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35 Interesting Geography Quiz Questions

use these at your quiz night

Geography quiz questions don't just have to be about capital cities and mountains.

If you're running a quiz anytime soon, here are 35 geography questions which are all about
human beings from around the world.

Questions are taken from the free quiz questions at - be sure to stop by next
time you need questions. We write 'em, check 'em and update 'em on a regular basis.

1. According to a survey in FHM magazine, where are the ugliest women in the world:
Albania, Afghanistan or Aberdeen?


2. Which country produces the most heroin: Colombia, Afghanistan or Wales?


3. Which continent has the largest population?


4. Which country has more airports: Scotland or Bolivia?


5. In which country are women more likely to get promotion to the boardroom in big
companies? Britain, USA or Ecuador?


6. What country has the most suicidal people in the world: Japan, China or USA?


7. What country overtook South Africa as the world's leading gold producer in 2007?


8. Which country has the largest population of pigs: Denmark or China?


9. Which country uses up the most electricity: USA or China?


10. Which of is the heaviest cirgarette-smoking country in the world: Scotland, Vietnam
or Cyprus – [smokers per head of population]?


11. According to a 2004 survey, What country is the sexiest in the world with people
from that country making love 137 times in a year: Japan, France or Libya?


12. Which country draws the most tourists from around the world: France, Britain or

France draws most tourists

13. According to a survey of British women: which men have the sexiest accents? The
Irish, The French or The Americans?

French men have the sexiest accents

14. According to a recent survey, who has the best sense of humour in the world: The
French or The Germans?

Germans have the best sense of humour

15. Where is the world’s biggest supplier of pineapples: Hawaii, Jamaica or Japan?


16. Which country in the world has the highest life expectancy: USA, Iceland or Italy?


17. China’s got the most people in the world. Which country is second in terms of

India is second with 1.1 billion (2008 estimate)

18. Which country is home to more Muslims: UK or India?

India (80 million Muslims in India – only 1.6 million in UK)

19. El Al is the national airline of which country?


20. What country makes the three biggest selling daily newspapers in the world: Britain,
Germany or Japan?


21. According to a recent survey which people in the world have the worst sense of
humour: The Germans, The Japanese or The French?

Japanese have the worst sense of humour

22. What measurement do they use on the road signs in New Zealand: miles or


23. In New Zealand, do they drive their cars on the left hand side of the road or the right
hand side of the road?


24. What is the most common first name in the world: John, Mohammed or Li?


25. According to a recent study published in New Scientist magazine – who are the
happiest people in the world: people from Australia, Nigeria or Finland?


26. London tube map: what colour is the central line?


27. Air Lingus is the national airline of which country

Republic of Ireland or Eire

28. Which grain is the most eaten food in the world - accounting for about a fifth of the
total calories consumed by humans?


29. According to a study in New Scientist magazine – what country is home to the most
miserable people in the world: Scotland, Russia or Nigeria?

30. Where is by far the worst country in the world for road deaths: Brazil, South Africa or
Japan [figures are per-head of population]?

South Africa

31. A survey asked British people which country they would most like to live in outside
of the UK. Which place came top of the survey: USA, Spain or Switzerland?


32. In which country is it cheapest to hire a car: USA, Australia or Spain?


33. Where are most Heinz baked beans consumed in the whole world: USA, UK or


34. Which of these countries has most TV sets per head of population: UK, Japan or


35. The M4 motorway starts in London – but where does it finish: Scotland, Wales or


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