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Seth Forecast for 2009

Copyright © 2009 Mark Allen Frost
All Rights Reserved

10-26-08 1:50 PM
Seth would you like to begin the predictions for 2009, just as we did
a year ago for 2008?

Certainly Mark. I suggest we use the same format of social,

political, religious and economic. I will also, if you wish, add some
probable negative realities that may be created for great numbers of
you in the coming year. This will give you a "heads up" as to certain
collective manifestations you are working on in your sleep.

Thanks Seth. I would like to start later today, if that's all right.

Excellent Mark. I await your call. (humorously) 1:54 PM

10-27-08 8:51 AM
Shall we begin with the political realm, Seth? The presidential
election is just a few days away.

Now with regards to your presidential election, much of this is a

foregone conclusion. Your Visionary Leader has a high probability
of becoming president. This is perhaps obvious to most of you. Let
us speak for a few moments on how this collective manifestation is
playing out.

Remember here that the manifestation of personal realities and

collective realities begins in the dreamstate. Each of you decides
upon your individual reality creation strategies and agendas while
you sleep. The basics are considered during this time, as to the
broad, general manifestation of Reality Constructs you will be
engaged in when you awaken. So the collective manifestation is
simply the congregate of the various personal reality manifestations
of a given area.

Here we are speaking of the U.S. In the past several years, as we

have documented in our books, your Negative Media have had a
tremendous impact upon the political, social and economic creations
of humans in your U.S. These media have been manipulated by
corporate leaders to benefit other corporations and also specific
political parties. You could say that the people have had their minds
made up for them, over the years, as to what products to buy, what
candidates to vote for, and so on.

The Negative Media act in a concerted effort to overcome the

individual preferences of human beings. However, a great change is
upon all of you in the U.S. and other countries around your world.
The Fourth-Dimensional Shift is well underway. Great numbers of
you are waking up to your dilemma. You are finding yourselves in a
position of great opportunity. If you make the right choices as a
collective, you will literally render the Negative Media powerless,
almost overnight.

So the potential is there for The Awakening to be felt in the political

domain. Not only do you have the potential to elect the Visionary
Leader as president, but you also are called on to choose other
Visionary Leaders to replace the status quo leaders that occupy your
many political and governmental offices. The potential here is for a
wholesale reversal of the negative practices of the past by your
political leaders.

I have spoken to you before about the origins of your negative

leaders. For the most part, they represent a specific family of
consciousness that has given birth to negative, ruthless humans over
the millennia. We call these Energy Gestalts the Negative Entities,
broadly speaking. This is a last stand for the Negative Entities upon
your world at this time. That is not to say that they are being
"banished" forever, merely that the cycle of manifestation no longer
supports their activities in physical reality to the degree they have
been supported in the past. By the "past," I mean your perceived
past, going back to the time of the inception of consciousness upon
your world.

This is a monumental event, then, this Changing of the Guard we

have described in our messages to you. The potential is there for you
to make great changes. The collective will of the people will be felt
in the political realm for the benefit of the majority, rather than just
the privileged few. Because your U.S. represents, still at this time,
the best hope for the future of the world - these are the hopes and
dreams of humans around your Earth I am describing - you also
have the opportunity of inspiring others in other lands with your
courageous efforts at electing your Visionary Leaders. 9:16 AM

10-28-08 10:09 AM
Let us now discuss the Social domain. In our new books we speak of
the rise of the Visionary Leader, as we have just discussed. We also
chronicle the rise of the advocates for humanity and your Mother
Earth: the witches magicians, shamans and healers of all types. We
assert in our new writings that the ancient wisdom is currently being
remembered – brought into conscious awareness – by great numbers
of humans. Many of these humans have lead lives as advocates,
speakers, that type of thing. The difference being that NOW, at this
distinctly important point in your history, what you might call “the
average citizen” is experiencing the awakening, the Fourth
Dimensional Shift. The advocates who have lived lives as
wonderworkers and healers in your perceived past, are acting as
leaders - living by example the ethical life - so that the average
citizen may observe their behavior, and begin to release outmoded
beliefs and habitual ways of manifestation that no longer serve

Some of these outmoded beliefs include:

The assertion that there is only one true deity, which we will cover
later. Another is the concept of taking what you need from others.
Another concept that is being transformed currently is the idea that
the authority must be obeyed. Let me address these main
points.10:16 am

11-7-08 11:25 PM
The belief that you must take what you need from others, that there
is not enough to go around, is prevalent in your Western culture.

