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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)


Process to Access Linux VDI using HTML5

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SOP – How to connect to Client VDI

1 Problem Statement
What is the process to access the topgear VDI .

1.1 Document for F5epi_Setup

• Login to using chrome

• Due to Security implementation done from F5 load balancer end as per CIO guidelines
topgear VDI will be accessible only from Wipro domain joined Laptop\Desktop machines.
• VDI can be launched via HTML access(Browser) only.
• Antivirus service must be available& running in the device.

• Below are the steps to follow to install “F5epi_Setup”.

• Access the URL from Browser.

• User will prompted to Download the F5ept_setup file. Click on Download.

• Once the download finished proceed with installation(Doesn’t require admin credentials).

• Once the installation done reload the URL and click on below highlighted option.

• Click on Open F5 Networks Endpoint Inspector

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SOP – How to connect to Client VDI

• Selet Add this site to your Sites list

• Setup initiates the security checks as below,let the security checks complete.

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SOP – How to connect to Client VDI

• 6) Post all the security checks user will be prompted to provide credentials to launch the

Enter the F5 verification code that you had received in registered mobile

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SOP – How to connect to Client VDI

For Linux based VDI :

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SOP – How to connect to Client VDI

Password for Ubuntu login is: osg@1234

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SOP – How to connect to Client VDI

1.2 Process Contacts

Name Email/Contact No.


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