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Shelby Anguiano

Answered December 14, 2017

The “Devil” and “Satan” are descriptions of the one,

Beli’JaH’El (“[He Who Is} Without JAH [As His]
God”), the former arkangel (“arkaic drakon” or
“angel of the ark” - Revelation 12:9) who… unlike
his counterpart, Michael (more accurately,
“Mischa’JaH’El,” which means “[He Who] Chooses
JaH [as His] God”)… did not “stand fast upon/in” the
Cover/Propitiatory/Truth that is the Christ,
JaHeShua (“JaH is Salvation/Salvation of JaH”) - John
8:44; 14:6; 1 John 2:1, 2).
Rather, that one turned his face (and gaze) away…
from the Cover/Propitiatory/Truth… so as to gaze
upon his own “beauty.” Which was the beginning of
his downfall. Ezekiel 28:12–17

The terms mean “Deceiver” and “Slanderer,” and

were given him due to (1) his deceiving Eve and in
the process (2) slandering the MOST Holy, as well as
(3) lying as to and slandering the “children” of the
MOST Holy. He committed the first two sins when
he told Ad’Ham and Eve that:

They would not die if they ate from the Tree (of the
Knowledge of Good AND Bad/Evil), but
The MOST Holy didn’t want them to eat because if
they did so they would be “like’ Him (knowing good
(life) and bad (death) and He didn’t want that.
Genesis 3:4, 5
These were both lies. The MOST Holy did want
Ad’Ham and Eve to know both life (good) AND
death (bad) but not until they were ready. He had
not yet prepared them… or their flesh… for such a
thing (in contrast, Christ waited until it was
conferred upon him BY the MOST Holy to “know”
both life… and death. Revelation 1:18). The slander
occurred when he implied that the MOST Holy was
someone who would keep something “good” from
Ad’Ham/Eve and thus had an unrighteous motive
for prohibiting them from eating (they were not
prohibited - they were simply warned as to what
would occur if they did eat… even touched… which
is what actually occurred).

That one also slandered the brothers of Christ when

he taunted the MOST Holy saying that ALL of
mankind were selfish, self-serving, and would curse
the MOST Holy to His very face if He didn’t protect
their interests… and if their physical bodies were
subjected to too much difficulty. Job 1:6–12; 2:1–7

The man Job, the Christ, and many others have

proved that one the liar and slanderer that he is…
and more will prove him so, as well. Proverbs 27:11;
Revelation 12:10
“Lucifer”… is the Christ. If you read the account
carefully, you will see that it is the dead kings who
deride him for coming to where they now are
(Sheol, the world of the dead). They ridicule him for
saying that he was a king/son of a king, etc. They
are chiding him, believing that, like them, he will
stay there, too. He does not. 1 Peter 3:18–20;
Revelation 1:18
I hope that helps.

Peace to you!

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