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Introduction to Engineering Design (Section #3, Dr. X.

George Xu)
Spring 2005, Term Project and Individual Design Project Assignments
“Using Engineering to Change Physics Learning Worldwide”
Note: Further guidance on the form and shape that the physical representation of the design is to
take to demonstrate the design will be provided as the design process proceeds. The focus of the
design process is to complete full analysis and to specify all details before any fabrication begins.
Guidance will include:
• Fastener size and type for connecting components for both the full size design level and the
scale model.
• Deflection analysis of all load carrying elements.
• Motor load testing using bench test methods.
• Protoboard test circuitry of critical electronic and electrical systems.
• Detailed wire layouts.
• Complete fastening detail of all components.
• Material size restrictions for both full scale design and scale model.
• Demonstration expectations of software components.
• The amount of trueness of the scale model to the moving elements of the design.
• Standard electrical plugs and connectors.

The instructors of this course have noted that the popular press is reporting a dismal state of science and
math learning by the American student when measured by tests administered internationally. Press
coverage of this testing outcome has appeared alongside coverage of the federal mandate known as “No
Child Left Behind” which focuses on frequent standardized testing to measure school performance and
extends rights to students and parents to switch out of under performing schools.

While the popular press is covering education in America, the educational opportunities in third world
countries are a concern of the United Nations, the World Bank, and the governments of those countries.
Education is seen as a pillar of economic development. History stands witness to this and the emerging
economies of China, India, and Turkey stand as confirmation.

The topic this term is to apply engineering to change the way physics is learned. The target age group is
those in the 6th through 8th grade in the US. The target population is all learners in this age group
worldwide especially those in third world countries. The emphasis is not focused on teaching physics but
instead the learning of physics. Specific topic areas from the physics text by Halliday, Resnick and
Walker have been identified for the project. These areas are:
• Chapter 11 Rolling, Torque, and Angular Momentum
• Chapter 14 Fluids
• Chapter 15 Oscillations
• Chapter 18 Temperature, Heat, and the First Law of Thermodynamics
• Chapter 27 Circuits
• Chapter 34 Images

Some resources identified by the faculty for early investigation by the designers are:'third%20world%20p

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The trend in modern devices is ever increasing integration of all engineering disciplines during design to
tightly link the performance and form of each and every part and function. By doing so, the limitations of
functional performance of a single discipline system are overcome. To provide an introductory
experience to this modern practice of engineering, the project assigned is to design, develop testable
subsystems, test, and build a scale model of a system that addresses the problem area. The goal of the
experience is to learn engineering design practice through study, instruction, and execution.

Goal of the Project

The goal is to design a system that changes physics learning. The system should be usable worldwide in
diverse educational settings by teachers and learners from many backgrounds. This design will be proven
by building subsystems that can be tested and a scale model that exhibits actions of the physical portion
of the design

The machine should be designed in such a way that performance is maximized using the skills, talents,
and potential of team members. Because each team has a different mix of engineers, no two systems will
be the same. Each machine should reflect the strength the whole team develops during the course. The
system should reflect the goal of reaching beyond your current knowledge. It should demonstrate the
excellence achieved by dedicated engineers working on a common goal.

The system will be the product of the design team assigned in a course section. The team will divide into
sub-teams with similar interests and majors who are assigned functional areas of the design. Each
member of the sub-team must take ownership of a portion of the design from start to completion. The
system must be constructed / assembled of modules designed by each sub-team. The modules must be
essentially plug and play compatible with quick fastening and connection. For example, all electrical
power and signal connections must be through plugs and sockets. The physical connection must be
through mating surfaces that define the position of one module against another and hold that position
while more rigid fastening is installed. The goal is to have each module install in 5 minutes or less. This
places an obligation on sub-teams to communicate with each other and to establish an interface standard
adhered to by all. The module must be thoroughly designed with all detail. Subsystems of the module
must be built for benchtesting. This testing will establish the robustness of the design and confirm that
the design will work as presented.

Because of class size and the mix of engineering majors in a section, the module requirement may take on
even more importance. At the option of the instructor, only one of a type of functional module may be
built in the section. In this case, all systems must use this one module. For example, one team in a
section might be assigned to design and build a data collection sensing system that captures data on
experiments run using the system. All other modules must use this one.

Design Assignment
The assignment is to apply the seven step design process beginning with problem definition and
description and ending with a working prototype. This problem will require thorough development of
problem background, identification of alternatives, and design development. The seven step design
process will be applied many times over during the course of the project. Each time a need is identified;
all seven steps should be applied to address the need. For example, if late in the design stage a need
for some type of fastening between two different parts is identified, the seven step process should be
applied to identify the need, develop alternatives, and decide on a course of action.