This view presumes that there are limited resources, and that,
through hard work or other methods, you can be in a position to
receive the “blessings” for your efforts – food, clothing, shelter, and
so on. This presumption is based upon a hierarchy of power within
your civilization. The authority is on the top of this structure and the
common citizen is on the bottom. In this highly mechanical
conceptualization of the manifestation phenomenon, the citizen
waits to be rewarded for their efforts: from working at a job, for
example. 11:30 am

5:39 PM Now during this Shift, you will become aware of the true
nature of your personal and collective realities. You will notice that
your world is composed of Light, and that your Personal Reality
Field is subject to changes via your intention in the moment. As you
continue to awaken in this new year, ideas of scarcity and
competition will give way to their opposites. 5:45 PM

6:01 PM Additionally, the lagtime in manifestation that currently

prevents you from witnessing your thoughts instantaneously
transformed into reality constructs, will lessen. These are difficult
subjects to discuss, as you are still, as a race, quite hypnotized by
your consensus reality creations, feeling that your world is beyond
your control. Thus, those of you on your spiritual paths of
awakening, will feel these changes the most, while those in your
communities who still prefer to remain in a somnambulist trance,
will simply notice that things are changing somewhat in their world.
They will comment on how time seems to be speeding up. They will
speak of how, in an uncanny fashion, what they had hoped for is
now becoming a reality for them. This is the awakening foretold in
your spiritual traditions. It is upon you now.

The tendency for the human to revere the authority, to place them on
a pedestal, to use your quaint colloquialism, will also give way to
the transformative energies of the 4 D Shift. For would you not ask,
“What good is a hierarchy of power and authority when
EVERYONE is equally endowed with the limitless powers of
manifestation?” As the Ancient Wisdom is remembered by the
common citizen, the age-old relationships of master to slave, boss to

employee, mentor to protege, will transform to relationships of

equality and sharing for the common good of the collective.
6:15 PM

11-11-08 3:25 PM
Now specifically, within your social institutions during the coming
year, great changes will be made. Your Visionary Leaders will lead
the way, again, through example, in your schools, in the workplace,
within your cities.

In your schools, as the Shift intensifies, the learning of material

from whatever subject the student is engaged in, will take on an
entirely new dimension of understanding. Knowledge, then, of even
the theoretical sciences, such as mathematics, will be seen as having
a “spiritual” component. Let me warn you, however, that this is a
decidedly nondenominational spirituality that I am describing here.
This awareness of the spiritual within all Reality Constructs is
BEYOND what you would call the spirituality of the world religions
currently, for example. This is indeed, the Old Time Religion
awakening, the wisdom of your ancestors, the spiritual knowledge
of the magician, the shaman, the witch, the healers of your perceived

You may already witness this new awareness within your social
institutions. We call it the New Science in our books. Call it what
you may, you are each and every one remembering your sacred
history, with regards to the innate spirituality of the individual and
the collective.

Some examples of what to look for in your social groups:

A sudden deference of authority figures to their students,
employees, family members, etc. A kindness is growing, a respect
for the essential goodness of the other, an egalitarian perspective
that will heal the wounds of separation that have harmed you with
regards to racial, ideological, familial, and, need I say, “spiritual”
perceived differences. 3:36 PM

In the workplace
3:56 PM the Shift will have profound effects during the coming
year. The concept of “teamwork” will take on a new and urgent
meaning. You, as a race of humans, have many serious challenges
before you; challenges that threaten to destroy the race as well as the
other systems of life on your planet. As the needs of Mother Earth
are made known on the subtle levels - the Telepathic Network -
average citizens will heed the call to act in concerted efforts within
their respective fields of endeavor, to contribute as best they can to
the healing of Mother Earth and the collective. In a way, it will be
quite similar to your war effort during the 40s, in which the entire
society was on a singular mission. Because your current condition is
no less drastic and dangerous than in that past era, great numbers of
you will be quite naturally motivated to contribute to the solutions to
the problems you face as a species.

