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SOCS103 Contemporary World Final Requirement

To be a Filipino and to be a Global Citizen is not just a characteristic, it is also a

responsibility. It is important to distinguish the two so that we may know if we certainly
embody them. As for me, I consider myself as both a Filipino and a global citizen. For
starters, is it really my choice to be both of them?
Obviously, it wasn't my choice to be a Filipino. By chance, I was born and raised here which
automatically makes me a Filipino nationality by constitution; however, as I was exposed
and given experience of the Filipino cultures, values, traditions, and its own richness, I
would not trade anything to be of a nationality different from what I am now. I love being a
Filipino and I greatly love my country; however, which questions me to love my country is
my being a global citizen. Which brings me to my next point - to be a global citizen is my
choice. I choose to acknowledge global values and events as well and apply them in my
daily life. If I only seclude myself with what's only happening in this country and be
ignorant of the rest, maybe I will forever feel contented with our lifestyle and our living
condition – but that is not the case. Since I would like to expand my viewpoints through
taking advantage and acknowledging the phenomenon of Globalization through media,
education, and experience, I get to desire the better life, I get to create global standards for
myself and my country which I believe, through my own judgment, would create a better
nation for my fellow Filipino citizens.
I see news coming from other countries of them experiencing accomplishments and even
downfalls. Currently, a lot of countries have already won the battle against this COVID19
pandemic. As badly as I want to transfer to other nations to free myself from this ever-
existing crisis in our country, I believe that it's never too late for us to win as well. We all
make bad choices, even our leaders, therefore, as Global Filipino citizens, it is our job to
raise our voices of the good things that we deem are necessary for us and the bad things
which hinder us from our true development, just as they were necessary or not for other
nations. It does not just stop there, that is why I challenge you, my fellow global Filipino
citizens, that each day, we make sure we contribute to the betterment of our country - may
it be as being responsible students, members of the family and being active members of our
I dream for the day that we will never wish for the Philippines to be like Japan, to be like
USA, or to be like China. I believe that as a Filipino, we should dream for our country to be
at its best way. So that there will also come a time that other countries will look up to us
and would soon wish as well to be like the Philippines.

Jose Maria N. Rubio N2

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