Creating Customer Value (Rev 10 - 07 - 20)

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Customer Value Creation

Prof Agus W. Soehadi, PhD

Creating Customer Value

Customer Valaue Perceived at the time of ....

Purchase Use

ideal Desire Value 1 Desire Value 2

Customer Value
Perception are
about ....

Actual Predicted Perceived

Experience Received Value Received Value

Woodruff 1997
Creating Customer Value

Customers receive value when the benefits

from a product or service
exceed what it costs to acquire and use it

Perceived Quality
Customer Value =
Perceived Risk

Horovits 2000
Creating Customer Value

1. The strategy of value economizing

2. The strategy of value increasing

3. The strategy of value innovation

4. The strategy of co-creation value

Co-Creation Value Strategy

Prof Agus W. Soehadi, PhD
Martijn Staal 2008
Apple Newton

Muniz and Schau 2007

Google’s Ecosystem

Content Providers Consumers

The Google


HBR 2008
132 million unique
Visitors per day (as of
Google’s 11/2007)
Media companies
• Search for information
Individuals Innovation Ecosystem and reveal interests
• Create information • Consume targeted
• Stimulate consumer advertising
interest, foster • Validate appeal and
community test performance and
Content marketing of innovation
• Provide delivery Consumers
Providers • Contribute ideas for
mechanism for
targeted ads improvements
• Become new products’
commercial users

The Google
Mashup creators, inde-
pendent software vendors,
Advertiser Innovators Google engineers, open
Over 1 million source community
Companies and
individuals • Together, make up
a diverse product-
• Deliver relevant ad • Development network
content to search- • Develop new offerings
identified users that help keep consumer
• Generate vast revenues engaged and Google
stream that supports “sticky”
Google • Generate revenues for
• Help monetize innovators’ themselves and for
new offerings Google
• Extend value of Google’s
tools and technology
HBR 2008
The Value Creation Process
between Company & Consumers


Dialogue Involvement Consumption

Company Interaction Consumer

Company Desired Value Balanced Value Consumer Desired Value

Pongsakornrungsilp 2010
Grow of Competencies within
the Consumer Community
Individual Individual Individual

Compromise Discussion
Commitment Relationship


Individual Grow Individual


Sharing Embodiment

Individual Individual Individual

Pongsakornrungsilp 2010
Linden Research 2007

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