Here let me say, that, even during and after this momentous Shift,
there will be pockets of resistance. There will be those who deny,
who intellectualize to themselves what is occurring in their realities.
They will, therefore, not be as great contributors to the common
good as the highly motivated ones, the Visionary Leaders and their
collectives. You could say that the naysayers and others will inhabit
realities that reinforce their own outmoded and inefficient belief
systems. This could be considered as an alternate dimension to the
one inhabited by the co-creators, the initiators of the 4 D Shift. They
will experience their realities through the lenses of their own beliefs
and so nothing much will change for them. 4:09 PM

Within your cities generally, 4:50 PM you will notice within the
coming year, the same tendency to defer to the other, as we noted
earlier, yet on a grand scale. The Shift occurs within the collective
consciousness of humans everywhere. The great majority of you
will heed the call, and begin the transformation of your realities,
your personal Reality Fields. As you do, you will notice, for
example, that as you walk down your city streets, strangers will give
you eye contact of a positive nature. It will seem as though you are
all part of a grand conspiracy, to heal yourselves and the planet
Earth. For this reason, all of your social systems will function more
appropriately for the good of all. 4:55 PM

5:02 PM Because a growing awareness of the activities within your

many Reincarnational Existences accompanies the Shift, it will
become commonplace for those of you who are contributing to the
positive manifestation to briefly visit one or more of these other
lives, even while you are experiencing your waking consciousness.
To use the same example as earlier: suppose you are acknowledging
another human - in passing them on the street - with a kind
expression. You are encountering them as a friend, a fellow traveler
on planet Earth. During this everyday encounter, you may well
access other of your lives at this moment, to tune-in on the possible
simultaneous activities of this passing human in their other
existences. You know that we theorize in my Teaching that you
meet and interact with the same Soul Family members in this life
that you meet and interact with in ALL of your lives. It is the same
cast of characters, in other words. You are all merely using different
bodies in different coordinates of time and space. So let us suppose
you did tune-in to another life, in which you recognized this passing
human as a Soul Family member you have experienced other lives
with, in other timeframes. Do you see how this past life memory
could intimately inform your recognition of this human in the
present moment? Indeed, in this way, your knowing smile of
acknowledgment could well be in response to past life memories of
meetings with this human throughout your perceived past. 5:12 PM

11-11-08 11:22 AM
Seth, shall we go to the Religious domain next?

If you wish. A moment… Now the spiritual awakening – the

acceptance of a spiritual basis of reality that we spoke of earlier -
will be noticed within the practices of the Christian paths. In our
Forecast for 2008, if you remember, we spoke of the
transformational energies of The Christ and other Masters that will
bring the original tenets, the original Teachings of Christianity, to
the fore. This is already well established now, obviously, within
your Christian practices. Many religious leaders are going back to
basics, to simplify their practices and to hopefully attract more

“But what,” you may ask, “of the branch of Christian worship that
we call the Evangelical practices?” The facts of the matter are this:
under the auspices of your Negative Media and your political and
corporate leaders, the “story” of the “profound rise” in popularity of
the Evangelicals has been cultivated. However, it is just a story, a
story about reality. We are speaking here, of course, of the branch of
Evangelical practitioners that espouses warlike excursions into
foreign lands, that believes it is appropriate to meddle in the affairs
of government, that seeks power and authority. Let me say, that this
aspect of the Christian practices will always be with you, but it is
currently, and shall remain, a minuscule component in the broader
collective of Christian practices. Your Negative Media have given it
more importance than it deserves.

I hope that I am not offending any of you who align yourselves with
these practices. However, the truth must be told here. The Reality
Creation strategies of the warlike Christians are dying away, as
more healthy strategies from the collective consciousness rise up to
take their place. You could say that the cycle that brought to power
the Templar and other warrior Christian groups, is receding, after
having had “its day” in Third-Dimensional Reality. You can feel it,
can you not? The Changing of the Guard also pertains to the
Religious Guard, the guardians of religious dogma, the keepers of
the status quo. 11:31 AM

11:41 AM
As this new cycle is begun, and the new strategies for Reality
Creation within your religions are put into practice, and the assertion
that there is scarcity and not enough to go around is disproven, the
assertion that there is only one true diety will also be found to be
unproductive. The intractable beliefs of millions of humans that
their chosen diety is the one and true diety, will give way to this
egalitarian influence I have mentioned.

