Chemistry 1 - 2000

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(b) 1 Faraday = 96500 C. ‘This paper consists of 6 printed pages. ons2t as SECTION A (15 Marks). ‘This section consists of fifteen multiple ~ choive items. Answer ALL the items. ‘Choose the letter corresponding to the correct alternative and write it in the answer booklet provided. (@)Avgas at 273°C under a pressure of 1600 mmHg occupies a volume of 190 em’. What is the volume of the gas at STP? A. 200em? B. 350cm! C. 400 em? D. 200 dm’ i) What volume of 0.2 M. H80, will be required to neutralize completely 25.0 cm’ of 05M KOH? A. 0626 cm B. 6.125 em C. 6315 em D. 3.125cm* (Gil) Which of the following statements does NOT suppor the fact that “water is 2 compound"? A. The hydrogen and oxygen in water con not be separated by physical means B. The physical and chemical properties are quite different trom those of the consitituents C._ Hydrogen can be separated from water at boiling point of water. 1D. The formation of water is slways sccompanied by the production of heat, light and sound. (iv) If element X is one of the elements found in the periodic table whieh are called “alkali earth metals", then element X is likely to be found in group Tl group group 1V group Vit powe (9) Which ofthe following sets of compounds is NOT an exemple of a homologous series? A. Bihene, methane and acetylene B, Propene, butene and cthene . Methanol, ethanol and propanol D, Formic acid, acetic acid and propanoie acid (i) Anti —acid drags which are used to control excess stomach acidity are actal, eno's, andrews! liver salt and other commercial names. Chemically these anti- drugs contain a substance which neutralize the acid; one of these substances is saditim hydrogen carbonate. Below isa balanced chemical equation af the action of the substance on hydrochloric acid: A. NaHCOs 9) + 2HClg > NAClup + 2COrg +10 0 B. 2NaHCOsmy + HCl + 2NaChay +2C0ag +700 ©. NaHCOxeptHChay 9 NaCl gg + COag +120, D. 2NaHCOsny+2HCl gy 3 3NACl gg + 3COng + 2109 oor 2 (vil) Why is carbon dioxide used in fire extinguishers? A B & D. {tis denser than air Icturns lime water milky IE does not support burning Iis colourless and odourless (vit) Cutting down trees without planting others is bad for animals because A. B. ics D. it spoils nice shade it makes the earth look ugly the amount of carbondioxide in air will become less the amount of oxygen in air will become less x) The discharge of cations during electrolysis is A. B. G D. oxidation reduction neither oxidation ror reduction ‘both oxidation and reduction (®) Diamond and graphite differ because A, B. os D. oe A 8. iS D. graphite is an impure carbon carbon has a different vacancy in the two forms the atoms in diamond are larger than those in graphite carbon atoms are differently arranged Which of the following list of chemical species have the same number of electrons. Na‘, Ms", Be and Li O, FY Neand Na Ch He, Be and 0” KY. Ce, Chand ar (3i)_ If Anna wants to electroplate a spoon with copper by using copper sulphate solution, she should arrange the electrodes in the following way A B. . D. ‘Spoon es anole and copper as cathode ‘Spoon es cathode and copper as anode Spoon es anode and carbon as cathode Spoon as cathode and copper sulphate as anode (Gili), Which ofthe following nitrates will not evolve nitrogen dioxide when heated? re B. c D. Potassium nitrate Silver nitete Mercurie nitrate Lead nitrate (xiv) The quantity of electricity needed to deposit | mole of aluminium in the electolysis of aluminium sulphates A 0221 96500 coloumbs B. 289500 coloumbs & D. 193000 coloumbs 5386000 coloumbs (av) The chemical equation CH1,+ Cl; -> CHCl + HC! represents an example of polymerization addition reaction substitution reaction ‘esterification reaction yore SECTION B (40 Marks) Answer ALL questions in this seetion. 2. @) State Avogadro's law (2 marks) (b) Define the term mole (2 marks) (©) Solid calcium cerbonste (CaCO}) reacts with excess nitric acid (FINO,) liberating ‘carton dioxide gas to form soluble calcium nitrate and water. Calculate the amount of nitric acid necded to dissolve 5 g of calcium carbonate. (6 marks) (a) State Faraday's laws of electrolysis. (4 marks) (b) An element X has a relative atornic mass of 88. When a curreat of 0.5 amperes was passed through fused chloride of X for 32 minutes and 10 seconds, 0.44 g of X were deposited at the cathode. (@ Calculate the number of Faradays neeced to liberate one mole of X. Gi) Write the formula of the X ion. (iii) Write the formala of the hydroxide of X (marks) 4. (@) Differentiate beween SATURATED and UNSATURATED hydrocarbons. (2 marks) (b) When a solution of sucrose is fermented by yeast, ethanol is formed. Ths ethanol can be isolated fromthe liquid by fractional distillaction () Explain the meaning of the two terms bolded (Gi) What is the purpose of the yeast? Gil) Write down the structural formula of ethanol and give its name under the IUPAC system, (iv) Give the balanced chemical equations when ‘+ ethanol reacts with sodium metal + ethanol reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid at 180°C. Note: Name the products in each reaction. (Snark) 5. (a) The following list of elements is arranged in order of an ACTIVITY SERIES, Na, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, H, Ca, He. ‘From these elements, name reacts with cold water insteam but doss not react with cold water (ii) any other element which reacts when heated in steam, {iv) aa element which has oxide which decomposes on heating (9) those elements which do not displace hydrogen from dilute hydrochloric actd. (6 marks) (©) Write balanced chemical equation when (i ansmed metal in (a) (2) above reacts with cold water. (Gi) an oxide ofthe named element in (a) (iv) above is heated. (4 marks) oca2t 4 8 naa 5 SECTION C (45 Marks) ‘Answer question number 6 and any other TWO (2) questions from this section (a) Name four (4) forms of organic manures which are commonly available in Tanzania. (4 marks) (0) In what ways does the addition of organic manures affect the condition of the soil?” (6 marks) (©) Gi) State thee (3) types of mineral fertilizers which are commonly used in Tanzani (Gi) Indicate the nutrient element provided by each of the mineral fertilizers siated in c(i) above. (6 marks) (a) Define the following terms (i) Exothermic reaction (i) Endothermic reaction (4 marks) (b) State Le Chatetlier’s principle. (@ marks) (6) The equation for te dissociation of calcium carbonste is CaCO; ——S x0 +CO, AH = =175.5 mol" Sap What will be the effect on the proportion of calcium carbonate in the equilibrium miature if (i) the temperature is increessd (Gi) the pressure is increased? ‘What is the necessary condition for manufacturing calcium oxide from calcium carbonate in large scale? (8 marks) (a) By naming the reagents, stating the concitions whenever possible and writing a balanced equation for cach, describe how ethene could be converted into (i) ethane (Gi) chloroethane Gil) 1.2 dibromoethane dy) ethanol (12 marks) (©) Give the balanced equatiors showing how the following substances may be obtained: ‘An acid from an alcohol (i) An ester from an acid. G marks) (a) State: @ Charles" law Gi) Boyle's law of gases. (© marks) (0) Write the equation of state of an ideal gas. @ marks) (© A.gas occupies 90 em’ at 11°C and S50 mmHg. At what temporaturs will it have a volume of 80 cm? if the pressure is adjusted 10 750 mmHg? marks) 10, Study carefully the figure below and then answer the questions which follow: * (a) Name the apparatus. (© Name the ove used in this process. (©) Is the clement in (b) a metal or non-metal! Ss mess > i= i—— F nc os os aedipegeencngt were a ee ind

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