The design must incorporate innovative applications of engineering disciplines (e.g., biomedical,
computer, electrical computer, materials, structural, systems) and must include engineering work
that falls into more than one engineering discipline. The designers must demonstrate and prove as part

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of the design process and documentation of design activities a thorough knowledge of the physics area
incorporated in their design. Innovation and creativity will be highly valued in this assignment.

Engineering design will be graded on the basis of:

• Proving concepts or confirming analytical models developed for design work through
• Quality of design work presented in formal reports and weekly studio meetings.
• Conformance to completion milestones imposed by course faculty.
• Innovative use of technology and utilization of 'high technology' in the application.
• Extent of integration across the classical engineering disciplines.
• How well the design achieves the goal of the project.
• Conformance to requirements stated in this document.
• Potential for further development as a manufactured product.
• Engagement of all the team members in design and student built content.

Requirements include:
1. Each major function area of the machine should be presented in a self contained module that acts
like a ‘plug and play feature’. Connections between modules must be through standard electrical
connectors and mating surface matching for physical features and structures. For example, all
electrical power and signal connections must be through plugs and sockets. The physical
connection must be through mating surfaces that define the position of one module against
another and hold that position while more rigid fastening is installed. The goal is to have each
module install in 5 minutes or less.
2. During the demonstration, all power except for the computer or PLC must come from battery
sources. No power supplies can be used.
3. Set up of the machine should be as short as possible. The target set up time is 2.5 minutes. A
shorter set up time is favorably viewed by the market place while a longer time is not.
4. The target weight for the machine is 20 pounds. Machines that weigh less are preferred in the
market while those weighing more are not.
5. If the machine uses a liquid, it cannot contain more than 3 gallons of liquid. Further, all liquids
must be non toxic to touch and non staining. Disposal of liquids after use must follow guidelines
on such disposal.
6. Structural elements must be an integral part of the design and should be designed to support all
the other elements of the device. In general, rectangular boxes whether with solid sides or framed
around the edges do not meet this requirement. Material used in structures is restricted to PVC or
plastic pipe nominal 2 inch or smaller, square aluminum tube no larger than 1.0 inch by 1.0 inch
outside dimensions, round aluminum tube no larger than 1.00 inch outside diameter, steel tube
known as EMT (sold in electrical sections of stores) no larger than nominal 1 inch, flat aluminum
bar stock no wider than 1 inch, and aluminum angle stock no larger than nominal 1 inch. These
dimensions apply to the full size design. The scale model will be one quarter, one half, or full
scale. The scale choice will be decided on a case by case basis. The scale model must be sized so
that the largest dimension after scaling is as close to 18 inches as possible. The size, number, and
geometry of structural elements should be decided on the basis of demands placed on the
structure. Analysis and models should support these decisions. Students are urged to fasten
structures so that they can be easily dismantled. This added design flexibility means that last
minute changes are more easily accommodated. While connectors can be purchased for many of
the structural elements mentioned, these often compromise the design and add more parts to the
design. The student is challenged to design connections that eliminates the need for separate