These transformations in the collective consciousness of humans

occur within the Telepathic Network. As the Ancient Wisdom rises
up to be recognized and remembered within this network, the
practitioners will feel an urgency to reconsider their beliefs in a One
All Powerful God. Again, this wholesale belief change among a

people is a necessary prerequisite to the healing of your social,

political and religious systems. You could say that humans will
surrender or sacrifice their outmoded beliefs in support of the
greater good espoused by their peers. You may see this occurring
now within your communities. And what you notice will be
supported in your reality through your Intention in the moment. You
are supporting, confirming and aiding in the creation of this aspect
of your reality, simply by looking for it and acknowledging it. 11:55

12:38 PM In the religious domain, alternative spirituality is going

mainstream, as we have noted in other manuscripts. Ancient
Wisdom becomes manifest in many ways. However, within the
spiritual practices of humans you may indeed notice some identifiers
that you are seeing the Ancient Wisdom reborn in your timeframe.

Obviously, the resurgence of practices in the Earth Religions by

solitary and collective practitioners, demonstrates the direct
insertion of the old ways of religious observance, into the modern
context. These arcane practices are honored “as is,” in their
unchanged forms, for the most part. These traditions, reborn in the
modern world, are exerting a profound influence upon spiritual
practices of all types. The wisdom and truth inherent in the old
ways, becomes quite apparent to the casual observer of these

You could say, for example, that an interested human, of whatever

religious background, simply by focusing on these practices for a
moment - in a bookstore reading, let us say - is catalyzing this
remembering process within themselves. Memories of activities
within divine collectives in the perceived past come to mind for this
individual. An excitement is experienced. There is a reunion type of
enjoyment here for this human. They are inspired to investigate
further. The bleedthroughs of the past experiences into the current
existence continue to inform their spiritual practice. Contact and
communications with nonphysical beings are initiated. The
alternative practice is established. Again, this is merely an example
of how an average human engages in this remembering of the
Ancient Wisdom. 12:47 pm

1:02 PM How about the economic domain, Seth, for the U.S. and
the World?

Yes Mark, and I suggest we include Holographic Inserts for our

readers, so that they may individually be guided to their specific
best case scenarios for perceiving and creating The Abundant

Let us begin: I realize that many of you are experiencing financial

insecurity, anxiety and fear at this time. The solution to these
Negative Emotions is the creation of positive states of consciousness
within your Personal Reality Field. Therefore, if you Dear Reader,
wish to experience the subtext of these messages as to the precise
ongoing thoughts, images and behaviors you might include in your
Reality Creation agenda to improve your financial condition, just
take a few moments to relax and go with the flow of consciousness
as you read these words. It would be best if you were in your state of
Sanctuary. Please make the necessary arrangements and embody the
light trance state for this section.1:11 PM
1:15 PM Remember, as well, the simplicity with which you may
create this state of Sanctuary. For example, as we have suggested to
you in the past: Imagine that you are surrounded by a golden sphere
of positive influences. Nothing may harm you within this protective
shield. Only positive, beneficial energies may enter. 1:18 PM

2:44 PM Now the best case scenarios for your perception/creation of

the Abundant Universe, exist in potentiality within your mental
environment – your consciousness, you see. The probabilities you
may act on to create abundance for yourself, come into this sphere
of influence via what we call divine impulses. If you can see beyond
your Issues in physical reality, you may clearly see these impulses
for what they are, and act upon them. If you are attempting to learn
your Lessons in physical reality without denial and
intellectualization, you are in a better position to “see clearly” these

The Holographic Inserts also “appear” within this inner world of

yours in a similar fashion. They are quite brief and subtle. If you are
in your Issues, therefore, you may not notice them. (humorously)

Therefore, do not deny your issues. Do not avoid your Lessons. Be

open to the gifts of your higher self. 2:50 PM

3:00 PM Mark is asking for an example here, and so I shall deliver

one to you. Imagine that you are in the middle of an argument with
your mate or another human. Suppose that you are on the verge of
screaming at one another. You have lapsed into negative thinking
and have created negative realities for yourselves. But let us
suppose, also, that you ARE on a spiritual path. You are attending to
the learning of your Lessons, for the most part. You have just let
your guard down and succumbed to the negative energies for just a

You are in your Issues, here, and your Issues - because they occupy
your consciousness completely while they are triggered - leave no
room for the sensing of the divine impulses. You are too busy
recreating anger, self-righteousness, and the like, in that moment.
Do you see the practical side to the learning of Lessons here? It
keeps you open to contact and communications with the Divine.
3:06 PM

4:44 PM
And now for your economic forecast. (humorously)

The U.S. - Our forecast of last year described the current fall of the
markets that you are experiencing. We suggested then that the U.S.
would learn a valuable Lesson with regards to the ceding of
authority to figures such as politicians and other leaders. Now you
are in the middle of the Shift, your markets are destroyed by the
greed of your leaders and those who follow them. At the same time,
the Ancient Wisdom is informing individuals of their continued
power to create their own realities as they see fit. This awakening to
your heritage of knowledge comes at the time when you are most
powerless. This is the way you have planned it as a people. In the
dreamstate you have created this collective Lesson.

