater than 5 MPa. The highest values of UCS are range of values of UCS for any one value of PI.
associated with clay/silt contents of 10 –35%, Above a PI value of 35%, no sample tested has a
although for clay/silt contents of 5 –20% the data UCS .2 MPa. The relationship between UCS and
are almost bimodal with one group of data linear shrinkage (Figure 5) differs from those of the
,2.3 MPa and a second group .2.6 MPa. These two plasticity properties. Although for any one value of
groups of samples correspond primarily to differences linear shrinkage there exists a range of values of
in plasticity index, with the weaker samples having UCS, there is a distinct negative slope to the data
higher values of plasticity index. Sand content with higher values of linear shrinkage generally being
(Figure 2) ranges from 30 –94%, and the relationship associated with lower values of UCS. For values of
with UCS appears rather complex. Samples containing linear shrinkage up to 3.5%, no sample has a UCS
less than 48% sand exhibit high values with only a few lower than 2 MPa. As linear shrinkage values increase,
samples below a UCS of 2 MPa. However, this may the maximum UCS decreases and a greater proportion
reflect the lower number of samples tested with sand of samples have a UCS below 2 MPa.

Figure 1 X-Y Scatterplot of compressive strength versus CLAY/ Figure 3 X-Y Scatterplot of compressive strength versus liquid
silt content (n ¼ 219). limit (n ¼ 219).


trends between cement and lime stabilizer cancelling

each other across the two groups of soils, with lime
being better suited than cement to strengthening
clayey soils and cement being better suited to sandy

The mean UCS in each categorization is significantly

higher for the groups possessing the “favourable”
property values than for those possessing the
“unfavourable” values, ranging from 2.90– 3.25 MPa
for the former and from 2.32–2.48 MPa for the
latter (Table 1). In addition, the percentage of
Figure 4 X-Y Scatterplot of compressive strength versus samples with UCS 2.0 MPa is markedly greater in
plasticity index (n ¼ 219).
each categorization for the “favourable” group
(ranging between 86 –94%) than for the “unfavour-
able” group (ranging between 56 –63%). These differ-
entials cannot be explained by stabilizer differences
because the mean cement and lime quantities are very
similar between favourable and unfavourable soil
groups for each categorization, and in fact tend to be
slightly higher for the unfavourable soils. The differen-
tial in mean UCS is lowest for LL (0.42 MPa) and
highest for the PI/LS combination (0.86 MPa). The
differential in the percentage of samples passing the
UCS criterion value is lowest for LL (23%), and
highest for LS (37%). Overall, the results indicate
that clay/silt and LL are the worst discriminators of
Figure 5 X-Y Scatterplot of compressive strength versus linear stabilization suitability, and LS or PI/LS the best,
shrinkage (n ¼ 219). with % sand and PI being of intermediate utility.

Soil categorization and UCS statistics for soil groups ANCOVA: Effects of soil properties and stabilizer
The mean UCS of the 219 samples is 2.66 MPa, and treatments on UCS
73% of the samples equal or exceed the criterion A linear ANCOVA model for the whole data set, with
value of 2 MPa. The soils were categorized into two UCS as the dependent variable and eight predictor vari-
groups using four of the five individual soil properties ables (three stabilizers and five soil properties), is sig-
(% sand, LL, PI, and LS) and one combination invol- nificant at p , 0.000 (Table 2). Although the model
ving PI and LS (Table 1). Clay/silt was not used as a is statistically significant, it explains only 31.1% of
categorizing variable as it shows no particular ability the variation in UCS. The tabled data show that there
in this data set to distinguish sample strength for two are no statistically significant differences in UCS
different groups of soils of higher and lower clay/silt between different percentages of stabilizer treatment
contents (Figure 1). This may be due to competing for any of the three stabilizers. Clay/silt, LS, and

Table 1 UCS variation according to soil groupings

Data group Categorization of Mean UCS of Number [percentage] of Mean cement

soils for stabilization samples samples UCS 2 MPa plus Lime (%)