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7. Welding is restricted. This restriction arises from the quality of welded finished product in the
past. When two parts are welded, alignment of those parts is critical. Because alignment is
critical, your plans for welding must be reviewed by your instructor along with plans for assuring
8. Wood use in the design is severely restricted. Wood cannot be more than 25% of the design and
prototype measured by weight or volume, whichever is more restrictive. The exception to this is
complex shaped wood pieces cut using the laser cutter or CNC router.
9. The size of your design is confined. Your design must fit inside a 45 inch cube excluding the
external computer. This restriction is for the full size design.
10. You are restricted from altering radio wave emitters such as those used in microwave ovens. If
your design uses radio waves, the transmitter and protection provided to shield the user from such
waves cannot be altered in any way.
11. At the team level, the project features must be tested using experiments. The experiments
must demonstrate key features of the design or be used to collect data that forms the basis
of key design rules or operating logic. For example, if the design uses a concentrator for
solar rays to improve the efficiency of a photovoltaic cell, an experiment showing the effect
of the concentrator is required. Course faculty should be consulted by the team on the
experimental design. It is anticipated that several different experiments will be required
during the design process.
12. Computer based control (including micro processors) can be accomplished using hobby level
microcontrollers such as the Basic Stamp or OOPIC or PC based software such as visual basic, C,
or LabView as a data collection and control platform. Laptop data acquisition cards or devices
that interface with LabView are available for loan through IED. USB devices that link to other
languages are planned for acquisition. USB devices can also be purchased by a team member for
low cost and can be later used by that team member for other project work.
13. Circuitry used in the project is limited to circuits documented and presented in the Radio Shack
Electronics Laboratory and the Radio Shack Sensors Laboratory. Several of these circuit kits are
available for first level testing of circuit performance. After preliminary testing, the student team
will be required to purchase the raw electronic parts for assembly on protoboards for full
subsystem testing. Student teams can use electronic parts not included in these kits provided the
total cost of components not listed in the kit used is less than $50.00.
14. High tech should be used to improve performance of the invention. Many artifacts we use today
use less energy, work more effectively, and are easier to use because high tech is part of the
design. High tech does not imply high cost.
15. Motors are severely restricted in the prototype. A standard list of motors will be made available
later in the project. The design is restricted to one or more of these motors.
16. Cost of materials used to demonstrate the design and used in the scale model are the
responsibility of the team. Teams should establish a budget and establish procedures for
monitoring costs to this budget.
17. The scale model will be an assembly of parts and components representing the parts of the full
size design. A fabrication resource that teams can use for scale parts is rapid prototyping. A
natural restriction on rapid prototyping is the high cost. A project restriction is that the largest
linear dimension of any single rapid prototyped part must be less than 15% of the largest
dimension of the scale model and the cubic volume of material must be less than 8 cubic inches.

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Safety and Build Requirements

1. All circuitry and wiring must be designed so that the electrical path is protected from damage.
Electrical sources which are available for the design are:
AC ELECTRICITY. AC electricity can only be used to supply computers, power supplies during
prototype development, and for recharging batteries. For testing, a power cutoff at the power source must
also be provided for safety purposes. Use of a power outlet box with a switch meets the last requirement
but does not meet the fusing requirement.

DC ELECTRICITY. Your design is restricted to DC line voltages of 24 volts or less. All power for
subsystem demonstration during the exhibition with the exception of computing must come from
batteries. Consider rechargeable batteries for motor intensive applications. No open vented lead acid or
any other batteries which vent to the atmosphere are allowed. Lead acid batteries such as motorcycle
batteries typically have a semi sealed venting system. These batteries will be allowed in a prototype but
the designer is cautioned about the weight penalty of this type of power storage. Any vented or semi
sealed battery must be mounted so that high natural ventilation is present. Consult your instructor about
fusing requirements for DC power. An all power cutoff switch is required on the outside wall. Batteries
should be returned to the course instructors for proper disposal.

2. The origin of all parts used in the design must be documented and presented in the form of a bill
of materials. Teams should expect to be questioned about parts whose origin is not clearly identified and

Other Design Considerations

While the focus of the project is a system for physics learning, you should also consider many other
factors that enter in to the design of artifacts and which are important to society and to designers. These
include energy conservation, use of recycled materials, and end of service issues including recycling,
safety, and prevention of unsafe use, safe failures, and safety of manufacture.

Problem Stages

There are several problem stages in this design.

Stage 1. Stage 1 is done by each class member and involves broad and focused research. The purpose of
this research is to transform each class member to an expert in the design area. The research topics were
identified in a separate assignment to the class. At the close of this research, the student should have
broad concept of the features of the machine and some more focused concepts on how a function required
in the machine will be done. This stage is called opportunity research later in this document.

Stage 2. Stage 2 is a team activity on the concept design. The team will identify goals and objectives and
identify a broad outline of a machine that meets these goals.

Stage 3. Stage 3 returns design responsibility to a smaller group of team members. Sub teams will be
formed and assigned by the team to major functional design responsibility. Each team member will then
be assigned responsibility for detailed design of a part of the subsystem.

Stage 4. Stage 4 is integration of individual detail design work and finalized detail design documents.
This precedes final production of the scale model with each team member responsible for fabrication and
testing of their design area.

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The specific products reportable by students are presented later in this project description.

Individual Assignments

Individual design assignments consist of several parts completed in the design notebook with some formal
reporting. The seven step design process is required of all students. The parts are defined to guide and
monitor the progress of students in the design activities. If queried, the student should be able to turn to
sections of the design notebook to show all work done including all sketches, brainstorm notes, drawings,
article references, quotes, random ideas, surveys, observations, brainstorm notes, and class work. Use the
notebook to record things as they occur and arise. Do not wait until you have 'thought things out' before
you write them down.

