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Hobbit Chapter 15

Gathering of the Clouds

alighted To get down as from a horse or a vehicle; descend; come to rest.
decrepit Worn out or ruined.
carrion Decaying flesh.
remnant Removed or destroyed.
dwelt Live in or at a specific place.
fortifying A place with defense works as protection.
mirth Amusement.
kindred One’s family and relationships.
succored Give aid or assistance.
besiege To attack by surrounding with military forces.
reckoning Act of calculating.
grim To look gloomy.

Hobbit Chapter 16
A Thief in the Night

beset To set, stud, or surround with something; also to surround as in a siege or attack,
hem in; attack on all sides; assail.
comely Pleasing in appearance; fair; handsome.
clambered To move in an awkward way.
oddment An item or a piece of something.
bade To order.
piling Heavy stakes or posts installed to support the foundations of a superstructure.
wearily To do something in a tired way.
shudder Tremble.
suspicious Having or showing cautious distrust for someone.
bundle A large amount.

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