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Performance Task Template


Topic: 21st Century Literary Forms

Course/Subject: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Grade Level: 11 & 12

21st Century period began in January 1, 2001 and will end on December 31, 2100. It is
the Anno Domini or the Common Era, our own period, the time the students of today were born,
and will encompass the present and future of all of us. Literature, thus in this era will reflect how
we live our lives today with themes and characteristics such as abundance of information, hybrid
of mediums, death of print with the rise of digital tools, and issues that surround us, to name a
few are search for identity, LGBTQ, social evils (war, terrorism, racism, religious conflicts),
man-made catastrophes, climate change, hunger, and commercialism.

The topic 21st Century Literary Forms, will discuss the themes, characteristics, and issues
mentioned in the first paragraph, together with the following forms:

 Six-word story
 Textula
 Spoken Word Poetry
 Doodle fiction
 Graphic novels
 Digi fiction
 Hypertext Poems
 Speculative fiction
 Flash Fiction

After the class discussions, the students will be evaluated with the use of their output which is
the creation of one of the genres listed above.

Content Standard:
1. The learner will be able to identify and understand the literary genres popular today.
2. The learner will be able to explain orally and in writing their comprehension of literary
3. The learner will have a better appreciation of the different genres which emerged this 21st

Performance Standards: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation
of 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world through:

1. producing a creative representation of their life using one of these forms/genres with the help
of multimedia or other digital devices;
2. identifying these new genres;
3. a reflection of the characteristics, themes, and issues present in today’s period
Essential Questions:
1. What are the popular literary genres and the themes in the 21st Century Period?
2. Why is it important to study them?

Students will know and understand (content):

1. The different genres and notable literary works produced in the 21st Century.
2. The characteristics, themes, and issues present in today’s period.

Students will be able to (skills):

Learning Competencies

At the end of the session, 85% the learners should be able to:

a. identify representative texts and notable themes in the 21st Century

b. widen their knowledge and value of today’s type of literature
c. infer literary meaning from literal language bases on usage
d. exercise their creativity through the production of one of these genres

Learning Plan:
 A list of all the required resources such as apps, links, copies of literary selections, and
other learning resources to be sent to the students
 A list of activities with samples descriptions, template, and instructions (per week)
 List of links, codes, copies of PowerPoint and Word files for assessment

Teacher prepares the google classroom, the house rules during class meetings, assigns prayer
leaders and energizers, uploads learning materials, literary selections, and activities, prepares a
quiz/rubric as an assessment tool, and gives assignment or could give immediate remedial for

Implementation/Facilitation Steps-
1.The teacher creates a class in google classroom.
2. The teacher inform the students their class codes thru messenger.
3. The students access the google classroom.

1. The teacher will send thru messenger/google classroom the link for google meet.
2. Once accessed, the class starts with an attention, checking of students present
followed by a prayer, and the house rules in online class meeting
3. Teacher discusses the lesson for 30mins.
4. The students will access posted materials, quizzes, and assignment.
5. The students will be provided with the links or file for the activities and
6. The teacher will assess the students if the lesson will continue to the next.
7. The teacher will give remedial lesson immediately to those who are not ready
for the next lesson.
Accommodations: Meeting Students where They Are: (Collaborate with other teachers when

Actual Performance Task: Student Outcome, Output or Performance (Add the Performance
Task as an attachment)
Student can take quiz, answer their assignment, teachers can require their student to
submit video as their activity to be mark as output

Performance Task Rubric: (Add this as an attachment) links, teacher’s rubric, and google classroom built-in rubric to help teachers assess
the students’ output especially if it is a written output.


The teacher evaluates the students thru their finished outputs which are displayed on the google

Student Performance Task Work Samples:

Set 1: Student Performance Task Work Samples (Limit to 2)
Set 2: Student Work Sample Scored Rubrics (Two scored rubrics that corresponds to the 2
student performance task work samples being submitted):

(Add Set 1 and Set 2 of as attachments. There are a total of four (4) attachments)


1. What parts of the performance task process worked well?

2. What needs to be improved or enhanced?

3. Looking at the evidence of the students’ work, what strengths and weaknesses did you

4. What are your next steps for addressing these areas? What ideas do you have for
performance tasks?

(To be included with the Performance Task Handout)

Performance Task: Student Outcome, Output or Performance

Focus of Task:
(Describe the problem and the project or performance as it relates to the identified content

The Task:

Related Text and Resources:

Performance Task Rubric: Student Outcome, Output and Performance


Signature of Teacher
Date Submitted
Adopted from WVDE.US/2018

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