The Lesson includes a Visionary Leader you have summoned to

“rescue” you from your financial disaster. Because you have
endowed your Visionary Leader with your collective powers of

manifestation, and because you are humbled for the most part,
during the coming year your financial condition as a nation will
improve. You will agree as a collective in the dreamstate on the
broad improvements to be made in your economic system.

Now your capitalistic system will undergo severe changes as the

result of the Shift. The egalitarian influences will be felt in the
financial domain, as broad far-reaching programs are initiated by
your government to rescue the markets, and indeed, the entire
economic system. This will happen in the first few months of the
new year. Again, this may be a foregone conclusion for most of you
reading this. Midyear the markets will at last stabilize and begin to
grow. Your unemployment rate will diminish rapidly, as millions
are put to work on public works projects by the end of the year.
Additionally, entrepreneurs will flourish in the marketplace, as they
offer new products and services to Americans who are learning how
to function in the new reality.

The entrepreneur that has an intuitive grasp of what the people

require during the Shift will be successful, for that person will offer
products and services that reflect the changing social, political,
religious and economic conditions. Now here especially, Dear
Reader, focus your Inner Senses on what this entails. This is where
the Holographic Inserts will display for you, in your imagination.

Individually, for you the reader of this manuscript, your Personal

Reality Field will continue to reflect the desires, beliefs and
anticipations of your personal consciousness. If you continue to be
afraid, you will most probably create Lack for yourself. If you
remain angry, again, your focus on what has been taken away from
you, will reward you with more of the same. You create what you
focus on, and in the matter of personal prosperity, it remains the

In summary: The U.S. will become a socialist democracy beginning

in the coming year. You will follow the lead of the Europeans and
model your healthcare program on their system. Many of your
megalithic corporations will become nationalized. You will cease
being an isolationist nation and begin to collaborate with other
nations on all levels. Your wars will be suspended and you will
rejoin the international dialogue as a humbled nation. During this
time, other nations will gain ascendency on the world stage. 5:06

11-12-08 10:44 AM
Europe – Your European Union will strengthen and prosper during
the coming year, after an initial period of financial chaos. The
diversity of the union, with the individual countries lending their
influences to the collective manifestation, will allow for workable
solutions to be found and implemented. The economic picture will
improve in the EU before conditions improve in the U.S. Necessary
changes will be made in the markets that will prevent the cataclysm
experienced in America. The changes made to the financial
structures in the EU will be used as a model for the U.S. In this way,
a new era of leadership in the world community will be initiated.
Tourism will flourish as the threat of terrorism diminishes. That is
not to say that there will not be terrorist activities in Europe, just
that the climate of fear created by the U.S. and its allies in the wars
will dissipate, as the wars are concluded. 10:54 AM

11:05 AM Asia – China will emerge as an economic leader in the

new year. They will essentially assume the role that the U.S. has
held for many years, as manufacturer and distributor of products to
the world. Its growing financial strength will be accompanied by
increasing political and military strength. China will not experience
the financial chaos apparent in the U.S. and Europe. They have
insulated themselves from these effects, for the most part. 11:14 AM

11-12-08 3:38 PM

What can the average citizen expect in the coming year, Seth?

Yes Mark, let me frame that part of the discussion as I did in our last
forecast, with mention of The Abundant Universe. The Abundant
Universe, you remember, is your birthright. You are literally, as a
human being on your Earth in this timeframe, born out of the
epitome of positive emotion we call Love with a capital L. It is the
limitless creative energy of All That Is that creates with you your
perceived realities. You are co-creator with All That Is, as we have
described to you countless times. So you have the potential to create
whatever your mind can comprehend. Now your Lessons come into
play here, as they must always. Your Lessons can be thought of as
dramatizations in physical reality for purposes of fulfilling particular
values for the Entity and for the individual Soul. If you are currently
experiencing Lack financially, or diminished health, or other
negative realities, you may be quite sure that you are learning
particular Lessons with regards to these subjects. 3:46 PM

7:01 PM Now the average citizen is currently learning this Lesson

of the dangers of giving all of your Reality Creation powers to
authority figures. As a collective, you are learning that it is better to
keep your own authority, to make up your own mind, to look within
for answers, that type of thing. At the same time, the Ancient
Wisdom is percolating up from the depths of the collective
consciousness, with answers to your many mundane questions. So
the average citizen will ask of themselves questions and possibly be
quite amazed that they are coming up with useful answers to their
own questions. These humans will be in the process of contacting
and communicating with their Higher Selves, the Energy Personality
and other aspects of consciousness. This is the spiritualizing of the
average citizen.