All data (n ¼ 219) ^ 2.66 160/219 [73%] 5.96

Sand ,65% (n ¼ 111) Favourable 2.96 95/111 [86%] 5.95
Sand 65% (n ¼ 108) Unfavourable 2.35 65/108 [60%] 5.97
LL  30% (n ¼ 93) Favourable 2.90 80/93 [86%] 5.82
LL . 30% (n ¼ 126) Unfavourable 2.48 80/126 [63%] 6.05
PI , 15% (n ¼ 106) Favourable 2.93 96/106 [91%] 5.80
PI  15% (n ¼ 113) Unfavourable 2.41 64/113 [57%] 6.10
LS , 6.0% (n ¼ 100) Favourable 3.05 93/100 [93%] 5.81
LS  6.0% (n ¼ 119) Unfavourable 2.32 67/119 [56%] 6.07
PI , 15% and LS ,6.0% (n ¼ 96) Favourable 3.25 65/69 [94%] 5.80
PI  15% or LS 6.0% (n ¼ 123) Unfavourable 2.39 95/150 [63%] 6.03

Strength of compacted earth

Table 2 Model signi¢cances and R-square values for selected Of particular interest is the pattern of significant vari-
ANCOVA analyses, with UCS as dependent variable and soil ables in the six soil group models (Table 3). No stabil-
properties and stabilizer types/amounts as independent
variables izer assumes significance in the three models for
“favourable” soil groups, whereas clay/silt content
ANCOVA data group Model R-square
and LS are significant variables in all three models,
signi¢cance adjusted for and sand content is significant in two models. In con-
(p-value) d.f. (%) trast, for the “unfavourable” soil groups, the amount
of both cement and lime are highly significant determi-
All data (n ¼ 219) 0.000 31.1 nants of UCS, with the only exception being lime when
Soil samples with LL  30 0.000 31.7 soils are categorized using LL. For the “unfavourable”
(n ¼ 93)
Soil samples with LL . 30 0.000 40.4 soil group models, sand content is the only significant
(n ¼ 126) variable, being so in each of the three models. Sand
Soil samples with LS , 6.0) 0.000 33.7 content is the most consistent significant variable
(n ¼ 100) across the six group models (Table 3).
Soil samples with L.S.  6.0) 0.000 30.4
(n ¼ 119)
Soil samples with PI , 15 0.000 31.5 The ANCOVA analysis for the unfavourable soil group
and LS , 6.0) (n ¼ 96) with LS 6.0 shows that there is a significant increase
Soil samples with PI  15 0.000 30.9 in stabilized strength with greater quantities of cement
or LS  6.0) (n ¼ 123) (Table 3 and Table 4). Using the mean values from
Table 4, there is a 0.48 MPa strength increase per %
cement added between the 2% and 6% stabilizer
levels. The data for lime also show that there is a
general increase in stabilized strength with increments
sand content are the soil properties that have signifi- of this stabilizer (Table 3 and Table 4), with a strength
cant effects on variation in UCS for the whole data increase of 0.28 MPa per % lime between the 2% and
set (Table 3). 6% stabilizer levels. Asphalt has no significant effect on
UCS variation when used with either lime and/or
The apparent lack of effect of the stabilizers for the cement, for any of the models (Table 3).
whole data set may be due to competing or different
trends in stabilization across the wide spectrum of
soil property values measured, thereby dampening
the effect in the pooled data set. Therefore, “favour- Discussion
able” and “unfavourable” soil groupings as categor- As in previous studies, this investigation has found that
ized in Table 1 for selected properties were used for soil properties and the type and amount of stabilizer
three additional sets of ANCOVA analyses. All six (lime and cement) all influence the strength of com-
resulting soil group models are highly statistically sig- pacted, stabilized earth. The large size of the dataset
nificant (Table 2). The R2 values for these models used, the wide range of variation in the properties
range between 30 and 40%, and lie mainly around of the soils studied, and the statistical treatments
the 30% value. For the six categorized groups the employed, have enabled new findings to be made
average R2 is 33%. regarding soil-stabilizer-strength relationships, which

Table 3 Signi¢cance of independent variables for selected ANCOVA analyses (UCS as dependent variable). FAV ¼ ‘‘Favourable’’ soil
group; Unfav ¼ ‘‘Unfavourable’’ soil group

