Human Being

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a human being?

Human – any individual of homo, especially a member of the species homo sapiens
- Refers to anything exclusively pertinent to man.
- Human nature is refers to anything exclusically possess right at his birth. Human can be
universal and static
Nature from a Latin word “Natus” which means to be born or being born. It is the ultimate operation
of reality.

According to Socrates(470-399BC)
- acclaimed as the greatest philosopher in western civilization
- Man should discovered the truth about the good life, for it is knowing the good life that man can
act correctly
- Man is a being who thinks and wills
Three- fold level of human nature:
Somatic level- refers to the body, substance, constitution, or stuff of man and secondarily to the bodily
Behavioural level- refers to the mode of acting of every man.
Attitudinal level- refers to the mental reaction of man to a given stimulus

Right Thing VS Good Thing

 When we say right it means proper ,correct, or what is in atonement to laws, rules,
policies, or regulations
 When we say good, it means desirable, or that which offers satisfaction

He believed that nobody willingly chooses to do wrong

- He maintained that doing wrong always harmed that doing wrong always harmed the wrongdoer
and that nobody seeks to bring harm upon themselves.
- Wrongdoing is the result of ignorance
- This means that is impossible for a human being to willingly do wrong because their instinct for
self-interest prevents them from doing so.
- He adheres to the idea that man does evil only accidentally due to ignorance
- This means all criminals, immoral individuals, sinners and the like are wallowing in the
unfathomable abyss of their ignorance of their offenses.
- He insists that all sorts of evil or all kinds of evil acts are circumstantial.

According to Plato(422-347 BC)

Human being is divided into two component parts: the body and soul.
Phenomenal world Ideal world
Material Immaterial
Cannot live and move apart from the soul Can exist apart from the body
Mutable and destructible Immutable and indestructible

- Is a dualist [both immaterial mind (soul) and material body].

- It is the soul that knows the forms. He believed the soul exist before believed the soul exists
before birth and after death
- Human beings as inherently rational, social souls burdened by imprisonment within their physical
- Man is a soul using a body.
- According to him, the soul or mind attains knowledge of the forms, as opposed to the senses.
- Human person is naturally a social being.
- We are not self-sufficient, we need others, and we benefit from other persons talents, aptitudes,
and their friendship which allows man to rise above an animal existence and to become fully

- The tripartite theory of the soul: three aspects of the human soul according to Plato:


Reason(also called - Dominates over the other aspects; search for - Head (brain)
as rational) knowledge and understanding
- Enables to think, to reflect, and to draw
Appetites - Derives man to experience thirst, hunger, and - abdomen
other physical wants.
- Materials to the human body such as
food,drink,shelter,sex, and survival

Spirit - a human derives the ambition for symbolic - chest

accomlishments, including honor, social status,
victory, love and seek reputation.

Human Behavior- refers to the reaction to facts of relationship between the individual and
his environment
It is the voluntary or involuntary attitude a person adopts in order to fit society idea of right
or wrong.

Behavioral Genetics- a field of research in psychology that aims to determine heritability and to
determine how much of the behavior is accounted for by genetic factors. It began in England with Sir
Francis Galton and his study of the inheritance of genius in families
GENETICS- is a study of heredity.

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