At the top of every notebook page, the date and a short descriptive title should be entered that indicates
the general content of the page. Since some assignment statements may ask for photocopies of notebook
pages, please use a writing instrument that will photocopy well. To account for use of the computer as a
tool for generating working notes, hard copies of these notes may be incorporated as Appendices to the
notebook. The copy of each Appendix item should consist of stapled pages that are labeled at the top of
the first page with name, date and identifying title. The same date and title are then referenced in the
body of the notebook with a brief annotation to describe the contents and its significance to the work and
to the design process.

1. One to three pages per topic in design notebook summarizing data and information on the five
physics topics identified for this project. See page one for the topic list. Due dates: 1/21, 1/24.
2. Research on learning styles, teaching methods and styles, and the policy debate on the success of
the different styles and the current educational system in the US. Clearly identify each source
found. Include both web sites, published articles, and popular press locations. Summarize in the
design notebook the material facts found. Clearly identify source of facts for use later. Due
Dates: 1/27.
3. Research on issues of teaching science especially physics, research on the educational
environment in third world countries, and research on the state of the art of teaching aids and
assisting devices or software. Follow same guidance as 2 above. Due dates: 1/31.
4. Research on the use of feedback in learning, how learning is measured, the level of learning
expected from instruction, rating of learning performance by a person. Complete in notebook.
Due dates: 2/3.
5. Research summary memo. Bulleted list style memo of major data and information found from
research on learning. Clearly identify sources of information for each bulleted item. Memo due
6. Goals and objectives for a physics learning system. Goals and objectives for a physics learning
system that guides design choices during the design process. For example, if you identify the
area of torque for a learning focus, this goal would then be used to narrow alternatives to that
area. Due dates: 2/7.
7. Design development notes and sketches. Due dates: Ongoing.
8. Assigned area responsibility plan. Action plan for pursuing assigned design responsibility with
rough start and end dates. Develop plan in design notebook and contribute to the team memo due
9. Individual detailed design #1. Complete a 1 or 2 page memo to convey detailed drawings,
schematics, logic flow diagrams showing detail design of assigned components. At least one
exhibit should be drawn to engineering design drawing specifications. Use high quality sketches
or hand drawings if CAD is not completed to convey design. Complete detail on how this design

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area connects physically, logically, power flow, and signal flow with other parts of the design.
Memo should identify design area and present short summary of design features. Due dates: 3/3.
10. Ongoing design, analysis, and experimental documentation. Due dates: Ongoing.
11. Individual detailed design #2. Complete a 1 or 2 page memo to convey detailed drawings,
schematics, logic flow diagrams showing detail design of assigned components. Complete
engineering design drawings and/or specifications must be included. Memo should identify
design area and present short summary of design features. Due dates: 3/24.
12. Progress updates in calendar. Use the calendar feature of the design notebook, the to do list
section, to chart and record progress. Report progress to the team for inclusion in team progress
report. Due dates: 4/7.
13. Component Detailed Design Chapter. Full text and graphic presentation of the design. Due
dates: 5/2.

Team Design Assignments

The Team Design Assignment begins with definition of team goals followed by a definition of the
problem. One of the team goals should be optimal use of team skills so that all members of the team can
be fully involved in the activities of the design project. Capitalizing on the experiences of each group
member, the definition should reveal deep understanding of the problem. Section meetings will be used
to develop guidelines that the class adopts in the process of identifying and agreeing on a problem. One
consideration when defining the alternative approaches is the time available in the semester to design and
build subsystems for testing and conducting tests.

After agreement on the opportunity to solve the problem, the team will follow the seven step design
process and conclude with a detailed design, working subsystems, and scale model. The team will have
milestone reporting requirements which are calendar based and which require documentation of the
design decisions. The schedule presented in the syllabus will be followed. Safety requirements must be
met. Some resources are available to teams for physical scale model construction. These include
materials that have been donated from previous semesters by teams and by external sources. Each team
member may be expected by their teams to pay for components in an amount equivalent to the purchase
of a textbook.

The formal activities for the team are:

• Quick test of ideas through experiments within sub team environment.
• Class Presentation of Concept Design (Due: 2/10)
• Written Concept Report (Course notes define most contents). (Due 2/14)
• Team memo on assigned responsibilities and work plan. (due: 2/14)
• Team Design Postup. (Due: 2/22)
• Team Progress Report. (Due: 4/7)
• Project Exhibition Due ( 4/22)
• Detailed Design Presentations. Due(5/2)
• Detailed Design Report. Due (5/2)

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