Variable P-value P-value P-value P-value P-value P-value P-value

(all data) (LL  30) (LL . 30) (LS , 6.0) (LS  6.0) (PI , 15 and LS , 6.0) (PI  15 or LS  6.0)
(n ¼ 219) (n ¼ 93) (n ¼ 126) (n ¼ 100) (n ¼ 119) (n ¼ 96) (n ¼ 123)

Fav Unfav Fav Unfav Fav Unfav

Asphalt 0.597 0.820 0.273 0.652 0.479 0.787 0.330

Cement 0.354 0.897 0.026 0.534 0.000 0.740 0.001
Lime 0.679 0.517 0.343 0.311 0.012 0.506 0.029
Clay/silt 0.001 0.037 0.236 0.000 0.456 0.000 0.457
LL 0.586 0.406 0.281 0.083 0.317 0.585 0.617
LS 0.004 0.000 0.765 0.001 0.700 0.050 0.228
PI 0.746 0.054 0.077 0.752 0.734 0.449 0.833
Sand 0.000 0.896 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.002 0.004


Table 4 Mean UCS (and upper and lower 95% con¢dence properties of the stabilized material. More advanced
intervals) for different percentages of cement and lime, using schemes of categorization, using more complex com-
ANCOVA of UCS on soil properties and stabilizer treatments for
soil samples with linear shrinkage 6.0% (n ¼ 119) binations of soil properties and extending the simple
bi-fold classification of soils used here, may improve
Stabilizer type Mean UCS 95% Con¢dence
the ability of soil property data to distinguish soil
and quantity (MPa) interval (MPa) suitability for stabilization.

Cement 2% 2.10 0.60 Sand content is a consistent predictor of stabilized

Cement 4% 2.69 0.71 strength in linear models, but measures of plasticity
Cement 6% 4.01 0.95 do not appear to be important when controlled for
Lime 2% 1.92 0.66
Lime 4% 2.55 0.60 other variables. In addition to sand content, clay/silt
Lime 6% 3.03 0.71 content and linear shrinkage are determinants of the
strength of favourable soils but not of unfavourable
soils. Soil properties therefore appear to play a more
important role in the strength variation of favourable
soils than of unfavourable soils. Given that the soil
have been found to vary according to the degree of pre-
properties are more closely geared to stabilized
disposition of the soil to stabilization.
strength when their values are favourable, and given
the significance of the textural variables, the difference
between the two groups of soils may be due to pack-
Effect of soil properties on UCS ing efficiency during compaction. The process of
Soil properties were successfully able to discriminate mechanical densification is a major factor influencing
between two broad groups of soils, those favourably dis- stabilized strength (e.g. Bryan, 1988), partly due to
posed to stabilization and those unfavourably disposed, its providing high frictional strength through intimate
using single threshold values of properties. Favourable particle contact (Winterkorn, 1975). The highest
soils were able to be discriminated from unfavourable maximum dry densities at OMC are attained by well-
ones using values of LL 30%, sand contents .65%, graded soils with sand contents .65 – 70% (USACE,
plasticity index values of ,15%, or linear shrinkages 2000), and smaller changes in texture are needed to
,6%. Unfavourable soils were those not having these effect a given density increment for such favourable
characteristics. Favourable soils, compared with soils compared with poorly-graded ones or soils with
unfavourable soils, yielded stabilized samples with low sand and high clay contents.
greater compressive strengths (average 3.02 MPa versus
2.39 MPa) and a greater proportion of successful stabili-
zations of 2 MPa (average 90% passing 2 MPa versus
60% passing 2 MPa) having controlled for stabilizer Effect of stabilizer type and quantity on UCS
treatment variation. Previous work (Croft, 1968; Akpokodje, 1985; Bryan,
1988a; Walker, 1995; and Ngowi, 1997) indicates that
The soil categorization results show that linear shrink- UCS increases with increasing proportions of stabilizer
age and plasticity index, rather than textural variables, by between 0.25 and 0.64 MPa per % of cement
appear to be the key characterising properties that (average 0.40 MPa), and by between 0.14 and
define the broad predisposition of a soil to stabiliz- 0.29 MPa per % of lime (average 0.24 MPa)
ation. Traditionally, emphasis has been placed (deser- (Table 5). The results here for soils with linear shrink-
vedly) on the role of textural variables in soil age values 6.0 % (0.48 MPa per % of cement and
stabilization with respect to explaining strength gains 0.28 per % of lime) are in accordance with previous
in physically meaningful terms (e.g. Akpokodje, studies. The fact that the stabilizer “signal” could be
1985; Bell, 1996; USACE, 2000). For example, the identified and was similar in magnitude to small-
cohesive properties of clay and chemical reactions sample investigations is of significance given the wide
involving clay and lime are major contributors to the range of properties exhibited by the soils tested
strength of soil stabilized with lime, and sand particles (LS 6.0 –19.8%, clay/silt 5 –52%, LL 23 –95%, PI
help not only to form the granular skeleton of the 1 –70%, and sand 30 –94%).
stabilized material but also provide frictional strength.
However, in terms of empirically indicating favour- Some cautions should be applied to the comparison
able/unfavourable soils, linear shrinkage and plasticity with existing studies for cement and lime. The strength
index are superior in performance to textural proper- data of Croft (1968) and Akpokodje (1985) are 7-day
ties. This may be because shrinkage and plasticity values, compared with this study’s 28-day data. It
index measures carry “extra information,” as they would be expected that any contrasts in strength
reflect not only the textural makeup of the soil but between different samples would be greater for
also indicate more accurately how the soil responds longer curing times, although the effect depends upon
to moisture, both of which influence the mechanical the particular soil type (e.g. Akpokodje, 1985;
Strength of compacted earth