Now during the coming year, the 4th-Dimensional Shift will

intensify. As these transformational energies work upon you and
your realities, you will find that many of you will change vocations,
enter into new partnerships, undergo profound personality changes,
and so on, as you surrender to these influences. The status quo, the
safe harbor, the old ways of doing things, will be broken down, to be
rebuilt with Light. This is how we describe it. You can resist, and
you can deny, but you would be better off to go with the flow. The
average citizen will have an opportunity within each successive
moment of experiencing, to resist, to deny, or to go along with the
transformative energies. This dynamic will be felt quite intensely by
most of you during the coming year. 7:13 PM

11-13-08 12:23 PM
Seth, would you like to speak about some warnings of probable
negative realities in our future, as you did last year?

Perhaps I should begin by explaining what were the results in

physical reality of my forecast last year of negative probable events.

Now in a broad sense, your world governments are still quite busy
in creating the global system of control we warned of last year. The
world collective, modern man and woman, has become
disempowered. As I said, you are slaves to your consumer
addictions. Many of you must consume, consume, consume, to
make yourselves feel better; to be “happy.” However, this dynamic
is being challenged at this time by Visionary Leaders and average
citizens worldwide. The tipping point has been reached. As a
collective, you have in essence, taken as much abuse as you can
stand. Now you are taking your power back. Now you are resisting
authority. This tipping point occurred in the last year. The positive
manifestation is projected onto the world for your discernment.

For the most part, you like what you see, here, with this Changing of
the Guard. However, the pockets of resistance we mentioned earlier,
will rise up in protest. These humans still believe in the scarcity
model of existence. They believe that their existence is threatened in
this New World you are creating en masse. They represent the
misguided naysayers we speak of often in my books. Speaking from
a purely egocentric perspective, in highly emotional terms, these
groups will challenge your efforts at rolling out this New World on a
personal level and on a global level.

Domestic Terrorism
This unstable element will act out in the coming year. They will be
guided by their limited beliefs. They will join together with others
of their kind to plot against “the Empire.”

So there is a distinct probability that your U.S. and Europe and India
will witness an increase in domestic terrorism events experienced
within their borders.

Now as usual, fear and anger are the motivating emotions in these
types of negative Reality Creation. The antidote is, again as usual,
the cultivation of Loving Understanding and Courage within the
personal consciousness.

There will be attempted assassinations of your U.S. president, three

within the next year. These attempts will not succeed, however, as
the security for the president and his family will be quite
impenetrable. 12:48 PM

5:35 PM I do not wish to be an alarmist, but there is a high

probability that a former government official will release a highly
contagious disease element into the population of a major city in the
Western U.S. in February of 2009. This person will have
connections to a shadow government that will be investigated by

your congress in the latter months of 2009. There will be

connections noted between plots of domestic terrorism and this
shadow government. 5:40 PM

5:41 PM Thanks Seth. Do you have some final words for your

Yes Mark. A moment... My advice to you is simple. Keep a good

thought, as we suggest in the new material. Watch where your
thoughts are leading you, moment-to-moment. If you can take the
time to notice what is occupying your mind, at various points
throughout your waking day, you will see how your are, indeed,
lending your support to the creation of the reality you are

There is a responsibility inherent in this work we are describing.

Take responsibility for your part in the manifestation of collective
realities. If you are ashamed at what you are thinking and feeling at
any given time during these assessments, use our techniques to turn
it around in the moment; turn it to the positive manifestation, Dear

The coming year holds many challenges for you. With these
challenges come opportunities for spiritual growth. Take these
opportunities to use your powers of Reality Creation for the highest
good of all, moment-to-moment, hour-to-hour, day-to-day. If you
can do this consistently, you will have a very Loving, productive
year to show for it. I guarantee this. I believe that will be all for now

Thanks Seth. It’s a lot to think about.

Have fun with it Mark. Good bye

Good bye Seth. 5:48 PM

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