Table 5 Summary of results of previous work concerning the effect of quantity of cement and lime on stabilized compressive strength

Author Number of different Soil types Cement quantity Lime quantity

soil samples (MPa per (MPa per
in analysis % added) % added)

Akpokodje (1985) 3 Soils ranging: sand 15^ 59%, silt 27^75%, and 0.28 0.14
clay 10^ 37%.
Croft (1968) 6 Soils ranging: LL 40^68%, PI 15^ 38%, and LS 0.64 0.28
4 ^14%.
Bryan (1988a) 5 Soils ranging: sand 30^78% and PI 6.4 ^ 26.2%. 0.32 ç
Ngowi (1997) 2 Soils ranging: sand 27-63%, clay/silt 27^73%, 0.47 0.29
LL 31^ 50%, and PI 12 ^ 26%.
Walker (1995) 10 Soils ranging: clay 15^100%, sand 0^85%, LL 0.25 ç
22 ^60%, PI 0^ 35%, and LS 1^17%.
This study 72 soils Soils with linear shrinkage 6.0%. 0.48 0.28
(119 UCS tests)

Symons, 1999). Therefore, the values in Table 5 per- Traditionally, much has been made of matching speci-
taining to the work of Croft (1968) and Akpokodje fied quantities of cement or lime to a soil dependent
(1985) are probably minimum values when compared upon its characteristics. In particular, stabilizer quan-
with the results of this study. In addition, the samples tities have been viewed in terms of requiring less stabil-
tested here were compacted using the modified izer for “good” soils, and more stabilizer for “poor”
Proctor test (compaction pressure of 2700 kN/m2), soils. As a general guide, for favourable soils, the rec-
whereas Croft (1968) and Akpokodje (1985) ommendation from this study is to use a minimum
compacted their samples using the standard Proctor amount of stabilizer, in the region of 2 –3%.
test (600 kN/m2), and Bryan (1988a), Walker Unfavourable soils will require 4 –6% as shown by
(1995), and Ngowi (1997) used intermediate compac- the data indicating much better stabilized strengths
tion pressures of 2000 kN/m2. Increased compaction for these quantities than for 2% (Table 4). The greatest
pressure generally increases the strength (and density) effectiveness of cement is with low clay content soils
of a sample and decreases the OMC (e.g., Bryan such as sands, silty sands, and clay soils of low to
1988a), although the effect diminishes with increasing medium plasticity. These soils respond very well to
compaction pressure. If differences in strength between the addition of cement, and can require as little as 2 –
samples did in fact increase under higher compaction 2.5% of cement to stabilize satisfactorily (CSIRO,
pressures, the values in Table 5 pertaining to Croft 1987; UN, 1992).
(1968) and Akpokodje (1985) would be greater, and
the values pertaining to Bryan (1988a), Walker Concerning asphalt as a stabilizer, the debate amongst
(1995), and Ngowi (1997) would be slightly over- rammed earth practitioners has not been about the
estimated. Overall, however, Table 5 shows that additive’s waterproofing effect, but rather the potential
there is close similarity in the results between the it may have to alter the strength of compacted earth.
current investigation and other studies, even after The addition of asphalt to soil provides a membrane
taking into account any reported differences in that impedes the penetration of water, and on this
experimental technique. basis it has been suggested that asphalt stabilization
can improve compressive strength characteristics
A major finding in this study concerns the increase (Winterkorn, 1975; Al-Homoud et al., 1996). Although
in compressive strength of “unfavourable” soils asphalt has been viewed as being better suited as a
with increments of cement or lime added, compared stabilizer for soils with high clay contents (CSIRO,
with the non-effect for “favourable” soils. Soils with 1987; UN, 1992), the results of this study suggest
unfavourable characteristics are evidently more depen- that asphalt can be used in combination with either
dent on additives than on soil properties for their lime and/or cement on a wide range of soil types.
stabilized strength; in other words, stabilizers are the The use of 3% asphalt, as shown, has no overall influ-
major influence on strength. Although this makes intui- ence on the compressive strength of the stabilized soil
tive sense, it has not previously been shown using when used in combination with lime and/or cement,
empirical evidence. In contrast, soils with favourable and no preferential effect for soils regarded as either
characteristics require only a small amount of stabilizer favourable or unfavourable on the basis of their
(2– 3%) to achieve satisfactory strengths (3 MPa), properties. Therefore, its use should be viewed as a
and soil properties (specifically linear shrinkage, clay/ broad-spectrum waterproofing agent, rather than a
silt content, and sand content) are the major influence strength-imparting additive when used in combination
on stabilized strength variation. with either lime or cement.

Predicting values of UCS using soil property is favourably or unfavourably inclined to stabilization.
and stabilizer data The amount of lime or cement added to a soil increases
The basic aim of predicting stabilized strength is to its strength if the soil is relatively unfavourable, but the
minimize the chance of building an unsatisfactory com- strength of a favourable soil when stabilized is uniform
pacted earth wall and maximise the probability of within the range of lime or cement used (2– 6%). The
success. Two contrasting methods have been used in key set of variables relating to the compressive strength
this investigation that were able to predict the strength of favourable soils concerns the properties of the soils,
of stabilized material. The first was categorizing two in particular linear shrinkage, clay/silt content, and
groups of soils—“favourable” and “unfavourable” sand content. In contrast, the only soil property that
for stabilization—based on values of soil properties, is a determinant of UCS for unfavourable soils is
and comparing these two groups in terms of mean sand content.
UCS and the percentage of samples passing a 2 MPa
UCS criterion value. The second was using ANCOVA The importance of soil properties in explaining vari-
to quantify the amount of variation in UCS explained ations in stabilized compressive strength suggests that
by soil properties and stabilizer types/amounts. future research should be aimed at better quantifying
the relationship between key soil properties and UCS
There is an obvious efficiency with which threshold in order to predict the strength of stabilized soil.
values of soil properties (linear shrinkage and plasticity Linear models explained an average of only 33% of
index in particular) are able to discriminate between the variation in UCS, whereas soil properties efficiently
favourable and unfavourable soils with respect to the discriminated soils passing or failing a 2 MPa strength
2 MPa UCS criterion value used. This is in contrast threshold. Therefore, a criterion approach to predict-
to the rather poor results of predicting individual ing UCS is probably required rather than one that pre-
UCS values on the basis of soil properties and stabilizer dicts point values using linear methods. Such an
quantities, with only one-third of the variation in com- approach would predict whether UCS should exceed
pressive strength able to be explained using linear stat- a threshold value on the basis of soil properties and
istical models. It seems, therefore, that the way intended stabilizer treatment. The approach would
forward with respect to predicting stabilized strength have the practical advantage of being matched to build-
is not to predict the exact strength of a sample, but ing code specifications which define stabilized strength
rather to predict whether a sample is likely to pass or requirements in terms of threshold values.
fail a criterion strength value. Being able to predict
stabilization success or failure with respect to a cri-
terion value also makes more practical sense in that
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